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    1. Patrick Riley Software Development Engineer The Rawlings Company http://patrickmriley.net Windows Azure Marketplace: Consuming the Cloud DataMarket

    2. What is the cloud...  "All the clouds live in data centers...There's always hardware involved, and bricks and mortar. ... It's not a fluffy cloud. It's living in someone's building."  -Rich Miller, Editor, Data Center Knowledge   "Today, nearly every one of our products has, or is developing, features or services that support the cloud. As I said today, when it comes to the cloud, we are all in. We are all in across every product line we have and across every dimension of the cloud." - Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO   "It's bio-digital jazz, man" -  Sam Flynn -The cloud moniker is being widely, usually around the same topics: virtualization, service-oriented architectures, software as a service -The term “cloud” is a bit of an ice breaker, and tends to raise more venture capital. Companies commonly using the term, i.e. VMWare Virtual Data Center OS, (changed to Cloud OS) -Developer’s shouldn’t ask “if”, but “when”. Valuable skills going forward: scaling, integrating, designing APIs & cloud services, automating -Sharing resources, software…similar to electricity on the “grid” -The cloud moniker is being widely, usually around the same topics: virtualization, service-oriented architectures, software as a service -The term “cloud” is a bit of an ice breaker, and tends to raise more venture capital. Companies commonly using the term, i.e. VMWare Virtual Data Center OS, (changed to Cloud OS) -Developer’s shouldn’t ask “if”, but “when”. Valuable skills going forward: scaling, integrating, designing APIs & cloud services, automating -Sharing resources, software…similar to electricity on the “grid”

    3. DataMarket: Architecture -Two layers of load balancing (publication side and data access side), allows for more rapid query responses -Content is abstracted from the data center (“Data Abstraction Layer”), improves scalability thru roles (separate runtimes)-Two layers of load balancing (publication side and data access side), allows for more rapid query responses -Content is abstracted from the data center (“Data Abstraction Layer”), improves scalability thru roles (separate runtimes)

    4. DataMarket: An Overview Exposes commercial and public domain data, imagery, and real-time web services as RESTful OData feeds  Supports any operating system because data access uses REST and ATOM 1.0 standards, and is secured with SSL Users can authenticate with their Windows Live ID or with Access Control Services (ACS) Data is published from Windows Azure, SQL Azure, or a third party cloud service that conforms to DataMarket SLA Unified billing structure    -Services conform to REST semantics, built on ATOM and ATOM Publishing protocol -Authenticate via Active Directory, integrates with DataMarket via ACS -Unified billing structure tracks usage-Services conform to REST semantics, built on ATOM and ATOM Publishing protocol -Authenticate via Active Directory, integrates with DataMarket via ACS -Unified billing structure tracks usage

    5. DataMarket: providers   Browse more: https://datamarket.azure.com/browse

    6. DataMarket: Integration Integrates easily with Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, and third party applications Automatically generate C# proxy classes, and use them effortlessly in your .NET applications Construct queries to import and analyze data quickly using DataMarket with PowerPivot for Excel  Visualize data sets with Tableau and publish dashboards to the web -Use WebRequests and pre-built proxy classes, or add service references -Click “Detail” tab under MyData to locate the service root url and “add service reference” -Use WebRequests and pre-built proxy classes, or add service references -Click “Detail” tab under MyData to locate the service root url and “add service reference”

    8. Open Data Protocol Increasingly popular and flexible protocol for querying and updating data in cloud services The web based equivalent for ODBC, ADO.NET, and JDBC Built on top of HTTP and Atom Publishing Protocol. Uses the entity-relationship conventions of the Entity Data Model to expose resources as sets of related entities addressable by URIs Request and write data using JSON and Atom formats Provides an abstraction over where the data resides; access information from relational databases, file systems, content management systems and traditional web sites       -Performs CRUD operations : “Create Read Update Delete” -Part of the .NET 4.0 framework and the WCF Data Services component -JSON text based data format, flexible object construction -Provides a URI for resources on the backend-Performs CRUD operations : “Create Read Update Delete” -Part of the .NET 4.0 framework and the WCF Data Services component -JSON text based data format, flexible object construction -Provides a URI for resources on the backend

    9. OData Primitive Types -Defined in the Entity Data Model for Data Services packaging format, or CSDL -String is the default type, Edm.String is optional -Types built into properties for constructing entities -very familiar types-Defined in the Entity Data Model for Data Services packaging format, or CSDL -String is the default type, Edm.String is optional -Types built into properties for constructing entities -very familiar types

    10. OData: Flexible queries LINQ query translated to OData URI by the WCF Data Services component. Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg312161.aspx -Compare/constract the old “fixed” method of service calls versus Odata queries -Old method forces you to pass parameters, and often perform operations after the data is returned, i.e. filtering/ordering/grouping -Odata provided many flexible options for querying and filtering the data before it comes across the wire -Compare/constract the old “fixed” method of service calls versus Odata queries -Old method forces you to pass parameters, and often perform operations after the data is returned, i.e. filtering/ordering/grouping -Odata provided many flexible options for querying and filtering the data before it comes across the wire

    11. OData Markup -Odata markup will contain the Entity Data Model types and properties within the entry’s content -Plain Old Atom will not have the EDM types-Odata markup will contain the Entity Data Model types and properties within the entry’s content -Plain Old Atom will not have the EDM types

    13. Conclusions The Window's Azure Marketplace provides a flexible and scalable platform for publishing data in the cloud RESTful OData APIs facilitate development on any platform, and remove the need for long XML and web service code  OData is a flexible protocol which exposes resources that are addressable as URIs. The Entity Framework and WCF Data Service component allow you to create OData services.

    14. Thank You! Questions? Links: DataMarket: https://datamarket.azure.com/ Tableau: http://www.tableausoftware.com/ WCF Data Services: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/bb931106.aspx Patrick Riley http://patrickmriley.net patrick@patrickmriley.net

    15. References TechCrunch.com : http://techcrunch.com/2010/03/04/steve-ballmer-microsoft-cloud/ IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1104001/quotes WCF Data Services: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/cc668792.aspx Chris Sells, Odata By Example: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/ff478141.aspx Odata.org Odata Protocol: http://www.odata.org/developers/protocols/overview Odata fixed/flexible queries: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg312161.aspx Windows Azure Data Market: http://datamarket.azure.com DataMarket Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/datamarket/ Exposing Your Data as a Service: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd728286.aspx Chris Sells, Building an Atom Pub Server Using WCF Data Services: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff872392.aspx  

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