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Strogyloides stercoralis

Strogyloides stercoralis. -tropical regions. -fatal opportunistic pathogen. -female embedded in the mucosa. -females are parthenogenetic . -males. -stages. -habitat. Clinical features. A-Intestinal strongyloidiasis :

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Strogyloides stercoralis

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  1. Strogyloidesstercoralis

  2. -tropical regions. -fatal opportunistic pathogen. -female embedded in the mucosa. -females are parthenogenetic. -males. -stages. -habitat.

  3. Clinical features A-Intestinal strongyloidiasis: 1-Acute: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, GIT bleeding, pruritisani. 2-Chronic: protein losing enteropathy, malabsorbtion, paralytic ileus.

  4. b-Extraintestinalstrongyloidiasis: 1-Pulmonary: Loffler's syndrome, cough, dyspnea, haemoptesis, eosinophilia. 2-Cutaneous: rash, pruritis, larva currens. 3-Neurological: infection of brain and meninges. 4-Other organs: liver, spleen, kidney, ovary, pancreas, heart, prostate, thyroid.

  5. Causes of death a-Hyperinfection especially with pulmonary and cerebral involvement. 2-Bacteremia: bacteria enter along with the larvae. 3-Generalized peritonitis and paralytic ileus.

  6. Diagnosis 1-symptoms of peptic ulcer and peripheral eosinophilia. 2-Directstool examination: • -active rhabditoiformlarvea. • -filariform larvae a day or more before examination of stool. • -Adults worms are occasionally seen. 3-Concentrated method of stool: Bermann's method. 4-The larvae can detected insputum, urine, ascetic fluid and CSF in disseminated forms of infection. 5-Serological tests: ELISA, IFAT. 6-Eosinophilia in blood examination.

  7. Treatment • Thiabendazole. • In severe cases of hyperinfection , the drug may need more period.

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