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Monitoring of OSH a key point to improve Health and Safety at Work : “A new strategy 2002-2006”

Monitoring of OSH a key point to improve Health and Safety at Work : “A new strategy 2002-2006”. Some statistical data on accidents at work in the EU :. 139 million persons in employment (in 1999) 150 million working days lost per year resulting from accidents

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Monitoring of OSH a key point to improve Health and Safety at Work : “A new strategy 2002-2006”

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  1. Monitoring of OSH a key point to improve Health and Safety at Work : “A new strategy 2002-2006”

  2. Some statistical data on accidents at work in the EU : • 139 million persons in employment (in 1999) • 150 million working days lost per year resulting from accidents • Almost 350 000 people have been forced to change jobs • Nearly 300 000 have various degrees of permanent disability • 15 000 are entirely excluded from the world of work

  3. ESAW data

  4. ESAW data

  5. ESAW data

  6. ESAW data

  7. The new Community policy on Healthand Safetyat Work : • Global approach to well-being at work • Consolidating a culture of risk prevention • Combining various political instruments • Building partnerships between all players • An ambitious social policy (health and safety at work) is a competitiveness factor • Having a “Non health and safety policy” engenders costs

  8. Changes in society : • An increasingly feminised society • An ageing active population Changes in forms of employment : • Diversified forms of employment • Different types of contract & seniority in firms • Different forms of work: part-time work, … Changes in nature of risk : • New and emerging risks: stress, violence, …

  9. Towards a new Community strategy on Health & Safety : A continuing reduction of accidents and occupational diseases Mainstreaming the gender dimension into the risk evaluation Taking account of demographic changes of population and size of firms Strengthening the prevention culture improving people’s attitude towards and knowledge of risks Better application of existing law: more effective inspection Monitoring: need of H & S W indicators and risks Observatory

  10. 2002 – 161 Council Resolution,The Council notes that : It is necessary to achieve the aim of constant improvement of “Well-being at work”. It is necessary to improve knowledge of risks in order to instil a culture of prevention and influence behaviour. The effective enforcement of Community law is a precondition for improving the quality of the working environment. Social dialogue is a key factor in finding new ways forward. It is necessary to promote the inclusion of H & S W in other Community policies. Enlargement is one of the main challenges requiring steps to ensure effective implementation of the Community “acquis”

  11. 2002 – 161 Council Resolution,The Council stresses the need to : Take into account changes in the world of work. Consolidate a risk-prevention culture Show that an effective policy on H & S W is a factor in competitiveness Base any possible Community instrument on sound knowledge of risks and prevention strategies Involve all players concerned, authorities, social partners, companies and insurers

  12. 2002 – 161 Council Resolution,The Council calls on the Member States to : Develop and implement coordinated, coherent prevention policies adapted to national conditions, with measurable targets for reducing accidents and occupational diseases. Insure better implementation of the legislation in force. Promote a development of a real culture of prevention.

  13. 2002 – 161 Council Resolution,The Council calls on the Commission and the Member States to : Step up work on harmonisation of statistics of accidents and occupational diseases to have available comparable data from which make an objective assessment of the impact and effectiveness of the measures taken under the new Community strategy.

  14. 2002 – 161 Council Resolution,The Council calls on the Commission to : Include in the social agenda scoreboard the measures to be carried out to put the strategy into practice. Submit to the Council any proposal needed for achieving the objectives set out in the new strategy. Promote cooperation between the Member States and the social partners at EU level, taking into account the enlargement. Incorporate in the annual summary report of spring European Council the relevant aspects of the strategy’s implementation.

  15. 2002 – 161 Council Resolution,The Council calls on the social partners to : • Play an active part in disseminating basic principles at EU, national, regional and individual business level. • Promote in the workplace the proper application of occupational risk-prevention principles. • Cooperate with national authorities on designing and implementing national policies. • Cooperate in designing the working environment in order to protect health and safety of workers.

  16. The role of the Bilbao OSHA in the new health and safety strategy : Set up a “Risk Observatory” in order to anticipate the risks and to evaluate trends and policy effects Organise exchanges of experiences and information, with the statistical support of EUROSTAT Integrate the candidate countries into information networks Refocus the European week on Health & Safety Establish a data base of best practices

  17. Why the need of Health and Safety indicators : To improve health and safety at work policies quantifying objectives based on data by analysis of trends at EU level To identify main health and safety problems To focus preventive actions on the most critical sectors and risks factors To reduce rates of fatal and non-fatal accidents and occupational diseases To reduce the costs of accidents ant occupational diseases

  18. How build Health and Safety indicators : Based on the systematic and/or survey data collected by Member States or others institutions. Using the EUROSTAT methodologies : ESAW, EODS and Ad-Hoc modules of LFS. Using the Dublin European working conditions survey. Using national and survey data systems. Using other sources and specific studies: OSHA, ILO, Building information on work accidents and occupational diseases at EU level.

  19. Development of H & S indicators including social-economic aspects : Analysis of causes and circumstances data of accidents at work. Analysis the causal agents and exposure criteria of the occupational diseases. Direct and indirect costs analysis of accidents Cost analysis of the prevention measures should be used to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.

  20. How the “OSH Monitoring System” could contribute to improve health and safety at work in EU : Providing information of different systems used by Member States on monitoring of Health & Safety at Work Allowing to identify priorities and develop targeted prevention policies Identifying technical specificity of monitoring systems. Avoiding the overlap of monitoring existent systems at EU and Member States level Identifying the efficiency level of the monitoring systems. Identifying costs/benefit of the monitoring systems. Avoiding comparison between Member States Setting priorities of monitoring systems Studying the transferability of the systems in MS

  21. Conclusions : Every accident, every injury, every fatality is a stark reminder that more needs to be done to protect Europe’s working women and men. The new Strategy aims is to reduce the current unacceptable rate of occupational accidents and diseases by using a combination of traditional and innovative instruments at EU and national levels Many tools at EU and national levels must be used to improve H&SW involving all partners (workers, employers, insurers and authorities) .

  22. These Monitoring system should reflect reality in an easy to understand and efficient manner, providing essential elements to improve H&SW as a part of competitiveness of firms Enhancing the “Quality of work” as regards Health & Safety at Work is one of the essential components of the “Well-being at work”

  23. Health and Safety at Work is a very good business  Having a “Non-policy” on Health & Safety at Work engenders costs to the society and suffering to people 

  24. Thank for your attention DG EMPL D.5

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