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Ecocrop, the crop environmental requirements database;

Fifth International Safflower Conference 2001. EcoPort, the access portal to ecology knowledge;. Ecocrop, the crop environmental requirements database;. Integrated knowledge for natural resource managers and their relation to safflower.

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Ecocrop, the crop environmental requirements database;

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  1. Fifth International Safflower Conference 2001 EcoPort, the access portal to ecology knowledge; Ecocrop, the crop environmental requirements database; Integrated knowledge for natural resource managers and their relation to safflower by Griffee, P., Putter T., Marsella M. and Diemer P.

  2. use climate ecocrop climate use soil ecocrop soil Ecocrop The FAO crop environmental requirements database available on the Net at URL: http://ecocrop.fao.org/

  3. use climate ecocrop soil Ecocrop Ecocrop can be applied to three principal tasks. It can: Identify plants for a specified environment Identify plants for a defined use (e.g.industrial) Identify plants for a defined description

  4. plant description use climate ecocrop soil industrial Category Ecocrop Ecocrop Main Menu Search In the search form you can specify the plant description for which you wish to identify a plant. Select industrial under Category

  5. use climate ecocrop material Main soil use Detailed use Used part Ecocrop Ecocrop Main Menu Search In the form you can also specify the use for which you wish to identify a plant. Select material under Main use, with possible further specification under Detailed use and Used part

  6. use climate ecocrop soil Ecocrop Main use Detailed use Used part Possible ways of describing a plant used for materials

  7. use climate ecocrop soil Ecocrop

  8. use climate ecocrop soil Main use materials medicinal food additive food & beverage animal food Ecocrop Only part of the Data sheet displayed

  9. In the Notes field is entered information supplementary to the Data sheet. It is possible to further specify the industrial uses of the plant use climate ecocrop soil Ecocrop Only part of the Notes displayed

  10. use climate ecocrop soil Ecocrop Click EcoPort to see a detailed description of the plant and its Crop Category

  11. EcoPort The Consilience Engine; Ecology Without Boundaries available on the Net at URL: http://www.ecoport.org/

  12. EcoPort

  13. EcoPort Resources Entities EthoGraphs eNarratives The EcoPort ‘universe’ may be presented as four distinct but integrated domains within, and across which a variety of tools and procedures can be applied

  14. EcoPort Resources

  15. EcoPort Entities

  16. EcoPort eNarratives

  17. EcoPort Correct and unambiguous taxonomy and nomenclature remain the backbone of phylogenetics, biology, ecology and evolution: a premise that constitutes one of the bedrock assumptions shaping the design and continuing evolution of EcoPort. EcoPort is implementing a set of tools to empower authors, to deal with several parallel classification systems in a manner that reveals and manages differences and synonymy in a transparent manner. Imagine 'Taxonomy' as one half of a zip and 'Ecology' as the other, then what we are doing in EcoPort now could be seen as the little metallic bit that zips both sides together. EcoPort & Taxonomy

  18. EcoPort EcoPort & Taxonomy Plant (and animal and microbial) taxonomy is the underpinning of a lot that FAO does. The following are a few plant topics which depend on accurate identification: Biochemical ecology, Biodiversity, Bioprospecting, Biotechnology, Breeding, Conservation, Ecology, Ethnopharmacology, Habitat restoration, Ecogeographical surveying, Environmental legislation, Food science and technology, Habitat management, Nutrition, Genepools, Horticulture (commercial floriculture), Quarantine, Invasive species, Intellectual Property Rights, Weed control, Landscape ecology and planning, Phytosanitation, Phytopharmacology, Phytotoxicology and Phytochemistry.

  19. EcoPort Plants used for materials can be found through the Keyword Profile (K) in the toolbar They are agriculturally described in the Crop Category

  20. EcoPort Materials is ticked in the profile The Keyword profile Only part of the Keyword profile displayed

  21. EcoPort Link to Production Statistics The Crop Category - Production

  22. EcoPort Link to References The Crop Category - Cultivation

  23. EcoPort Link to Photo The Crop Category - Improvement

  24. EcoPort Link to Glossary term The Crop Category - Products & Uses

  25. EcoPort Link to other Entities

  26. EcoPort Crop Medicinal Forestry Feed/Forage All Category descriptions Plant

  27. EcoPort Quality control through peer review

  28. EcoPort All data are contributed by volunteer effort Contributing authors and institutions retain full rights to their material Contributions are recognised and acknowledged through the display of the Editor’s name & Sponsor's Banner Contributions are recognised and acknowledged through the display of the Editor’s name & Sponsor's Banner Data entry is controlled by User Name and Password Who owns the data in EcoPort?

  29. Click Ecocrop to see home page Click Record ID to see the plant Identity page EcoPort To return to Ecocrop click (O) other data- bases in the Toolbar

  30. use climate ecocrop soil EcoPort Ecocrop You are welcome to join the EcoPort and Ecocrop sharing communities If you wish to adopt a Medicinal/Aromatic plant and be assigned a User Name and Password, to enter information in EcoPort and Ecocrop, then send an email to Peter Griffee peter.griffee@fao.org stating the preferred name of the species for which you wish to become Editor EcoPort at URL: http://www.ecoport.org/ Ecocrop at URL: http://ecocrop.fao.org/

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