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ICT skills

Cross curricular skill – Using ICT The innovative use of ICT - using ICT as a tool to improve learning in home economics. ICT skills.

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ICT skills

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  1. Cross curricular skill – Using ICTThe innovative use of ICT -using ICT as a tool to improve learning in home economics

  2. ICT skills EXPLORE –access and manage data and information; research, select, process and interpret information; investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools; understand how to keep safe and display acceptable online behaviour. EXPRESS –create, develop, present and publish ideas and information using a range of digital media; create information and multimedia products using a range of assets. EXCHANGE –communicate using a range of contemporary methods and tools; share, collaborate, exchange and develop ideas digitally. EVALUATE – talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome; consider the sources and resources used. EXHIBIT – manage and present their stored work; showcase their learning across the curriculum.

  3. Learning intentions • to provide an opportunity for teachers to explore the innovative use of multi media • to show how video may be used as an ICT tool for improving learning within home economics • to emphasise the position of ICT in the revised curriculum

  4. Context The teacher is facilitating pupils to look in detail at the planning, organising and management of a food preparation task of their own choice. Cameras will be used as software to record the process and make a presentation that will instruct others in carrying out this task.

  5. Ratatouille Can a picture paint 1000 words? Link to Ratatouille video clip

  6. Variety of instructional presentations • BNF or BBC video Curry_In_A_Hurry.mov • PowerPoint BNF Soup(1)PP.ppt • Photo-story (free download from microsoft) PizzaInstructVideo_1.wmv • Still photos with labels? NO!

  7. Discussion What would be the Learning Intentions if you were to use this idea with a class? What is the role of the teacher? Does this approach to learning, move forward the work that you have already undertaken within the revised curriculum? What is required in your classroom to make this possible?

  8. Debrief • Which specific descriptor of the skill did you focus on in this activity? • How did the activity contribute to the development of this skill? • How does this skill contribute to the learning in your area of learning/subject? • What evidence do you have for your answers? • How might the activity be improved?

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