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Acts 1 : 8 Evangelism

Acts 1 : 8 Evangelism. Session 1. Hearing from God & Knowing God’s Will for My Life. 1. Jesus heard clearly from God because His whole life was given to God. a. John 4 : 34. b. John 5 : 19; 30. c. John 6 : 38. d. John 8 : 28.

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Acts 1 : 8 Evangelism

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  1. Acts 1 : 8 Evangelism

  2. Session 1. Hearing from God & Knowing God’s Will for My Life.

  3. 1. Jesus heard clearly from God because His whole life was given to God. a. John 4 : 34. b. John 5 : 19; 30. c. John 6 : 38. d. John 8 : 28.

  4. 2. If we want to know God’s will for our lives we must:- a. John 3 : 30. b. Luke 9 : 57 - 62. c. Luke 14 : 25 - 33.

  5. 3. Through the written word. a. Psalm 119 : 105 b. Proverbs 3 : 5 - 7

  6. 4. Through Prayer. a. Deuteronomy 4 : 29. b. Isaiah 55 : 6. c. Jeremiah 29 : 11-14. d. Hebrews 11 : 6.

  7. 5.Through other Christians. a. Sharing. b. Prophetic.

  8. 6. Through the audible voice of God. a. 1 Samuel 3 : 1 - 14. b. Acts 9 : 4 - 7. c. Personal experience.

  9. Session 2. Prayer

  10. A. Preparation in prayer. 1. Who are we fighting in prayer? Ephesians 6 : 12. 2. Do we have authority? Luke 10 : 19 . Matthew 28 : 18 - 19.

  11. 3. What do we do & how do we pray? Walk & pray around the area. Pray for strategy for removal. Implement any prophetic acts.

  12. B. Supporting in Prayer. Importance of praise and prayer.2 Chronicles 20 : 14 - 23. Importance of hearing God’s instructions.2 Samuel 5 : 17 - 25. Continuous support.

  13. Session 3. Using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism.

  14. 1. The Word of Wisdom. a. 1 Kings 3 : 16 - 28. b. Matthew 22 : 17 - 22. c. Personal Example.

  15. 2. The Word of Knowledge. a. 2 Kings 6 : 8 - 12. b. John 4 : 16 - 19. c. Personal Example.

  16. 3. Faith. a. Hebrews 11 : 8 - 12. b. Matthew 9 : 20 - 22. c. Personal example.

  17. 4. Healings. a. Isaiah 38 : 1 - 5. b. Matthew 8 : 5 - 8. c. Personal Example.

  18. 5. Miracles. a. 2 Kings 4 : 42 - 44. b. Matthew 14 : 15 - 20. c. Personal Example.

  19. 6. Prophecy. a. 2 Kings 7 : 1 – 2 ; 16 - 20. b. Luke 19 : 30 - 34. c. Personal Example.

  20. 7. Discernment of spirits. a. Nehemiah 6 : 10 - 14. b. Matthew 16 : 13 - 23. c. Acts 16 : 16 - 18. d. Personal Example.

  21. 8. Tongues. a. Unlikely use of tongues in the work of evangelism. b. The use of tongues by the prayer team in support.

  22. 9. Interpretation of tongues. a. The importance of the interpretation when a public tongue is given.

  23. Session 4. The Importance of the Bible.

  24. 1. Why give Bibles? The Bible is:- a. 2 Timothy 3 : 16. b. Proverbs 30 : 5. c. Isaiah 55 : 11. d. Psalm 119 : 105. e. Hebrews 4 : 12. f. Jeremiah 23 : 29.

  25. 2.God’s word will change lives. 3. People do not generally throw Bibles away.

  26. Session 5. Testimony

  27. Biblical Examples. • John 4 : 28 - 42. • John 9 : 11 - 33. • Acts 22 : 1 - 21. • Acts 26 : 1 - 23. • 1 John 1 : 1 - 4.

  28. Practical Points. • What is a testimony? • The work of the Holy Spirit. • Testimonies should:- • Every testimony is valid. • Produce a free copy to give away.

  29. Session 6. Door to Door Evangelism.

  30. Door to door Always in 2’s. Prayer planned strategy. Prayer support. Prophetic evangelism. Personal preparation. Training of partners. Testimony. Unity. Practical.

  31. Session 7. Team Work.

  32. T.E.A.M.Together Everyone Achieves More. Psalm 133 : 1 - 3.

  33. 1. Why teams? No room for ‘one man shows’ in God’s Kingdom. Kingdom not empire. No one person has all the gifts, it should be body ministry.

  34. 2. Team harmony is vital. a. Deal with disputes. b. Deal with negativity. c. Value every member of the team.

  35. 3. Build the team. Pray for one another. Encourage one another. Give time for all the team to share.

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