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BALWOIS 2 5 - 29 May 2010 Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

Water quality assessment based on saprobiological analyses of the macroinvertebrate communities in the Zapadna Morava River basin. BALWOIS 2 5 - 29 May 2010 Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Introduction.

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BALWOIS 2 5 - 29 May 2010 Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

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  1. Water quality assessment based on saprobiologicalanalyses of the macroinvertebrate communitiesin the Zapadna Morava River basin BALWOIS 25-29May 2010 Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

  2. Introduction • Aim:Water quality analysis of the watercourses within Zapadna Morava River Basin based on aquatic macroinvertebrates; • Zapadna Morava River: south-western Serbia, the Golijska Moravica and the Đetinja, 85 tributaries; • Drains an area of 15,567km², about 42.3 % of the entire Velika Morava watershed; • Near Stalać, the Zapadna and Južna Morava join one another and form the Velika Morava.

  3. Material and Methods • Sampling was performed during 2008; • 20 samples from six watercourses: the Veliki Rzav, Gruža, Skrapež and Moravica (2 samples each), the Zapadna Morava, Rasina and Studenica River (4 samples each); • multi-habitat sampling procedure; • Saprobiological water quality analysis: saprobity index S, BMWP and ASPT indices.

  4. Results • 98macroinvertebratetaxa from 12taxa groups; • Ephemeroptera- the most diversified group (22 species); sub-dominant groups - Trichoptera (19 species), Coleoptera and Oligochaeta (13 species each); • Number of taxa per sampling site: 25 (Zapadna Morava/near the mouth of Ibar River) to 3 (Zapadna Morava/Šušnjava and Gruža/700 m downstream the dam); • Principal components: Diptera (2.44% up to 87.50%)and Ephemeroptera (5.51% to 56.05%).

  5. Results

  6. Discussion and Conclusion • According to both methods: poor water quality - two sites and high water quality - one sampling site; • Other sites were assessed to be in very good to moderate status; • Earlier hydrobiological studies: Đukić et al. (1997) - β-mesosaprobic to α-mesosaprobic zone; Atanacković et al. 2009I-II water class; Jurišić 2003, 2004β-mesosaprobicand occasionally α-mesosaprobic indicators; • Comparison with earlier investigations: the water quality status was improved, probably due to a decreased discharge of industrial waste waters.

  7. Aknowledgement This paper is supported by Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia - Project No. 143023 “Running waters of Serbia - investigation of biodiversity and advantage of data base in typology, definition of ecological indices and ecological status monitoring”

  8. Thank you for your attention Hvala na pažnji

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