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National and Regional Summary of Alpine Geophysics/Environ Emissions Trends Reports, 1999-2010

National and Regional Summary of Alpine Geophysics/Environ Emissions Trends Reports, 1999-2010. Highlights of emission trend data for NOx, SO2, and VOCs, 1999-2010 Presentation to NARUC Subcommittee on Clean Coal and Carbon Sequestration July 22, 2012 Paul Loeffelman,

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National and Regional Summary of Alpine Geophysics/Environ Emissions Trends Reports, 1999-2010

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  1. National and Regional Summary of Alpine Geophysics/Environ Emissions Trends Reports, 1999-2010 Highlights of emission trend data for NOx, SO2, and VOCs, 1999-2010 Presentation to NARUC Subcommittee on Clean Coal and Carbon Sequestration July 22, 2012 Paul Loeffelman, Managing Director, Corporate External Affairs, American Electric Power phloeffelman@aep.com

  2. Five Regions Analyzed

  3. Condensed Emission Categories • Coal-based Electric Generating Units (EGUs) • Highway vehicles • Off-highway vehicles • Industrial fuel combustion & processes • All other

  4. Total U.S. NOx Emissions(In millions of tons/yr.)

  5. Share of U.S. NOx Emissions by Source Category, 1999-2010

  6. Percent Change in U.S. NOx Emissions,1999-2010

  7. Percent Change in Regional Coal-Based EGU NOx Emissions,1999-2010 Note: NE EGUs were subject to the OTC NOx MOU requiring 55%/65% NOx reductions from 1990 levels in 1999.

  8. Total U.S. SO2 Emissions(In millions of tons/yr.)

  9. Percent Change in U.S. SO2 Emissions,1999-2010

  10. Percent Change in Regional Coal-Based EGU SO2 Emissions,1999-2010

  11. Percent Change in Regional VOC Emissions 1999-2010

  12. Percent Share of U.S. VOC Emissions by Source Category, 2010

  13. U.S. NOx and VOC Emissions(Total manmade ozone precursor emissions)(In millions of tons/yr.)

  14. Share of Total U.S. NOx and VOC Emissions by Source Category, 1999-2010

  15. Percent Change in U.S. Total NOx and VOC Emissions, 1999-2010

  16. Coal-Based EGU Percent of Regional NOx and VOC Emissions,1999-2010

  17. Data report sources • Analyses performed by Greg Stella, Alpine Geophysics phone 1.828.675.9045, gms@alpinegeophysics.com • Technical reports from Alpine analyses for national, regional and states’ trends available at http://www.midwestozonegroup.com/ • One page reports for states from Alpine analyses available from jdavis@cleancoalusa.org, USB drives

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