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Where & Why – Pattern & Process

This chapter explores the fundamental concepts of human geography, including patterns, processes, and impacts of human activities on the landscape. It also discusses the scientific approach and introduces various tools, such as remote sensing and GIS, used in geographic research.

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Where & Why – Pattern & Process

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  2. Egeo 201: Human GeographyChapter One Contemporary Geography by James Rubenstein Where & Why – Pattern & Process

  3. Human Geography • Is a science that deals with three questions: Where are things – that is it looks at and for PATTERNS or where, second Why/How things exist at a specific location – that is it looks at and for PROCESSES that created the patterns, finally it considers why they are Significant – that is what are the IMPACTS of something at a given location. • Go to slides on definition building • An introduction to Human Geography http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ce4P05TrNQ&feature=related What is Geography http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv2pLYTkwG4&feature=related

  4. Human Geography • The investigation is done using the SCIENTIFIC method (can include hypothesis testing) • As Geography this is done across the LANDSCAPE (face of the earth)

  5. Human Geography • Five points to remember • Pattern (where) • Process (why how) • Impact (why bother) • Scientific Approach • Landscape (face of earth)

  6. Some cool videos What is Geography – good music and nice pictures http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv2pLYTkwG4&feature=related An introduction to Human Geography – more academic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ce4P05TrNQ&feature=related Why should I care about Geography? -- fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl8OOIxKYk8Whys Why study geography https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_a5OLScri0 – feel good, even Prince William studied Geography as well as Michael Jordan

  7. Must see Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_pw8duzGUg

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mj8MTWZX4M

  9. But what jobs do Geographers do???? Click here http://www.aag.org/cs/what_geographers_do

  10. Pattern: Crop Circles • What are these strange patterns • By what process were they created • What does this tell us about society in the UK?

  11. Process: Is there intelligent life here on earth? • Investigating Crop Circles –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pDmrWwPhpg • See very beginning then skip to minute 3:00

  12. Impact – Who Cares? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2ZxVqdZIiw

  13. Mapping – Providing Location Terms to know • Scale • Projection • Geographic Grid – Lat. Long., time zones • Remote sensing • GIS • GPS • Mash-ups

  14. Outline of Additional Concepts • Where (Using geography to locate) • Location • Absolute • Geocodes, coordinate systems, addresses, place names… • Relative • Example “turn where the cow is standing in the field” or Nebraska is next to Kansas or the Performing Arts center is across the street from the library • Why/What (Using geography to describe & make choices) • Site & Situation Next to cow standing in the field

  15. Where • Maps show us where things are

  16. Why/What • Variety of tools available they include • Uniqueness of Location/Places • Uniqueness of Regions • Distribution of Features • Connections and Interactions between Places • Historical or Cultural effects

  17. Uniqueness of Location/Places • Descriptive Characteristics • Site • Situation • Location Characteristics • Toponyms • Mathematical Location

  18. Site (describe the Place) • Internal descriptors at a place • Physical – includes climate, topography, quality of soil, existence of natural harbor… • Human Impacts – includes built environment, local cultural impacts, long-term changes due to human occupation

  19. Steps in determining SITE characteristics • Establish clear boundaries around a geographic area or region (“circle the area”) • Political bounds • Natural bounds • Other – market area for an airport or shopping center • Inside the bounded area evaluate/describe characteristics that are contained in the area • Could be natural resources • Natural features – hills, rivers, caves… • Human features – roads, housing type, income… • Etc…

  20. Site Examples Whatcom County (political bounds) • Recreational Opportunities: Ocean and Mountain venues • Rainy but Mild Climate • Region dissected by streams, rivers and wetlands • Mainly single family housing • Contains coal and forest resources

  21. Situation (placement on Network) External Relations – linkages between place being studied and it surroundings Think Network and links

  22. Steps in determining SITUATION characteristics • Think of a network (like a spider web of activities) • Describe how the location you are focusing on relates to all other locations on the network – hubs and spokes

  23. Steps in determining SITUATION characteristics 0. Think of a spider web (mental image) • Change your entities/places (i.e. places) into points • Locate/Draw connections between the points (building your web or network) • For each point on this network describe how well it is interconnected: • extremes are end-points (dead ends) • centers are hubs (connections between numerous points) • connectors between are spokes (or “paths”)

