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Cooperatives in Agribusiness

Cooperatives in Agribusiness. Unit: Cooperative Essentials Lesson: CE2. Objectives. Lesson Objective:

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Cooperatives in Agribusiness

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  1. Cooperatives in Agribusiness Unit: Cooperative Essentials Lesson: CE2

  2. Objectives • Lesson Objective: • After completing the lesson on cooperatives in agribusiness, students will demonstrate their ability to apply the concept in real-world situations by obtaining a minimum score of 80% on the Create Your Own Cooperative Evaluation. • Enabling Objectives: • Determine a common need and set up a steering committee for a classroom or small group cooperative. • Assess feasibility and gain commitment of stakeholders for the classroom or small group cooperative. • Develop bylaws and organize the first meeting of members for the class or small group cooperative. • Ensure the classroom or small group cooperative carries out its function. 2 3

  3. Key Terms • Member-user analysis • Market analysis • Articles of Incorporation • Bylaws • Patronage • Board of Directors

  4. Carry Out Cooperative’s Function Draft Bylaws Select A Steering Committee 06 04 02 07 05 01 03 Determine A Common Need Analyze The Opportunity And Gain Commitment Conduct An Organizational Meeting Keep Members Informed

  5. Determine A Common Need 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  6. Determine the Common Need

  7. Identify the Economic Need

  8. Economic Goal or Motive of Cooperative

  9. Economic Goal or Motive of Cooperative

  10. Problems Critical To Solve • Discover what information about perceived need is available • Find all available information about cooperatives • Decide who should be invited to a meeting of potential users • Conclude how potential users should be contacted • Find an experienced co-op development advisor

  11. 2 1 3 User-Owned User-Benefitted User-Controlled Democratic Member Control Voluntary and Open Membership Education, Training and Information Autonomy and Independence Cooperation Among Cooperatives Member Economic Participation Concern for Community

  12. Determine the Common Need

  13. Select A Steering Committee 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  14. Hold An Exploratory Meeting • Question to ask during meeting: • Is there interest from prospective user-members? • When compared to other business structures, would a cooperative be the best solution to meet the need?

  15. Select A Steering Committee • Question to ask during meeting: • Who amongst us has a strong interest to help lead us through assessing the feasibility?

  16. Create Your Own Cooperative

  17. Analyze The Opportunity And Gain Commitment 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  18. Analyze The Opportunity And Gain Commitment

  19. Conduct A Member-User Analysis

  20. Conduct A Member-User Analysis

  21. Conduct Initial Market Analysis

  22. Conduct Initial Market Analysis

  23. Conduct A Feasibility Study

  24. Steps to Conducting a Feasibility Study

  25. Prepare A Business Plan

  26. Create Your Own Cooperative

  27. Draft Bylaws 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  28. Articles of Incorporation

  29. Bylaws

  30. Bylaws Include • Process for redemption of members’ equity • Consent provision that members will include the face value of written notices of allocation and per-unit retain certificates as income in the year they are received • Distribution of non- patronage income • Handling of losses • Treating nonmember business • Dissolution of the cooperative • Indemnification of directors • The process for amending bylaws • List rights and responsibilities of members • States grounds and procedures for member expulsion • How to call and conduct membership meetings • Methods of voting • How directors and officers are elected or removed • Discusses leadership’s duties, terms of office and compensation • States requirements on how to conduct business on a cooperative basis • How net margins will be distributed

  31. Patronage

  32. Create Your Own Cooperative

  33. Conduct An Organizational Meeting 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  34. Conduct An Organizational Meeting

  35. Create Your Own Cooperative

  36. Carry Out Cooperative’s Function 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  37. Initial Steps For Cooperative

  38. Create Your Own Cooperative

  39. Keep Members Informed 06 04 02 07 05 01 03

  40. Conduct Ongoing Member Relations

  41. Create Your Own Cooperative

  42. Conclusion • There are many steps in forming a cooperative. Today we discussed the importance of establishing a common need for a cooperative, assessing the feasibility of the co-op, obtaining commitment of stakeholders, developing bylaws, organizing a meeting for the cooperative leadership, and ensuring information is communicated to members. As revealed, there are a lot steps in forming a cooperative, but each is critical in achieving a successful business.

  43. Cooperative Start-Up • Create your own CD case • Front cover include a picture of your cooperative • Location • Services • Name • Back cover write the steps needed to form a cooperative • Share out

  44. Exit Cards

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