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Trading the Star Trek Way

When you decide to enter a position in the market, because you expect to profit, you can't take other positions with that same capital. Hopefully the decision you took was the best one, and was the one with the most profit potential. If your trade goes wrong and you incurred in a loss you should deal with it in a mature way.<br>http://wedidreviewforyou.com/ethereum-code-review/<br><br>https://diethours.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-review/<br><br>https://diethours.com/super-affiliate-system-review/<br>

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Trading the Star Trek Way

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  1. Trading the Star Trek Way Having the right information from the beginning is very important. It will help you advance very fast and avoid a lot of pain in your learning process. Look for a system that operates in a mechanical way, that leaves nothing to interpretation and learn it!! In the mid part of the year 2007 I was involved in a serious accident. Fifty percent of my body was burned in an explosion. To make a long story short when I was in the emergency room and my mother asked me how I was feeling; I answered: "Well... If I die, please make sure they don't charge you full price for the cremation." This is a true story. If you need proof send me a mail, and I'll send you back pictures of my scars. The reason I am telling you this is because I want you to understand how the mind of an economist works. We are always looking for ways to optimize; to do the most with the resources that we have. We don't waste anything. Economics is the science of election (Although it is an empirical science; we do use the scientific method). That means that because the resources you have, no matter how big, are limited and you need to make the best possible decisions when using them. When you take a decision you are leaving other options out. That other option is called opportunity cost and you need to be aware of it. For example: when you get married you won't be able to see your old girlfriends any more (hopefully); in this case your old girlfriends represent your opportunity cost. Same thing when you choose to skip your first class for 5 minutes more of sleep. http://wedidreviewforyou.com/ethereum-code-review/ https://diethours.com/the-lost-book-of-remedies-review/ https://diethours.com/super-affiliate-system-review/

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