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DPN SSA Training Series Session 3 October 16, 2007

Call Presenters. Marlene Ulisky-SSA Area Work Incentive Coordinator FloridaKevin Nickerson-DPN/CWIC, Tompkins Workforce Ithaca, New YorkNatalie Alden-PABSS, Advocacy Center FloridaVenessa Fairbairn-DPN, WorkSource

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DPN SSA Training Series Session 3 October 16, 2007

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    1. DPN SSA Training Series Session 3 October 16, 2007 SSA Resources & Specialists to Know & Use

    2. Call Presenters Marlene Ulisky-SSA Area Work Incentive Coordinator Florida Kevin Nickerson-DPN/CWIC, Tompkins Workforce Ithaca, New York Natalie Alden-PABSS, Advocacy Center Florida Venessa Fairbairn-DPN, WorkSource NE Florida

    3. Navigator/AWIC Relationship Building The AWIC can assist the Navigator with specific benefits planning questions and serve as a guide to a Navigator by: Helping to make a connection with the local SSA Office Manager, Public Affairs Assistant (in larger urban areas) - To locate the Public Affairs Specialist in your area, view the SSA regional home page for your local community, http://www.ssa.gov/sf/lpa-specialists.htm Helping to make a connection with the local Work Incentive Liaisons (WILs), PASS Cadre, and Area Ticket Coordinators Answering questions and or concerns regarding the WIPA Program Answering questions regarding TTW Coming into your community for larger training events on SSA Work Incentives for One Stop Staff and other community partners Answering complex Work Incentive questions and providing Navigators with accurate information

    4. Reasons to Access an SSA Local Field Office Manager To offer an in-service presentation or training on the Navigator Initiative and One Stop services to the Local Office SSA staff To request information (outreach materials) to be shared with potential job seekers (SSA Beneficiaries) and placed in the Local One-Stop Career Centers To request an overview or training from the WIL or other SSA staff for the One Stop staff To invite a WIL or SSA Field Reprehensive to a community event (career expo, job fair, agency symposium, etc) To locate the local field offices in your area, http://www.ssa.gov/regions/

    5. Strategies to Developing a Strong Relationship with the Local SSA Office Invite the local SSA field office staff into the One-Stops to provide information about what the One-Stop has to offer, what services they provide and how they might be able to assist the Social Security field office Schedule monthly meetings with the CWIC and local field offices Copy the AWIC on e-mails to the field office staff at Social Security about PASS plans and other work-related issues to keep everyone on the same page and to hold local staff accountable for following up on important time sensitive issues When working with SSA, use their language to ensure that you will get accurate answers to your questions

    6. Navigator/WIPA (Work Incentive Planning Assistance) and CWIC (Community Work Incentive Counselor) Partnering Strategies Program formally called BPAO (Benefit Planning Assistance and Outreach) Build relationships with the CWIC with the goal of welcoming collaboration in the One Stop to connect the SSA Beneficiaries to Benefit Planning Help to create a process or schedule to set appointments with the CWIC and Beneficiary at the One Stop Ensure that the CWIC has accurate contact information for Center Directors and the support staff that will be working with SSA Beneficiaries

    7. WIPA (Work Incentive Planning Assistance) and CWIC (Community Work Incentive Counselor) Partnering Strategies Encourage clients to use their WIPA appointment wait time by collecting the information needed for their appointment, reviewing SSA work incentives online, reviewing their employment goals and calculating their monthly income requirements Provide training for SSA field staff and other providers that include motivational speakers/success stories (and food!) to build relationships Maintain/Increase your knowledge of SSA work incentives to the level of providing general information (not to the level of a CWIC or providing benefits planning) Utilize SSA’s online resources including “SSI Spotlights” to provide information on work incentives and other SSA work related questions

    8. When to Refer Customers to P&A Check out any complaint against an employment network or other service provider helping an individual return to work Give information and advice about vocational rehabilitation and employment Explain SSA’s work incentives Provide consultation and legal representation to protect the rights of any one wanting to return to work Assist with problems concerning work plans under the Ticket to Work program

    9. More Ideas for Navigator/SSA Collaboration DPNs can include SSA field staff on their regular newsletter distribution list, which includes information on services available within the One-Stop system including disability-related services DPNs can ask SSA to contribute resources and articles to the newsletter - DPN has employed this strategy and is noticing increased referrals to the One-Stop Career Center from SSA Establish a similar relationship with the CWIC to ensure appropriate referrals and information is being disseminated and accessed Help to create a sustainable connection between the One-Stop Career Center and CWIC Include CWIC information on One Stop Web site

    10. Navigator/CWIC Collaboration NE Florida Initial Introductions were made and an overview of how to create a referral plan was made Benefit Planning outreach material were shared with all customers with disabilities who are served at the One Stop, as well as brochures added to the resources in the Center Resource Library Navigator Brochures placed at the Agency that holds the WIPA Contract Benefit Planner had accurate contact information for each Center Introductions to the Benefit Planner were made via phone - appointments are coordinated by Customer, the CWIC and designated One Stop Staff (Disability Specialists) Individual Benefit Planning appointments are made at the One Stop closest to the customers home The One Stop (EN) Policy is that before a Ticket is assigned, the customer must first attend a Benefit Planning Meeting When requested (for Navigator Development) the CWIC and the Customer allow the Navigator to sit in on the Benefit Planning meeting

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