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Aquaculture. Annie Doerr EEES 4730. http://s3.hubimg.com/u/3095722_f260.jpg. Goal : General Understanding of Aquaculture. Origins Aquaculture today Benefits and concerns Possible solutions. reserviors. monsoon waters. netted coves. Origins. oxbow lakes.

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  1. Aquaculture Annie Doerr EEES 4730 http://s3.hubimg.com/u/3095722_f260.jpg

  2. Goal : General Understanding of Aquaculture Origins Aquaculture today Benefits and concerns Possible solutions

  3. reserviors monsoon waters netted coves Origins oxbow lakes http://serc.carleton.edu/resources/2528.html http://farwestsocialclub.com http://www.africam.com/images/cam_info/nkorho_location.jpg http://www.anra.gov.au/topics/coasts/condition/index.html

  4. Recent History 50% seafood comes from aquaculture (SIC) Aquaculture contribution to seafood supply increased from 3.9% (1970) to 29.9% (2002) (FAO)

  5. Recent History Aquaculture’s growing faster than any other meat industry average growth since 1970: aquaculture 8.9%/yr fisheries 1.2%/yr terrestrial meat 2.8%/yr(FAO)

  6. Recent History 4. Largest growth in China (FAO) 5. 2002: $60 billion value in US 1970 2002 http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5600e/y5600e04.htm#p_1

  7. Basics Aquaculture = farming aquatic organisms (fish, mollusks, crustaceans, aquatic plants) Sources: wild capture (20%), hatchery (80%) (FAO)

  8. mariculture (36.5%) brackish-water (5.8%) sea ranching freshwater culture(57.7%) http://seasteading.org/interact/forums/engineering/structure-designs/live-aboard-floating-platform-poor-aquaculture-a-susta http://www.mannafoundation.org/maeteng/maeteng1.jpg http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/375832/enlarge http://www.prwatch.org/files/images/fishfarm.jpg

  9. Benefits Decrease pressure on wild fish Less expensive than industrial fishing - better human diets & less unsustainable fisheries

  10. 3. Genetic pollution invasives - escaped domestic fish Problems 1. Disease & parasites - spread to wild fish, antibiotics 2. Fish feed - ↓ stocks, “farming tigers”, raw feed spreads disease http://www.noteworthytips.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/fish_net_8392.jpg

  11. Problems 4. Loss of natural habitat - invasive captures, farm location (20% mangrove destruction) 5. Pollution from concentrated sewage - smother benthos, eutrophication, ↓ DO http://www.habitatadvocate.com.au/?tag=inshore-beam-trawl-fishery

  12. Traditional vs. Integrated Multi-tropic Aquaculture of Gracilaria chilensis 60% salmanoid feed stays in water Gracilariachilensis (seaweed) removes amonia and nitrates from water http://www.texasaquaculture.org/

  13. Integrated aquaculture = raising fish with another crop http://land.allears.net/blogs/jackspence/LWTL32.jpg

  14. Traditional vs. Integrated Multi-tropic Aquaculture of Gracilaria chilensis Study examines potential of seaweed to filter excess nutrients from salmon farms

  15. L1: 800m - top L2: 7km - top L3: control - top L4: bottom

  16. Growth Patterns summer autumn Summer and autumn growth patterns (mean ± (SE), n = 30) of Gracilaria chilensis cultivated at different distances from the salmon cages (L1 = 100 m, L2 = 800 m, L3 = 7000 m and L4 = bottom culture). A. Relative Growth Rate (% day− 1) and B. Productivity (g m− 1 month− 1). Letters indicate the groups differentiated by posthoc tests, when these were significant at P < 0.01.

  17. Seaweed most effective floating at intermediate distance • Farming seaweed near fish farms would reduce nutrient outputs from aquaculture

  18. Possible Solutions Integrated aquaculture Replace wild-caught fry with hatchery fry Better shipment and feeding methods Better labels for seafood "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." -Michael Pollan

  19. Questions? http://s3.hubimg.com/u/3095722_f260.jpg

  20. Resources: Food & Agriculture Org. (FAO) http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5600e/y5600e04.htm#p_1 , http://www.fao.org/docrep/field/009/ag158e/AG158E01.htm , Seafood Industry Council (SIC) http://www.seafoodindustry.co.nz/aquaculture

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