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How In-App voice Calling Streamlines Business Operations

In-app voice calling refers to the capability of making and receiving phone calls directly from within a mobile application. https://exotel.com/blog/how-in-app-voice-calling-streamlines-business-operations/<br><br><br><br>#InAppvoiceCalling, #app2appvoicecalling, #SeamlessCollaboration, #ExotelProducts, #Exotel

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How In-App voice Calling Streamlines Business Operations

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  1. How In-App voice Calling Streamlines Business Operations In-app voice calling refers to the capability of making and receiving phone calls directly from within a mobile application. This eliminates the reliance on external communication platforms like traditional phone networks or third- party calling apps. In-app voice calling is commonly used in various contexts, such as customer support, collaboration tools, social networking apps, and on-demand service apps. These multiple use cases are driving the success of the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) industry, which is expected to grow to $102.5 billion by 2026. This blog will discuss how an in-app voice calling feature improves the efficiency of business operations and enhances customer support. Key Takeaways: In-app calling enables users to initiate voice calls directly from the app they are using without the need to switch to a separate phone dialer or messaging application. It brings several advantages to businesses, including improved employee productivity, collaboration, real-time communication, and cost savings. By facilitating efficient communication, app 2 app voice calling also contributes to better CX. It offers real-time assistance, personalized interactions, and efficient issue resolution. Businesses can elevate their in-app voice calling capabilities further with technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), voice analytics, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), advanced translation, Natural Language Processing (NLP), etc. The focus must be on selecting technologies that align with the business’s needs. Exotel offers lightweight SDKs for user-friendly in-app voice calling experiences for businesses. With app-to-app, app-to-PSTN, and PSTN-to-app calling options, businesses can deliver a more sophisticated and immersive customer support experience. Optimizing Business Processes With In-App Voice Calling In-app voice calling is a powerful tool that can streamline business operations in various ways, enhancing communication, collaboration, and overall efficiency. Here are some ways in which in-app calling can aid business productivity: Real-Time and Secure Communication: In-app voice solutions allow employees to communicate with each other in real-time;whether it’s quick updates, clarifications, or urgent matters, voice calls facilitate immediate and direct communication. This saves time and increases responsiveness. Moreover, in-app voice calls can be encrypted, ensuring sensitive business information and customer data are protected during communication. Seamless Collaboration: Voice calling within business applications enables seamless collaboration between team members, even if they are geographically dispersed. Employees can initiate voice calls from within project management tools, CRM systems, or other collaboration platforms. Businesses can thus create a cohesive work environment and reduce the need for multiple communication tools. Some in-app voice solutions also provide video-conferencing and team messaging features that allow different teams to work together sitting in remote locations. Enhanced Employee Productivity: By integrating voice calling within business applications, employees can stay focused on their tasks without switching to separate communication tools. Employees can seamlessly handle communication and work-related activities within a unified interface. This reduces interruptions and enhances overall productivity. Call Analytics and Insights: In-app voice systems often come with call analytics and reporting features. Businesses can leverage these insights to monitor call durations, call volumes, and customer interactions. Such systems also provide important data for performance evaluation, training, and process optimization. Cost Savings: In-app voice solutions can lead to cost savings for businesses, especially for international communications. By leveraging internet-based calling, businesses can avoid expensive international calling charges and reduce overall costs by 90%. Enhancing Customer Support With In-App Voice Calling By leveraging in-app voice calling, businesses can elevate their customer support services, leading to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and improved overall brand reputation. In-app voice calling enhances customer support in the following ways: Real-Time Assistance and Reduced Resolution Time: 58% of customers believe that long hold times indicate a bad phone experience. Further, customers are willing to hold an average of just 90 seconds before hanging up their phones. In-app voice solutions help to avoid such situations by allowing support agents to provide immediate assistance. Moreover, support agents can gather information from customers in real-time, and customers can ask clarifying questions. This leads to quicker issue identification and resolution. Personalized Support: Voice calls allow for a more personalized customer support experience. Agents can address

