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15 Functional Testing Types

Software testing is often about the bigger picture and not the details. Teams must be familiar with the different types of specialty and functional testing in order to maximize quality assurance efforts. It is crucial to be able to identify when to use different techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and system testing in order to release high-quality software products.<br><br>https://functionaltestingservices.blogspot.com/2021/11/15-functional-testing-types.html

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15 Functional Testing Types

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  1. 15 FUNCTIONAL TESTING TYPES Software testing is often about the bigger picture and not the details. Teams must be familiar with the different types of specialty and functional testing in order to maximize quality assurance efforts. It is crucial to be able to identify when to use different techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and system testing in order to release high-quality software products. UNIT TESTING 1 You must ensure that each component works independently before you can test the entire program. Unit testing validates a unit's function, making sure that all inputs result in the desired output. This type of testing provides the foundation for complex, integrated software. Unit testing can lead to higher quality code and speed up the development process when done correctly. FUNCTIONAL TESTING 2 such as component, integration, and system testing, validates the ability to work with other components. The testing strategy may also depend on the interoperability of the app. Acceptance testing might be done by an organization that does system testing. However, acceptance testing might not be performed by the organization if it is doing system testing. COMPONENT TESTING 3 Component testing is also known as module testing. It checks the functionality of individual components within an application. Component testing is similar to unit testing. It evaluates one part of the software separately from the whole system. One difference between component testing and unit testing is that component testing is performed by developers in a white box format to ensure that program modules run. SMOKE TESTING 4 Smoke testing is a form of acceptance testing. It provides an initial test that the software and its critical functionality are safe. The build can then be subject to further testing if the smoke tests pass. Also known as build verification testing, smoke testing is used to verify that new functionality or critical functionality meets its objectives. Tests that fail to pass can lead to additional development work. SANITY TESTING 5 Sanity testing is a type of regression testing. QA professionals conduct sanity tests on stable builds in order to verify new functionality and bug fixes. Although similar to smoke testing, which provides a gate test that a build is ready to be tested further, sanity testing does not require scripting and targets only the code area that has been changed. REGRESSION TESTING 6 Functional tests may fail once, but that doesn't guarantee they will pass every time. Regression tests are used to verify that the software works as it should when developers change code or commit new features. Regression testing is a way to ensure that a product remains stable while new features are added or removed. Automated regression tests are common. INTEGRATION TESTING 7 Unit testing and integration testing are often combined. Integration testing is used by QA professionals to verify that each module of code works together as a whole. Modern applications are built on microservices. These self-contained applications are specifically designed to perform a particular task. Without these microservices being able to communicate with one another, the application will not work as it should. API TESTING 8 API testing is becoming more popular as users expect apps to work together. API testing validates that API connections and responses work as intended. This includes how the API handles data and permissions. Read More Functional Testing Types Here https://www.testingxperts.com/

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