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Translators for NGOs

Translators for NGOs. Attila Piróth The Solidarités team of ProZ.com www.ProZ.com/team/664 ProZ.com Regional Conference Aix-en-Provence, November 2007. Outline. Motivation Workflow Pilot Projects ProZ.com’s Infrastructure Future Plans Questions and Answers. Motivation.

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Translators for NGOs

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  1. Translators for NGOs Attila Piróth The Solidarités team of ProZ.com www.ProZ.com/team/664 ProZ.com Regional ConferenceAix-en-Provence, November 2007

  2. Outline • Motivation • Workflow • Pilot Projects • ProZ.com’s Infrastructure • Future Plans • Questions and Answers Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  3. Motivation Newbies: How to get first references? Advice: Through free work for NGOs • Using the job as reference, portfolio material • Free: Little competition with established TRs • NGOs: Free work for them is justifiable to future clients Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  4. Motivation What would be the best framework? • Working in a team networking is attractive for established translators • Working with experienced colleagues much like ProZ.com’s mentoring program • Getting feedbackwithout conflict of interest between TR and ED • Learning new skills • Having comfortable deadlines Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  5. Motivation Few paid jobs meet these criteria • About 200,000 registered ProZians • Some voluntary work for networkinglocalization of ProZ.com, T4Kids • Hundreds of thousands of hours of work... If this approach can be made attractive Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  6. Workflow • Preparation of the material • Translation + glossary building • Editing • Glossary unification • Updating translation • Proof-reading • After delivery Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  7. Workflow • Preparation of the material(esp. if team is large) • Selecting glossary entries in source doc possibly using term extraction tool • Should be done before distributing the doc • Requires (2 or more) terminology managers Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  8. Workflow • Translation + glossary building • Done by translators getting established • Encouraged to use CAT tools • Close one-on-one cooperation with editor • Forum discussion with other team members Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  9. Workflow • Editing • Done by experienced translatorsATA exam correctors? • Detailed feedback to translatorlike in mentoring program • Getting to know the work of several TRs facilitating future cooperation Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  10. Workflow • Glossary unification • Published glossary good reference • Networking among contributors • A lot of communication is needed- TM: communication and organizational skills - ProZ.com’s infrastructure (forums, KudoZ) • Schedule Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  11. Workflow • Updating translation • Done by each translator • Absolutely necessary to ensure consistent terminology • Some participants might ignore itTR’s work is not finished when sending TR to ED • Schedule Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  12. Workflow • Proof-reading • Necessary to ensure consistent style • Stylistic, formatting, etc. questions discussed during translation - PR: communication and organizational skills - ProZ.com’s infrastructure (forums, KudoZ) • Schedule Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  13. Workflow • After delivery • Publishing glossary • Feedback to participants, references - ProZ.com’s infrastructure: WWA, project history - PM: availability - Reference on NGO’s website, etc. • Preparing translation memory from final files Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  14. Workflow Complex workflow • Assures high quality • Participants can learn • Requires a lot of communication • Makes use of ProZ.com’s infrastructure • Can be realized in a pro bono project (only) Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  15. Pilot Projects For Solidarités (www.solidarites.org) • 3 projects, altogether 100,000 words • 2 Fr-En, 1 En-Fr • About 50 participants • 2 glossaries, over 400 entries each (See details in my profile) Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  16. Pilot Projects En-Fr project: USAID guidelines for applicants • Can be used by other NGOs • Almost 150 pages (~45,000 words) • Could not have been translated otherwise(Solidarités: 89,5% of budget used directly in missions) Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  17. ProZ.com’s Infrastructure • Forums, private forumssubforums in private forums • KudoZ, private KudoZ • Recruitment via job posting 100 BrowniZ for applying • Feedback through WWA and project history • Distributing information newsletter, forums Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  18. Future Plans Aim: offering linguistic aid to other NGOs AND help TRs to build their carrier • Possibility for participants to try all phases TR, ED, TM, PR, PM – ready to launch your own agency • Pilot projects in multiple languages possibly with EN as leading language • Creating participants’ database much like ProZ.com’s directory Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  19. Future Plans • Creating own site (www.t4ngos.org) • Setting up dedicated teams for specific NGOs by PMs; top-down approach • Establishing priorities for providing aid T4NGOs focuses on small humanitarian NGOs • Improving and publishing best practices • Working in close collaboration with ProZ.com’s mentoring program Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

  20. Questions and Answers Attila Piróth – Translators for NGOs

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