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Department of Marketing and Logistics Lviv Polytechnic National University

"Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of European experience" Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modules 2019. Department of Marketing and Logistics Lviv Polytechnic National University.

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Department of Marketing and Logistics Lviv Polytechnic National University

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  1. "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of European experience" Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modules 2019 Department of Marketing and LogisticsLviv Polytechnic National University

  2. Background of the projectThe needs associated with dissemination of the experience of the best European practices in logistics and supply chain management are confirmed by requests from the side of:

  3. Objectives (іn relation to the general objectives of the Jean Monnet Activities)

  4. Target group

  5. Beneficiary Organisation Department of Marketing and Logistics is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Economics and Management of LPNU, founded in 1945 (the modern name since 2003). The department consists of 38 scientific and pedagogical workers, of which 3 are Doctors of Science and 32 PhDs in Economics. Students, along with studying at LPNU, study according to the double diploma program in Poland, practice at enterprises abroad. During the last 10 years the department has provided: • successful graduating of over 300 bachelors and over 300 masters in logistics and over 600 bachelors and 200 masters in marketing • 54 educational publications and 43 monographs were published • participation of 21 scientific and pedagogical workers in research and educational projects in cooperation with European educational institutions, Polish and German in particular. Department of Marketing and Logistics: Lviv, Mytropolyta Andreya str., 3 Phone: +380322 582 625 Wed-page: http://ml.lp.edu.ua/ fb: https://www.facebook.com/ml.nulp/ Department of Marketing and Logistics

  6. Participants of the project Yevhen KrykavskyyChair holder Olena Pokhylchenko Member of the teaching staff Nataliya Chornopyska Module leader Nataliya Hayvanovych Academic coordinator Sofia Leonova Member of the teaching staff Oksana Dovhun Member of the teaching staff

  7. Teaching the discipline "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissamination of European Experience" • Scientific and Practical Conference "Marketing and Logistics in Management System" • Student Scientific and Technical Conference • LOGISTICS DAY • Summer School • Excursions Plan and specific activities of the project2019-2022

  8. Topic 1. Logistics is an instrument of market economy. Experience of European countries in the application of logistics Topic 2. Fundamental principles of logistics. Topic 3. Supply chains. Principles of supply chains functioning in the context of European integration Topic 4. Integration of logistics processes in supply chains: experience of logistics development in EU countries Topic 5. Logistics in the strategic development of supply chains: features of logistics development in EU countries Topic 6. Efficiency of supply chains: the best examples of European logistics practice Topic 7. Achievement of competitive advantages by supply chains: European experience Topic 8. Prospects for the development of logistics and supply chains in Europe and in the world. The program of the discipline "Logistics and Supply Chain Management:Dissemination of European Experience"

  9. Details about participants: Academic coordinator • PhD, Associate Professor • Teach courses: Information systems and technologies in Logistics, Marketing Research, Marketing of an industrial enterprise, Project Management. • 2016 – defended a PhD thesis in the speciality Economics and Management of Enterprise on the topic "The development strategy of business enities in the distribution systems". • Main publications: • Logistics systems// Manual. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. Lviv. 2012, 312 p. • Logistics: compendium and practice// Manual. Publishing House “Condor”. Kyiv 2009, 312 p. • The internalization of the concept of green logistics in the supply chain// Part • of Collective Monography “Innovational Logistics: concepts, models, • mechanisms” (2015, p.130-151). Kyiv. • Trends and perspectives of logistics market of Ukraine // Journal “Logistics” (2012, № 735, p. 244-251). Lviv. • «Logistics passport»Ukraine in global competition // Journal “Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and development problems” (2013, №769 p.324-331). Lviv. • Professional logistician’s portrait: marketing research // Journal “Logistics” (2018, № 892, p. 256-261). Lviv. Nataliya Hayvanovych

  10. Chair holder • Dr., Professor • Teach courses: Information systems and technologies in Logistics, Marketing Research, Marketing of an industrial enterprise, Project Management. • 1997 - defended a doctoral dissertation thesis on the topic "Formation of the economic potential of the enterprise on the basis of logistic concepts” • 1983 - defended a PhD thesis on the topic "Economic issues of improving the management of the maintenance system" • Main publications: • 1. Logistics and Supply Chain Management // Manual (2017, 804 p.). Lviv. • 2. Economy of logistics // Collective manual (2014, 640 p.). Lviv. • 3. Logistics for economists // Manual (2014, 476 р.). Lviv. • 4. Logistics systems // Manual (2012, 312 p.). Lviv. • 5. Logistics: compendium and practice// Manual (2009, 312 p.). Kyiv • 6. Sustainable Supply chain in forming macro responsibility // Part in Monograph (2017, p. 3-17). Springer International Publishing, Poznan (Poland). • 7. Social responsibility in logistics activity of enterprises // Part in Monograph (2017, p.253-281). Bielsko-Biala (Poland). • 8. Conceptual guidelines for marketing and logistics management of supply chains // X International Scientific and Practice Conference “Innovative marketing and innovations in marketing” (2016, p.136-138). Sumy. • 9. Industrial supply chains: between effectiveness and responsibility // Actual problems of economy (2016, № 5(179), p. 30-42). • 10. Conflict of goals occurs at all levels of supply chain management // Actual Problems of Economics, № 2 (2015, p.18-26). Kyiv. • 11. Process identification in a supply chain as the basis for synergy of innovative solutions // Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie (2015, Tom 16, Numer 5 (1), pp. 23-42). Lodz – Warszawa (Poland). • 12. In search ways for the improvement of the existing supply chains // Current problems in management (2015, p. 105-118). Bielsko-Biala (Poland). • 13. Materail flows in logistics of industrial enterprise: monograph (2015, 252 p.). Lviv. Yevhen Krykavskyy

