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Comités d’entreprise européens

European Works Councils. Comités d’entreprise européens. EWCs – Why?.

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Comités d’entreprise européens

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  1. European Works Councils Comités d’entreprise européens

  2. EWCs – Why? • whereas, if economic activities are to develop in a harmonious fashion, undertakings and groups of undertakings operating in two or more Member States must inform and consult the representatives of those of their employees that are affected by their decisions; Whereas procedures for informing and consulting employees as embodied in legislation or practice in the Member States are often not geared to the transnational structure of the entity which takes the decisions affecting those employees; whereas this may lead to the unequal treatment of employees affected by decisions within one and the same undertaking or group of undertakings;

  3. Why? Whereas... • Whereas appropriate provisions must be adopted to ensure that the employees of Community-scale undertakings are properly informed and consulted when decisions which affect them are taken in a Member State other than that in which they are employed; Whereas, in order to guarantee that the employees of undertakings or groups of undertakings operating in two or more Member States are properly informed and consulted, it is necessary to set up European Works Councils or to create other suitable procedures for the transnational information and consultation of employees;

  4. EWC - CEE Information &consultation?? • Directive • Loi Law • Employers

  5. Information • Means the informing of the body of representative of the employees and/or employees’ representatives by the competent organ of the SE on questions which concern the SE itself and any of its subsidiaries or establishments situated in another Member State or which exceed the powers of decision-making organs in a single Member State at a time, in a manner and with a content which allows the employees’ representatives to undertake an in-depth assessment of the possible impact and, where appropriate, prepare consultations with the competent organ of the SE;

  6. Consultation • Means the establishment of dialogue and exchange of views between the body representative of the employees and/or the employees’ representatives and the competent organ of the SE, at a time, in a manner and with a content which allows the employees’ representatives, on the basis of information provided, to express an opinion on measures envisaged by the competent organ which may be taken into account in the decision-making process within the SE;

  7. Source: Knudsen & Sörensen

  8. + Pratique + - Agreements Accords - Practice One best model?Modèle Unique le meilleur? Beiersdorf Euronex EDF Air France Lufthansa

  9. 1. Membres du CENE: Le fonctionnement du CENE Typologie des Comités d’entreprise européens 10 9 CENE actif 8 Information de qualité optimale CENE informatif 23,8% 28,0% 7 6 CENE moyen 5 30,1% 4 18,1% “café du commerce” 3 Information non optimale 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Source: CSC Pas de participation Participation

  10. BR ST BR-CE 41% < 5 H 44% < 10 h > 15 > 5000 > 45 EWC representativeLe représentant CEE

  11. 5. Répartitiondes Au B D Dk Es F Fi Gr I Ir L NL P S UK No Li Is sièges: 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 18 7. Nom: 8. Participé à ..... Négociations Comité CEE Autres réunions pouraccord restreint 2 5 10. Fonction dans Secrétaire Comité Représentant Autre leCEE restreint X X 11. Contacts avec Au B D Dk Es F Fi Gr I Ir L NL P S UK No Li Is les rep de 4 10 + 13. Appréciation 1 2 3 4 5 du (mauvais) (excellent) fonctionne-ment: X 14. Besoinsde Rep des Info Globalisation Langues Autres formation travailleurs économique etstratégies 5 1 - 5 et financière 5 3 3

  12. 2930 EWC - CEE 1 970 20 2 2 4 3 4 8 2 820 17 800 630 1 300 2 1 1 1 2 Transnational or national identity? RepresentativityTransnationality Représentativité Transnationalité

  13. EWC - CEE Transnationality – Transnationalité ?

  14. 1% 19% 70% 2% F UK 8% NL CES 0% H D Temps de parole

  15. Working methods Strategy Investments What ? Was ? Quoi?

  16. UNION SYNDICAT CTI GEWERKSCHAFT Parental leave Profit sharing 16% 66% Droits Rights 64% 47% Training 51% … + ? 40% Working time 39% R & D ?% 68% Equal opportunities H & S Environment

  17. Select committee Comité restreint Facilities Moyens Training Formation Meetings Réunions


  19. The Demands of the ETUC

  20. ETUC strategy in view of the revision of the European Works Councils Directive: a) Definition of the notions of information and consultation b) Recognition of the union's role  c) The procedure for renegotiating agreements d) A clearer definition of the notion of 'controlling undertaking' e) Training

  21. ETUC strategy in view of the revision of the European Works Councils Directive: f) Shortening the period for negotiations g) Sanctions h) Confidentiality i) Recourse to experts j) Access to sites k) The right to preparatory and follow-up meetings

  22. The Annex (1-5) 1. Definitions of ‘information’ and ‘consultation’ 2. The role of the trade unions 3. The maximum number of persons in SNBs and EWCs (in the subsidiary requirements) 4. The procedure for renegotiating agreements 5. Provision for a second exceptional meeting

  23. The Annex (6-10) 6. One-year negotiating period 7. Better definition of “controlling undertaking” 8. Access to workforce and workplaces 9. Confidentiality 10. Penalties

  24. The Annex (11-15) 11. Legal challenges 12. Information on eligibility 13. Preparatory and follow-up meetings for SNBs and EWCs (in the subsidiary requirements) 14. Training 15. Experts (EWCs)

  25. The Annex (16-19) 16. Experts (SNBs) 17. Select committees 18. Two meetings a year for EWCs 19. Interpretation and translation of documents

  26. The Annex (20 & 21) 20. The topics of • ‘health and safety policy’, • ‘training and education policy’, • ‘environmental policy’ and • ‘equal opportunity policy’ 21. Gender balance in EWCs

  27. The Annex (22-26) 22. “Ideological guidance” undertakings 23. Commercial shipping 24. The ‘transnational’ criterion 25. Reducing the threshold 26. Registering agreements

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