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The ITU Conformity and Interoperability Programme: Status

The ITU Conformity and Interoperability Programme: Status. TSAG-12 C&I Informative Session Geneva, 12 January 2012. Paolo Rosa & Riccardo Passerini, ITU. PP-10 Res. 177 on C&I. Endorsement Resolution 76, Resolution 47 and decisions of Council-09

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The ITU Conformity and Interoperability Programme: Status

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  1. The ITU Conformity and Interoperability Programme: Status TSAG-12 C&I Informative Session Geneva, 12 January 2012 Paolo Rosa & Riccardo Passerini, ITU

  2. PP-10 Res. 177 on C&I • EndorsementResolution 76, Resolution 47 and decisions of Council-09 • C&I programme to be implemented in parallel and without any delay • Parallel development of along-term business plan in consultation with each region • Assist developing countries in establishing regional or subregional conformity and interoperability centres • Studies in view to introducing the use of ITU Mark for a possible future ITU Mark programme

  3. The ITU C&I Programme(Council 2011) • Four Pillars: • TSB lead: • Conformity database • Interoperability events • BDT lead: • Capacity building • Establishment of test centres in developing countries.

  4. The ITU Conformity Database Informative and voluntary databaseopen both to members and non-membersforconforming products Adoption of international ISO/IECstandards and guidelines or self-assessment approach On-lineinputs directly made by Companies ITU Liability: ITU is not participating in any testing/certification activities Products conforming to standards increase the probability of interoperability

  5. Some other existing DBs • IEEE – ICAP Product Conformance Registry + Labs www.ieee-isto.org/icap-program/products • Open Mobile Alliance – Products Listingwww.openmobilealliance.org/Application/ProductListing/products • FCC part 68 - www.fcc.gov/wcb/iatd/part68faqs.pdf Doc.:FCC – 00 – 171 Notice of proposed rulemaking and https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm • WiMAX Forum Spectrum and Regulatory Database: www.wimaxforum.org/resources/wimax-forum-spectrum-and-regulatory-database • Wi-Fi certified products database: www.wifi.org/certified_products.php • Global Certification Forum (GCF) http://www.globalcertificationforum.org/WebSite/public/home_public.aspx

  6. ……from WiMax Forum…

  7. Conformity Assessment Testing Routes ISO/IEC assessment and self assessment procedures. Route 1: Accredited Testing Laboratories Route 2: Accredited Certification Bodies Route 3: Laboratories recognized by ITU A.5 qualified SDO or Forum or Consortium and other Organization signatory of an MoU with the ITU. Route 4: for ITU members only. Any 1st, 2nd or 3rd party lab

  8. Four routes to populate conformity DB ISO/IEC Assessment Procedures Self-assessment Procedures Route 3 Route 4 Route 1 Route 2 ConformityAssessment & Certification Tests performed in a lab selected by an ITU-T A.5 agreed SDO/Forum/MoUs (Rec. ITU-T X.290) ITU Members Only Tests performed in a 1st, 2nd or 3rd party lab. Tests performed in a lab agreed by an Accredited Certification Body (ISO/IEC guide 65) (Rec. ITU-T X.290) Tests performed by an accredited lab (ISO/IEC 17025) (Rec. ITU-T X.290) Self-Declaration of Compliance issued by the Supplier Conformity Statement issued by the test Lab Conformity Certificate issued by the Certification Body Conformity Certificate issued by the test lab Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) (ISO/IEC 17050) ITU C&I services ITU Conformity Database

  9. Testing: Res. 76 & Study Groups • ITU-T Recommendations to address interoperability testing shall be progressed asap by the Study Groups • Conformance and Interoperability testing requirements shall provide for verification of the parameters defined by the Study Groups in ITU-T Recommendations • ITU-T Study Groups develop the necessary conformance testing ITU-T Recommendations asap

  10. C&I testing and Recommendations Guidelines to harmonize C&IStudyGroupstestdevelopmentactivities SGsexperts to decide aboutRecommendationseligible for developmentofC&Itestsuitesand to establish a Clause/Appendix for a “minimum set ofinteroperability-relatedparameters” as needed Missing test suites to be developed by ITU Study Groups experts even in coordination with other SDOs Minimize as much as possible the need of external resources and relevant funding sources to develop test suites in case of unavailability for SGs’ experts.

