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Flipping classroom : some experiments with university and k-12 classes

Flipping classroom : some experiments with university and k-12 classes. Alessandra Giglio giglio@itd.cnr.it www.alessandragiglio.com. In this presentation :. We will try to answer to some questions that can rise when talking about flipped learning.

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Flipping classroom : some experiments with university and k-12 classes

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  1. Flippingclassroom: some experiments with university and k-12 classes Alessandra Giglio giglio@itd.cnr.it www.alessandragiglio.com

  2. In thispresentation: We will try to answer to some questions that can rise when talking about flipped learning. • What do you exactly mean with «flipping the classroom»? • How can you apply it to a foreign language teaching context? • Which are the first results of such a case study?

  3. Flipping the Classroom: a Definition The Flipped Classroom is one of the emerging technologies in education. http://www.nmc.org/ Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter. (Flipped Learning Network, 2014)

  4. FlippedClassroom: a Brief History Bergman and Sams were surely helped by the rising success of http://www.youtube.com And, in the meanwhile, another interesting phenomenon was taking place http://goo.gl/4q9f5v http://goo.gl/eJ8L3g

  5. FlippedClassroom: puttingitsimple http://www.slu.edu

  6. FlippedClassroom: side effects • Student at the very center of their learning process • Use of Open Educational Resources in teaching • Developement of students’ technical and personal skills http://goo.gl/Djq1Yo http://goo.gl/7YMc9R http://goo.gl/R0ZnPA

  7. A Case Study: an Italian for Foreigners Course • Level: Italian for Absolute and False Beginners (A1 and A2 ECFR levels) • Structure of the course: 15 units of work (depending on the 15 units of the course textbook AND the term schedule) • Methodology: Communicative Approach

  8. The Course Syllabus The Traditional Course The Flipped Course http://goo.gl/gfcky8 http://goo.gl/pl25gk

  9. The Flipped Courses: Some Info Dalarna University, Sweden Deledda International (K-12) School, Italy Academic year 2013-2014 (no previous experience of Beginners courses) 8 students, from both Middle and High School Presence of a control group • Fall & Spring terms 2013; Spring term 2014 (previously, it was organized in an online, blended methodology) • 56 students, age 19-65 • No control group

  10. StudentSatisfactionQuestionnaire Pros Cons Students think it takes more time to study (K-12) Students find it hard to «balance the flipped method class with my other traditional classes» • Enthusiasm and motivation in the course • Students like the coursestructure and the unitsschemas to follow • Students likepre-recorded video to be watchedseveraltimes and at home (savinglesson time for languagecommunication) • No technicaldifficultiesrelated to the flippedmethod Flippedmethodhas to be implemented in the whole educational context

  11. SummativeResults • Similar outcome between «flipped» and control groups: written and oral skills seem to be developed at the same level • Grammar and morphosyntactic competences seem to be better developed by the «flipped» group • Only the «flipped» group developed technical and social skills Thanks to the videos?

  12. Conclusions The flipped learning methodology applied to the Italian for Beginner course seems to give similar learning outcomes comparing to traditional methods of teaching; however, it presents interesting surplus values such as the development of collaborative and social skills, more motivation on students and technology competences, that are key for the new millennium, lifelong learning panorama. Students seem to enjoy this sort of method, since it gives them more freedom to study at their own rhythm and according to their style of knowledge acquisition, as also Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (Gardner, 1983) suggested. Moreover, such a methodology allows the real, in-contexts and situational use of the target language, that also the communicative approach has been promoting for decades.

  13. References • Flipped Learning Network (FLN). (2014) The Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™, www.flippedlearning.org/(accessed on 22/05/2014) • Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. NY: Basics.

  14. Alessandra Giglio giglio@itd.cnr.it www.alessandragiglio.com

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