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SC 20

SC 20. Supply Chain Management Report for SC 18 January 2013. Specifications. Ca stings O pen Die F orgings C losed D ie Forgings N on-Destructive E xamination A lloy and Carbon S teel B olting.

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SC 20

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  1. SC 20 Supply Chain Management Report for SC 18 January 2013

  2. Specifications Castings Open Die Forgings Closed Die Forgings Non-Destructive Examination Alloy and Carbon Steel Bolting

  3. Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel, and Nickel Base Alloy Castings for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry API SPECIFICATION 20A FIRST EDITION, MARCH 2012 Licensing program being developed – revision expected to be balloted.

  4. Open Die Shaped Forgings for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry API SPECIFICATION 20B (In balloting process) Comments resolved editorially – API staff review

  5. Closed Die Forgings for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Upstream Segment API SPECIFICATION 20C FIRST EDITION, OCTOBER 2009

  6. Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Services for Equipment Manufactured in accordance with API Product Specifications used in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry API SPECIFICATION 20D (In balloting process) Ready for re-ballot

  7. Alloy and Carbon Steel Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries API SPECIFICATION 20E FIRST EDITION, AUGUST 2012 Licensing application submitted

  8. Qualification of Heat Treat Suppliers API SPECIFICATION 20F (Under development) Goal: Draft by June 2014

  9. Qualification of Welding Suppliers API SPECIFICATION 20G Joint with SC 18 Task Group

  10. Future Specifications Under Consideration Elastomers Super Duplex Test Laboratories Modified F22 CRA Bolting – (Approved to Develop) Painting and Coating

  11. API Source Inspector QualificationNew Program Request from API for SC 20 to form Task Group to assist in development of a supporting standard. Request was accepted

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