  11. Long-term Business PlanKPMG KPMG: an independent worldwide known consultancy, excellent credentials. Business plan based on the 4 “Pillars” and on the current ITU activities and SGs’ expertise on testing development, on capacity building opportunities and regional test centres The Business Plan is also addressing the impact that the database on BGS and on the effect and potential liability that it may have on Member States, Sector Members and stakeholders such as other SDOs Possible future ITU Mark programme

  12. Preparation Strategy (KPMG)

  13. Some elements of the Business Plan (KPMG) • AS-IS Analysis • SWOT and Gap Analysis • Options and Risk analysis • Human Resource Model • Roadmap for 2012 – 2016 • Budget/Finance

  14. The ITU Global C&I Portal One-stop-shop The ITU Conformity Database ICT laboratories database ITU Interoperability Events The ITU C&I Programme Concepts and Guidance Partnerships, SDOs, Forums, Consortia, International Organizations Accreditation, Certification, testing, MRAs ITU Capacity Building on C&I and Regional Test Centres www.itu.int/C&I

  15. Risks To Act • Resourcing update and maintenance of database and version control • Study Groups to develop test suites, consider those by other SDOs. Filling gap of missing test suites • Resourcing negotiation of partnerships and linkages with interop test houses and use/access to test results • Ability to effectively create needed expertise/capacity and test labsin developing countries in a timely way • Alienation of some sector members

  16. Risks Not to Act • Concerns from developing countries remain unaddressed, • A fundamental ITU mission goal will be missed • Members could go to competitive SDOs • Continue the erosionof the ITU’s position due to lack of the essential C&I elements in its program • New Forums, SDOs and Consortia will be created to compensate for the absence of ITU in this field

  17. ITU Interop Events on IPTV • 1st Event: Geneva, ITU headquarters, 20-23 July 2010 • 2ndEvent: Singapore, 23-24 and 27 September 2010 • 3rd Event: Pune, India, 14-17 December 2010 • 4th Event: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18-22 July 2011

  18. The Telecommunication Development Bureau Side • Capacity building • Establishment of test centres in developing countries.

  19. The Telecommunication Development Bureau Side • Meeting in the regions on the four pillars with deep consideration for test centres and Capacity Building in the Regions • Held: • Africa (Ghana) • CIS (Moscow) • Next: • Arab States • Americas

  20. Questionnaire on the status of Conformance and Interoperability of Equipment and Systems

  21. Three main groups

  22. Questionnaire: Overall results Highlighted the kind of non interoperability problems and their impacts being experienced in practice food for thought as to what areas the ITU, within its scope and mandate, can provide assistance and relief capacity building and access to expertise is an essential ingredient initiatives to promote the use of global testable standards for product implementations compliance and interoperability test events welcome

  23. Guidelines for Developing Countries for Establishing Test Labs in Different Regions Situation in the Regions Needs in Developing Countries for Test Labs Existing Test Labs and Scopes Criteria to establish Accreditation Bodies and Test Labs Steps to establish an ISO 17025 Compliant Test Lab Potential role of MRAs and MRA Frameworks Lessons Learned Funding and Training Sources Test Suite Development for C&I Testing Role and Scope of International Telecommunicatuions Testing Centres (ITTCs) Operational Procedures for ITTCs Equipment needed for Type Approval Testing Economics and Cost Implications for ITTCs Roadmap for ITTC rollout

  24. Conclusions from Guidelines The Guidelines will have the following suggestions, among others: • Members to advise the ITU of interoperability problems, their mitigation, and successful procedures that were helpful in the process • Members to establish market access requirements for telecom equipment to avoid interference, network harm and safety of life issues in their marketplace. • Members to examine their existing legislation and regulations to ensure that they enable participation in MRAs on Conformity Assessment and testing with foreign partners • Members to prioritize areas of concern related to telecommunication products and systems • Accreditation bodies in member states should become signatories of the ILAC MRA or the IAF MLA. • Regional groups such as the African region to develop a framework MRA similar to the APEC TEL MRA or the Inter-American MRA • Test centres should be established on a regional basis to take advantage of the similar networks in a region with common infrastructures

  25. ITU Training activities on C&I Dedicated exclusively to C&I (http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/tech/events/index.html) Workshop on NGN Conformity and Interoperability Testing Centre(s), Nairobi (Kenya), 2-4 August 2010 ITU Regional Seminar for the Africa Region on Conformance and Interoperability Testing Center(s), Accra (Ghana), 4-6 July 2011 ITU Regional Seminar for the CIS Countries on Conformance and Interoperability Testing Center(s), Moscow (Russian Federation, 9-11 November 2011

  26. www.itu.inthttp://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ams/CMS/index.asp Thank You !