  11. Module leader • PhD, Associate Professor • Teach courses (Department of Marketing and Logistics): Teach courses: Logistics, Logistics Management, Strategic Management, Logistics systems. • 2002 - defended aPhD. Thesis title: "Management of industrial enterprise on principles of information maintance improving of materials flows" • Main publications: • 1. Logistics systems// Manual (2012, 312 p.). Lviv. • 2. Economy of logistics// Collective manual (2014, 640 p.). Lviv. • 3. The internalization of the concept of green logistics in the supply chain //Part of Collective Monography “Innovational Logistics: concepts, models, mechanisms” (2015, p.130-151). Kyiv. • 4. E-commerce logistics // Part of Collective Monography “Trade entrepreneurship: mechanisms of development and finantional support” (2015, p. 256-263). Lviv. • 5. Professional logistician’s portrait: marketing research // Journal “Logistics” (2018, № 892, p. 256-261). Lviv. • 6. «Logistics passport»Ukraine in global competition // Journal “Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and development problems” (2013, №769 p.324-331). Lviv. • 7. Quality of logistics: research of 3pl market in Ukraine// Proceedings of the ХІI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Marketing and Logistics in the system of management” (2018. – p. 264-265.). Lviv. • 8. Logistics: work without education?!/ // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Enterprise Strategy” (2017. – p. 258-259.). Kyiv. Nataliya Chornopyska

  12. Member of the teaching staff PhD, Associate Professor • Teach courses: Finance, Financial analysis, Insurance services. • PhD -Thesis Title “The concept of the cluster in increasing the competitiveness of woodworking enterprises", specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and Enterprise Management (by the types of economic activity) • Main publications: 1.Logistics and Supply Chain Management //Manual (2017, 804 p.). Lviv. 2.Economy of logistics // Collective manual (2014, 640 p.). Lviv. 3.Integration the balancedscorecard into diagnostical apparats of supply chains // Part in Monography (2018, p.200-220). Symu. 4.‘Efficiency’ and ‘Effectiveness’ in Supply Chain Management // Przedsiębiorczość i zarządzanie. Zarządzanie - nowe perspektywy z udziałem e-technologii. (2017. Tom XVIII, zeszyt 10, część 1, p. 217-228). Lodz – Warszawa (Poland). 5.In search ways for the improvement of the existing supply chains // Current problems in management (2015, p. 105-118). Bielsko-Biala (Poland). 6. Conflict of goals occurs at all levels of supply chain management // Actual Problems of Economics, № 2 (2015, p.18-26). Kyiv. 7.Supply chain - ex adverso traditional enterprise // Scientific notes of Lviv University of Business and Law. - 2014. - № 12. - pp. 297-311. 8.Logistic passport of the country contra «logistyczation» // Logistics (2012, № 749, p. 549-556). Lviv. Olena Pokhylchenko

  13. Member of the teaching staff Senior lecturer, PhD • Teach courses: Production logistics, Logistics of e-commerce, Financial management, Commodity innovation policy and others. • 2015 – defended a PhD. Thesis Title: «The formation of the system of contractual relations at the investment process of machine-building enterprises». • Main publications: 1. Logistics controlling // Teaching manual (2018, 200 p.). Lviv. 2. Automation of logistics: modern solutions and perspectives // Scientific Journal of Uzhgorod University (2017, Series: "Economics", Issue 2 (50), p.187-191). Uzhhorod. 3. Paradigms of logistic controlling // Problems of training of professional personnel in logistics in a global competitive environment (2017). Kyiv. 4. Current changes that have an impact for the development of logistics // Economic development of the state, regions and enterprises: problems and perspectives (2017, p.32-33). Lviv. 5. Preconditions for responsible marketing of SMEs on the national market of clothing // Przedsiebiorczosc i Zarządzanie: Nauka dla praktyki gospodarczej i samorządowej. Aplikacyjne walory teorii i instrumentów zarządzania (2017, Tom 18, Zeszyt 3, Część II, p.67–75). Lodz. 6. Trend aspects of cost management and controlling at enterprises // Scientific Journal «Logistic» (2016, p.54-61). Lviv. 7. Adaptability of investment activity of industrial enterprises // European applied sciences # 2 (2014, p. 150-153). Stuttgart. Oksana Dovhun

  14. Member of the teaching staff Senior lecturer, PhD • Teach courses: Economic-mathematical methods and models, Economic-mathematical methods and models in logistics, Optimization methods and models in transport logistics, Information systems and technologies in marketing, Economic-mathematical methods and models in marketing, Marketing modeling. • 2013 - defended a PhD. Thesis Title: “Identification and evaluation of potential transformation in human capital workers of industrial enterprises”, specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and Enterprise Management (by the types of economic activity) • Main publications: 1. The specific of supply chains’ standards harmonization of Ukraine with EU requirements // Economics, Business and Management (2018, № 4 (15)). 2. Coaching as a tool for developing the competencies of the modern logistics manager // Economy and Society (2017, №10, р. 298-304). 3. Socially responsible marketing: the realities and prospects of implementation // Logistics (2015, № 833, p. 153-159). 4. The main aspects of implementing the concept of "smart organization" in the industrial enterprise // Scientific notes of Lviv University of Business and Law. - 2012. - № 9. - pp. 55-59. 5. Economics of logistic systems // Collective monograph (2008, 596 p.), Lviv. 6. Logistic aspects of the formation of a rational cost structure of the enterprise// Logistics (2006, № 552, р.404-410). Sofia Leonova

  15. … To be continued …

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