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Mental Health Informatics Update

Mental Health Informatics Update . Kathleen Lysell, Psy.D. VA Psychology Leadership Conference April 28, 2006. Mental Health Informatics . Development of Mental Health Software in VistA system 3 software developers based in Salt Lake City, Albany Remote Systems Support—Pittsburgh

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Mental Health Informatics Update

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  1. Mental Health Informatics Update Kathleen Lysell, Psy.D. VA Psychology Leadership Conference April 28, 2006

  2. Mental Health Informatics • Development of Mental Health Software in VistA system • 3 software developers based in Salt Lake City, Albany • Remote Systems Support—Pittsburgh • Maintain ASI and NMHDS databases • Maintain mental health web page • http://vaww.mentalhealth.med.va.gov/

  3. Mental Health Assistant Software

  4. Mental Health Assistant • Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Mental Health testing package. • Originally released 2002 • Enhancements (version 3) currently in beta testing at 8 test sites • Provides secure computer environment for patient administered testing

  5. Instrument Administrator

  6. Results Review--Report

  7. Results Review--Graphing

  8. Addiction Severity Index

  9. GAF

  10. MHA3 • Restructures VistA files, moving toward the Health-e Vet desktop • Creates progress note from instrument administration • Health summary components for mental health instruments • Simplifies process for adding new instruments • PTSD screen, Braden skin risk assessment and Morse Falls risk included

  11. MHA Health Instrument Editor

  12. MHA Health Instrument Editor

  13. My Health-e Vet Mental Health • My Health-e Vet is VA’s Personal Health Record—www.myhealth.gov • April, 2005—initiative to develop specific mental health content and portal • Efforts co-led by Office of Undersecretary for Health Policy and Planning and the Office of Mental Health

  14. My Health-e Vet Mental Health • Three primary components planned • Screening • Educational Materials • Interactive Module for Continuous Recovery • Clinical Content Areas • PTSD • Substance Abuse • Schizophrenia • Depression

  15. Focus Groups • Conducted with 100 veterans and family members • Use of Computers: • 70% of veterans reported that they have access to a computer • 75% reported that they know how to use the internet

  16. Information Veterans Desire in My Health-e Vet Veteran Sample

  17. Percentage of Veterans Who Would Access the Web For: Veteran Sample

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