  27. Long-term Business Plan:KPMG Profile KPMG a service provider independent from any suppliers or products, ensuring an independent view and position. KPMGs advisory services include a wide range of functional areas, such as financial planning and international benchmarking, public sector restructuring, human resource management and training, public financial management and many others. KPMG's Advisory services span the private sector, UN entities, NGOs and other Civil Society Organizations, Governments and public sector entities as well as multilateral and bilateral Aid Agencies KPMG is a global network of professional services providing audit, tax and advisory services through over 140‟000 industry-focused and talented people in over 140 countries. .

  28. Questionnaire: Fixed & Mobile networks

  29. Questionnaire: C&I issues

  30. Training and Capacity Building

  31. USEFUL LINKS • ITU C&I webpage www.itu.int/net/ITU-T/cdb • ITU Interop events webpage: www.itu.int/interop • The workshop on “Conformance and Interoperability of IPTV” Pune, India, 17 December 2010 (http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/iptv/201012/index.html) • Photos on Flickr: • 1st Event : http://www.flickr.com/photos/itupictures/sets/72157624558743282/ • 2nd Event: • http://www.flickr.com/photos/malcolm_johnson/sets/72157625339461904/with/5158278770/ • 3rd Event: http://www.flickr.com/photos/malcolm_johnson/sets/72157625959693676/ • ITU IPTV News log: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/newslog/CategoryView,category,IPTV.aspx

  32. WTSA-08 Res. 76 Res. 76: addresses the needs of Developing Countries for conformance and interoperability. Conformity is a first step to increase the probability of interoperability Identification of Labs able to carry out tests according to the ITU-T Recommendations requirements, and training programs Voluntary-based ITU program promoting compliance to ITU-T Recommendations and possible creation of an ITU-Mark

  33. WTDC Resolution 47Hyderabad, India, 2010 Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, including conformance and interoperability testing of systems manufactured on the basis of ITU Recommendations Essentially supporting and endorsing WTSA 2008 Resolution 76

  34. ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 177 (Guadalajara Oct 2010)Conformance and interoperability Reiterated essence of WTSA 2008 Res 76 Added: invites Sector Members to: a. populate the pilot conformity database according to procedures and criteria adopted by ITU-T b. participate in ITU-facilitated interoperability events; Added : further invites Member States to contribute to the next radiocommunication assembly in 2012 in order for it to consider and take appropriate actions as deemed necessary

  35. The GCF – Certification explained • Manufacturers who certify their mobile devices to GCF rules and procedures are assured that: • their products will benefit from a high degree of interoperability • time-to-market for new products is reduced using this respected 'one-stop' verification process • expensive and time-consuming duplication of testing effort can be avoided • With GCF's 'tested once, use anywhere' maxim, manufacturers can significantly reduce the requirement for operator acceptance testing if presenting GCF certified devices.

  36. Another example…the GCF DB

  37. The ITU Global C&I Portal (one-stop shop) Basic C&I Concepts The ITU C&I Governing Rules Terminology and definitions (Accreditation, certification, inspection, calibration) National Accreditation Bodies, MRAs and MLAs concepts Test only what is needed for interoperability with any recognized test procedures The ITU-T C&I Programme The ITU approach to C&I and to ITU Conformity Database The ITU Interop activities Capacity Building opportunities and Regional Test centres ITU Study Groups test suites development Worldwide Testing Labs database Cooperation with ITU-T A.5 SDOs, International Institutions and Organizations ISO, IEC, (CASCO), ILAC/IAF, BIPM, UNIDO, WTO, Accreditation Bodies, Regulators, ITU Laboratories repository, best practices for conformity testing schemes and market surveillance

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