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RCR - CITI Registration Instructions for UTEP Research Community

Step-by-step instructions for registration and login to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training. Accessible anytime, anywhere with internet connection.

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RCR - CITI Registration Instructions for UTEP Research Community

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  1. Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) –Registration Instructions for the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Program

  2. CITI Registration Instructions Login/ New User Registration New users click here to register Go to the CITI Website: http://www.citiprogram.org Existing users and or returning users log in here NOTE: Thisisa3rdpartywebsiteandcannotbe accessedwithyour minerslogin

  3. LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION STEP 1 For new users, please complete the registration steps (1-7) to complete your profile/account set-up on the CITI Website. Pleaseenter“UniversityofTexasatEl Paso”in the search box. All active organizations are listed. Next, Click on “ Continue to create your CITI Program Username/Password” at bottom.

  4. LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION STEP 2 Please enterfirstname,last nameandemailinformation. PLEASE USE YOUR UTEP EMAIL Next, clickon“ContinuetoStep3” NOTE:We do encourage entering a secondary email address. It will assist in the recovery of your account if you forget your username/ password and no longer have access to your primary email address.

  5. LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION STEP 3 Pleasecreateamemorableusernameand passwordforeaseofreturningtothis training site. Chooseyourdesiredsecurity questionand answer. Next, Click“ContinuetoStep4”

  6. LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION STEP 4 Select your country of residence. Next, click“ContinuetoStep5”

  7. LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION STEP 5 ClickonthedesiredContinuingEducationUnit (CEU)creditoptions,if interestedin receiving credits. ThisisnotrequiredforRCR training. Click“No”, if notinterestedin CEU credits. AnswerCITI survey questions. Click“ContinuetoStep6”

  8. LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION STEP 6 Pleasefill-outthe requiredinformationpertainingto UTEP. Note:PleaseuseyourUTEPE-mailforthe “Institutional emailaddress”. Clickon“ContinuetoStep7”below.

  9. STEP 7 LOGIN/ NEW USER REGISTRATION Please select “Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR)” checkbox and click “Next”

  10. Please make your selection below and click “Next”

  11. Click on “Finalize Registration”

  12. START YOUR COURSE Click on “View Courses” to start your training and select the course

  13. VIEW/ PRINT YOUR COMPLETION REPORT Click on “View Previously Completed Coursework” Then, click on “View-Print-Share” to view, print or share your completion report.

  14. CITI REGISTRATION BENEFITS • WebBased training siteavailableanytimeandanywherewhereinternetisavailable. • Eliminates4annualinstitutionaltrainingmodules • Renewal trainingrequiredevery4years • Useis freetoUTEPusercommunity once affiliated • Comprehensivetraining siteforUTEPresearchcommunitythatis developedoutofthe collectivewisdomof200+ institutions acrossthenation. • UTEPresearchcommunityis compliantwithFederal,UTSystem,andUTEPpolicies, regulations,andrules. • Traineeshavetheoptiontoprinttheircompletion report/certificate,anytime,fromanyplace. • Certificationorcompletion reportis transferable,andisacceptedbyotherinstitutionsas verificationoftraining. Helpful tips & links: • Must take the full RCR course (completion certificate valid for 4 years). • Please use your UTEP email when registering the Institutional email information. • https://support.citiprogram.org/ • https://about.citiprogram.org/en/faqs/ • https://about.citiprogram.org/en/contact-us/ OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND SPONSORED PROJECTS

  15. CITI REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Contact us Pleasecontact usat: utepresearchtraining@utep.edu forany questionsorconcernsregardingtheUTEP-CITIcompliancetrainingrequirement OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND SPONSORED PROJECTS

  16. www.utep.edu

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