  24. Situation Examples • Access to Economic Inputs – e.g. connections to oil fields • Location on travel routes – airline hub and spoke system or interstates

  25. Cushing, OK and Edmonton, AL Oil Hubs

  26. Example Using Battle of Gettysburg Step Back first – Civil War Regions Pattern – Process Toponyms

  27. Examples of Situation and Site Gettysburg movie part 1 Situation – “…all the roads converge here…what is the name of this town?” General Lee Start around minute 11:00 stop about 13:00 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x25l4m_gettysburg-movie-part-1_events General Buford – best d** ground I’ve seen all day – the Devil to pay… the high ground -- 15:47 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x267h7_gettysburg-part-2_people Col. Chamberlain -- Charge down little round top … we’ll have the advantage of moving down the hill… -- 0:07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYDhAmjmxYk

  28. Gettysburg – Site --local features – high ground

  29. Gettysburg – Situation – Hub for a network of roads

  30. Video of Gettysburg Map CosmosEarthManBagua Gettysburg - maps CosmosEarthManBagua https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ungwiDF4oBE

  31. Example 2 • Battle of Covadonga 722 AD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-0fhO0Jeu4

  32. Toponyms • Naming a place on landscape – helps recognizing WHERE • Also can show political dominance or ownership • Rough rules Generally naming is based on the following historical progression 1. Natural features (note the remaining Salish names in our region, followed by names left by the Vancouver Expedition, for example Whatcom Creek and Bellingham Bay) 2. Settlements (the lack of large permanent Native American settlements, left this task to primarily European & American settlers) 3. Roads (In Bellingham primarily a late 19th early 20th century task -- note the prominence of State names and even a section of town where streets are named after the Great Lakes (where do you think these people or developers came from?)) 4. Parks, Schools, Public Facilities,... (primarily a 20th century to recent task -- note the recent name change from Washington National Airport the Ronald Reagan Airport) 5. Anything that's left over or CHANGE NAMES or added (in Seattle we now have the "Gov. Rosaylene Bridge at Evergreen Point" rather than the original Evergreen Point Bridge or the T-Mobile Park in Seattle some day we might have '" your name here" Recycling Bin in the President Shepard Coffee Shop at the Multiculural Addition of the Western Student Union" )

  33. How to Organize Space & Describe Space • Regions – relate more to process then pattern • Distribution – descriptors that help us understand patterns

  34. Regions -- spatial organizing tool • Functional or Nodal – organized around a node of focal point – television station market (not satellite), baseball team fan base • Formal or Uniform – everything inside shares common characteristic – country with citizens inside (ignore foreign residents) • Vernacular or Perceptual – exist in minds of people as cultural identity – “Midwest” in the US

  35. Functional Region: Television Markets - organized around a node of focal point – broadcast signal (note the outlines of the states and counties are formal regions) based on a function tv

  36. Formal Region from 2008 election County Level Retuns -- everything inside shares common characteristic

  37. Formal Region from 2008 election State Level Retuns -- everything inside shares common characteristic

  38. Formal Region from 2008 election -- everything inside shares common characteristic -- note difference if controlled for by population -- Cartogram http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2008/stateelecredblue1024.png

  39. 2016 Election – County Level with Cartograph http://metrocosm.com/election-2016-map-3d/

  40. Good Cartographic Study of 2016 Election – County Level Three Colors More Details: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2016/ Washington Post Article 2012 Election https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/how-election-maps-lie/

  41. Vernacular Region: “The South” -- exists in minds of people as cultural identity

  42. Above is a map of the fan base (i.e. market area) for ML Baseball teams, what kind of regions are these? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/24/upshot/facebook-baseball-map.html?_r=0

  43. What kind of Regions?

  44. Class Exercise: Vernacular Region – The West • Break into groups of about 3 • View the following map and decide what states belong to the region called “The West” in the US • Turn in a sheet of paper with your names and a list of Western states in alphabetic order

  45. Add the Vernacular South to the Formal Voting Pattern Region

  46. Distribution - Density – count of objects in a given land area - Concentration – clustered versus dispersed - “Geometric” Pattern – geometric arrangement of objects across space – regular versus irregular or random pattern

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