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Radiation by Ultrarelativistic Electrons at Ultrahigh Formation Lengths of this Process

NPQCD-2011 May 3-6, 2011, Dnepropetrovsk. Radiation by Ultrarelativistic Electrons at Ultrahigh Formation Lengths of this Process. N. F. Shul’ga Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT Kharkov, Ukraine e-mail: shulga@kipt.kharkov.ua. ULTRATRAHIGH FORMATION (COHERENT) LENGTHS.

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Radiation by Ultrarelativistic Electrons at Ultrahigh Formation Lengths of this Process

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  1. NPQCD-2011May 3-6, 2011, Dnepropetrovsk Radiation by Ultrarelativistic Electrons at Ultrahigh Formation Lengths of this Process N. F. Shul’ga Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT Kharkov, Ukraine e-mail: shulga@kipt.kharkov.ua


  3. Problems • Medium influence on radiation • Wave and pre-wave zones • Detector sizes • Radiation process evolution in space and time • Methods of description

  4. screening effect Bethe-Heitler (1933)

  5. SCREENING EFFECT Bethe, Heitler (1933)

  6. Coherent length (Ter-Mikaelian, 1953)

  7. COHERENT RADIATION IN CRYSTAL Ter-Mikaelian 1953 Coherent effect Coherence + Interference Landau was agreed that Ter-Mikaelian’s results were correct, but he said that it is needed to use another way for describing this effect

  8. COHERENT LENGTH (Landau-Pomeranchuk 1953, Amorphous Medium)

  9. LPM – effect (1953)

  10. SLAC experiment E-146

  11. Эффект, подтвержденный через 40 лет! (SLAC – experiment Phys.Let.(1995); Rev.Mod.Phys. (1999) CERNCourier 1994 Е. Фейнберг Природа 1994

  12. Излучение на тонкой мишени SLAC – experiment E-146 (1994);Phys.Rev.Lett 75 (1995) N.Shul’ga, S.Fomin JETP Lett. 27 (1978) 117 Phys.Lett.A114 (1986) 1486 JETP Lett. 63 (1996) 873 JETP 86 (1998) 32

  13. RADIATION IN A THIN LAYER OF MATTER Shul’ga N.F., Fomin S.P., JETP Letters 27 (1978)126; Physics Letters A114 (1986)148. ;

  14. suppression of radiation RADIATION IN THIN TARGET N.Shul’ga, S.Fomin JETP Lett. 1978, 1996

  15. QUANTITATIVE THEORY OF RADIATION IN A THIN LAYER OF MATTER Shul'ga N.F., Fomin S.P., JETP Lett. 63 (1996) 873; JETP 86 (1998) 32; NIM B145 (1998) 73. : , , , , , ,

  16. OTHER PUBLICATIONS: R. Blankenbacler, S.D. Drell. The Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect for finite targets. Phys.Rev. 1996, v. D53, p. 6265-6281. R. Blankenbacler. Structured targets and Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal Effect. Phys. Rev. 1997, v. D55, p. 190-195. B.G. Zhakharov. Structured targets and Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect for finite-size targets. JETP Lett. 1996, v. 64, p. 781-787. B.G. Zhakharov. Light-cone path integral approach to the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect. Yadernaya Fiz. 1998, v. 61, p. 924-940. R.Baier, Yu.L.Dokshitser, A.H.Mueller, S.Peigne, D.Schiff. The Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in QED. Nucl. Phys. 1996, v. B478, p. 577-597. V.N. Baier, V.M. Katkov. Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect and transition radiation in structured targets. Phys. Rev. 1999, v. D60, 076001, 12 p. . . . . . . . .


  18. CERN experiment NA63 June 2009 U. Uggerhoj : … we have seen the half - bare electron !

  19. Подавление излучения релятивистских электронов в тонком слое вещества(TSF effect) Предсказан в ХФТИ - 1978- Н.Ф.Шульга, С.П.Фомин,Письма в ЖЭТФ, 27(1978)126. Подтвержден в ЦЕРН -2009- H.D.Thomsen et al.,Physics Letters B 672 (2009) 323. Продолж. иссл. в ЦЕРН-2010- H.D.Thomsen et al.,PhysicalReviewD81 (2010) 052003. “Channeling 2010”, Ferrara, Italia A.S.Fomin, S.P.Fomin, N.F.Shul’ga Nuovo Cimento (2011), in press CERN NA63SPS E = 149 GeV

  20. HOW DOES ELECTRON RADIATE? The excitation is small The excitation is increased The excitation is strong

  21. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD OF ELECTRON AT SCATTERING E.Feinberg JETP 50(1966)202, A. Akhiezer, N.Shul’ga, S.Fomin Sov.Phys.Usp. 30(1987)197 Phys.Let.A 114(1986)148