  2. customers by name, understand their unique needs, and offer tailored solutions based on the context of thecustomers by name, understand their unique needs, and offer tailored solutions based on the context of the conversation. With in-app voice calling, agents also have access to insights related to customers’ behaviour on the app. For instance, support agents can study the ride details to better respond to customers of a taxi-booking app. In-app voice calling is thus an essential component of an omnichannel CX. Moreover, in-app voice solutions can be integrated with CRM systems. Such integration allows agents to access customer information during calls and understand the context of the customer’s history. In this way, agents can offer a more tailored CX. Accurate Responses: Voice calls facilitate clearer communication compared to text-based channels. Customers can express their concerns verbally, ensuring that their message is accurately conveyed without the risk of misinterpretation. Likewise, support agents can use their tone and empathy effectively to understand better and address customer emotions. Complex Issue Resolution: In-app voice calling is ideal for handling complex or technical issues that may require detailed explanations or troubleshooting. Support agents can guide customers step-by-step through the resolution process, ensuring a quicker and more efficient problem-solving experience. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Customer feedback can be seamlessly integrated into the in-app calling process. This is especially useful when customers are dissatisfied with a business service. Shifting to a different communication platform, searching for toll-free numbers, spending money on international calls, etc., can further add to their negative experience. This can result in customer churn. Similarly, with too many steps involved, customers may postpone and ultimately forget to share positive feedback. Providing the facility of app 2 app voice calling makes it easy for customers to share reviews. This allows businesses to measure customer satisfaction and gather insights for continuous improvement of their support services. Integrating Technology to Improve In-App Voice Calling In-app voice calling can be significantly improved with the help of the following advanced technologies, which can enhance its capabilities and user experience. AI and NLP: By the year 2025, 95% of all customer interactions will be powered by AI. AI can also add to the efficiency of the in-app voice feature. Incorporating AI and NLP into in-app voice systems can enable intelligent voice assistants that can understand and respond to natural language queries. Further, AI-powered voice bots can deal with routine inquiries, leaving complex customer interactions for human agents. Voice Biometrics and Analytics: Voice biometric technology can be combined with in-app voice calls for enhanced security and authentication. Voiceprints can be used to verify the caller’s identity, reducing the risk of fraud. Moreover, voice analytics technology can help businesses study customer sentiment during voice calls. Businesses can identify improvement areas and optimize the customer support process by analyzing the tone and context of conversations. Real-Time Translation: For global enterprises, it is crucial to provide multilingual customer support. The freedom to interact in their native language makes customers feel like they are talking to a friend. It breaks down language barriers and eliminates misunderstandings. Advanced language translation technology can facilitate real-time translation of conversations between customers and agents who speak different languages. Video Calling Integration: Combining video calling capabilities with in-app voice calls can enhance communication. It can allow customers and agents to engage in face-to-face interactions when needed. Video calls can be beneficial for visual support, product demonstrations, and troubleshooting. AR and VR: AR technology can be used along with in-app calls to provide visual guidance and support during customer interactions. For example, AR overlays can help customers visualize how to set up a product. In specific industries like gaming, entertainment, or virtual events, VR technology can create immersive experiences and enhance customer engagement. Drive Efficient Interactions with Exotel’s In-App Voice Calling Exotel’s lightweight SDKs enable businesses to deliver their customers a better quality calling experience. Businesses can set up app-to-app calls, app-to-PSTN calls, or PSTN-to-app calls to boost call connectivity rates. Moreover, customized dialer screens can help achieve more engaging interactions. Other benefits include: No Lead Leakage: Lead leakage is reduced as all calls are initiated and terminated through the app itself. Better Pickup Rates: In-app calls are considered safer by customers and thus have higher pickup rates. Increased Trust: Encryption ensures that user data remains safe and all the sessions are secure. Superior Audio Quality: IP and PSTN intermixing improves call connectivity and reduces call drop rates across network conditions. Cost Savings: The option to switch from PSTN to VoIP calls allows businesses to cut down their call costs. Continuous Improvement: Businesses can track and analyze calls to identify the scope of improvement. Click here to learn more about how Exotel’s SDKs can maximize customer satisfaction. Start your free trial now!

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