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Y ear 5 Autumn 2013 Kensuke’s Kingdom A boy is stranded on a tropical desert island

Numeracy Language of probability, construct frequency tables, pictograms and bar and line graphs, finding the mode Collecting, organising, presenting and interpret data to answer related questions, estimating and measuring Metric units, conversions Readings from scales

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Y ear 5 Autumn 2013 Kensuke’s Kingdom A boy is stranded on a tropical desert island

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  1. Numeracy Language of probability, construct frequency tables, pictograms and bar and line graphs, finding the mode Collecting, organising, presenting and interpret data to answer related questions, estimating and measuring Metric units, conversions Readings from scales Addition/subtraction of whole numbers and decimals HTU × U, TU × U, U.t × U and HTU ÷ U Solving multi-step problems, using a calculator where appropriate, estimating and checking results Equivalence of fractions, percentages, fractions and percentages of quantities Literacy Study of a significant children’s author- Michael Morpurgo- Kensuke’s Kingdom will be read as a shared whole class story- a boy sails around the world with his parents until he is stranded on a tropical island with only Kensuke to care for him. Exploring common themes and settings in Michael Morpurgo’s books Looking at key characters and how direct and indirect speech are used. Using texts as models for their own writing. Persuasive writing- exploring techniques used in advertising, writing an advert to persuade Mr Squire to buy a new gadget belt. Filming an advert for a customisedsanta hat Art/DT Painting seascapes/ islands. Views through portholes. Using marbling to recreate water. Studying and reproducing work by Japanese artists e.g. The wave by Hukasai. Cherry blossom paintings Designing, making and evaluating a new hat for santa. Customising a santa hat using textiles and a variety of sewing techniques. ICT Use MORFO app on iPads to create animated account of the voyage. Creating our own desert island discs show Using google maps to search and track Michaels voyage Year 5 Autumn 2013 Kensuke’s Kingdom A boy is stranded on a tropical desert island R.E/ Music/ SMSC links Families and friendship, ways they support us and how it feels to loose people. Creating our own desert island discs show Popular music on our island Christmas production- the true meaning of Christmas Humanities Using maps- world map identify and name continents and oceans. Early ideas about the world- flat earth, early maps, famous explorers. Making maps and models of the island, using compass directions, describing geographical features, finding Kensuke’s kingdom on real maps/ Google Earth Create an imaginary island kingdom- create settlements, features, customs, history etc, debate issues Science Collect a variety of seeds and identify method of dispersal. Look for examples of germination, complete life cycle and look at structure of flowering plants. Link to other life cycles. Look at examples of tropical plants found in Kensuke’s Kingdom. Life cycles of fish, insects(mosquitos) and mammals (Orang-Utans) What Natural materials will burn? How did Michael build his watch fire? What problems will he have? Global dimensions The desire to travel and explore. Japanese culture- what do we know what can we learn? What do we need to survive on an island?

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