  22. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD AFTER ELECTRON’S SCATTERING E.Feinberg, JETP, 1966 N.Shul’ga, Proc. ICACS VII, 1977 A.Akhierzer, N.Shul’ga, S.Fomin, Sov. Phys. Usp. 1987; Phys. Lett. 1986




  26. WAVE AND PRE-WAVE ZONES pre-wave zone wave zone N.Shul’ga, V. Syshchenko, S. Shul’ga. Phys. Lett. A 374 (2009) 331

  27. The Problem of Bremsstrahlung Radiation Measurement N.Shul’ga, S. Trofymenko, V. Syshchenko JETP Lett., 93 (2011) 1 Point detector: Extensive detector: anyz:

  28. TRANSITION RADIATION BY ELECTRON WITH EQUILIBRIUM FIELD Total field: Boundary condition: Fourier integral for radiation field:

  29. STRUCTURE OF TR ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD N.Shul’ga, S. Trofymenko, V. Syshchenko, Nuovo Cimento (2011) z For : It is not the same as in B. Bolotovsky, A. Serov // Phys. Usp., 2009

  30. ПРОБЛЕМА ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК ПЕРЕХОДНОГО ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ Verzilov V. // Phys. Lett. A. , 2000 Dobrovolsky S., Shul’ga N. // NIM B, 2003 Эффект больших поперечных радиационных длин в переходном излучении «назад»: Существенная зависимость результатов измерений от размера и положения детектора

  31. Point detector : arbitrary : The Problem of TR Measurement • Verzilov V. // Phys. Lett. A. , 2000 • Dobrovolsky S., Shul’ga N. // NIM B, 2003 Extensive detector (infinite plate) :

  32. THE ANALOGY IN BREMSSTRAHLUNG Bremsstrahlung Transition radiation The total field for : A. Akhiezer, N. Shul’ga High Energy Electrodynamics in Matter, 1996 N. Shul’ga, V. Syshchenko, S. Shul’ga // Phys. Lett. A, 2009

  33. does not depend on Transition radiation in wave zone by electron with nonequilibrium field : TRANSITION RADIATION BY ELECTRON WITH NONEQUILIBRIUM FIELD N.Shul’ga, S. Trofymenko, V. Syshchenko JETP Lett., 93 (2011) 1 Transition radiation by “torn away” field :

  34. Transition radiation in wave zone by electron with nonequilibrium field : – detector’s resolution for frequency TRANSITION RADIATION BY HALF-BARE ELECTRON N.Shul’ga, S. Trofymenko, V. Syshchenko JETP Lett., 93 (2011) 1 • suppression of radiation for • period of oscillations • the oscillations can be observed for

  35. Radiation in Coulomb fieldof relativistic particle

  36. Coherent radiation at electron-beam collision I. Ginzburg, G. Kotkin, S. Polityko, V. Serbo Phys. Lett. B286 (1992) 395 Phys. Rev. E51 (1995) 2493

  37. crystal atomic string bunch N. Shul’ga, D. Tyutyunnik, JEPT Lett. 78(2003)700., Proc. of SPIE, v. 5974(2005)60. Coherent radiation in crystal and at electron collision with a short bunch

  38. Suppression of coherent radiation (analog of LPM-effect) ε=5 Gev, L=0.1 cm, ρ=0.01 cm, N=1010, N. Shul’ga, D. Tyutyunnik. JETP Lett. 78 (2003) 700. NiM B227 (2005) 152


  40. ON THE TRANSITION RADIATION BY RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON WITH EQUILIBRIUM AND NONEQUILIBRIUM COULOMB FIELD ON THIN METALLIC PLATE N.F. Shul’ga, V.V. Syshchenko, S.V. Trofymenko Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC “KIPT”, Kharkov,Ukraine Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russian Federation Karazin Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine • Transition radiation electromagnetic field structure • The problem of radiation measurement • Analogy in Bremsstrahlung • Transition radiation by “half-bare” electron N. Shul’ga, S. Trofymenko, V. Syshchenko // J. Kharkiv National University, 2010

  41. TRANSITION RADIATION BY ELECTRON WITH EQUILIBRIUM FIELD Total field: Boundary condition: Fourier integral for radiation field:

  42. STRUCTURE OF TR ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD z For : It is not the same as in B. Bolotovsky, A. Serov // Phys. Usp., 2009

  43. Point detector : arbitrary : THE PROBLEM OF TRANSITION RADIATION MEASUREMENT • Verzilov V. // Phys. Lett. A. , 2000 • Dobrovolsky S., Shul’ga N. // NIM B, 2003 Extensive detector (infinite plate) :

  44. THE ANALOGY IN BREMSSTRAHLUNG Bremsstrahlung Transition radiation The total field for : A. Akhiezer, N. Shul’ga High Energy Electrodynamics in Matter, 1996 N. Shul’ga, V. Syshchenko, S. Shul’ga // Phys. Lett. A, 2009

  45. THE ANALOGY IN BREMSSTRAHLUNG for both point and extensive detectors – for point detector – for extensive detector

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