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Giving Students a Compass: Seeking a Conceptual Model for a Developmental ePortfolio

Giving Students a Compass: Seeking a Conceptual Model for a Developmental ePortfolio. Catherine Buyarski , University College, IUPUI Susan Kahn, Institutional Effectiveness & ePortfolio Initiative, IUPUI Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting January 23, 2013.

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Giving Students a Compass: Seeking a Conceptual Model for a Developmental ePortfolio

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  1. Giving Students a Compass: Seeking a Conceptual Model for a Developmental ePortfolio Catherine Buyarski, University College, IUPUI Susan Kahn, Institutional Effectiveness & ePortfolio Initiative, IUPUI Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting January 23, 2013

  2. Electronic Personal Development Plan • A reflective plan that students develop as an ePortfolio in the FYS and revise and update as they progress through their undergraduate career • Becoming well established in FYS • Pilots in several degree and co-curricular programs

  3. Context of IUPUI • Partnership between IU and Purdue • Urban research university • 30,000+ students --Mostly first generation, professionally oriented • 20+ very diverse schools; professional schools dominate

  4. Using ePortfolio at IUPUI • Art History (capstone) • Center for Research and Learning (undergrad research) • Center for Service and Learning (service learning) • English (capstone) • International Affairs (study abroad) • Library and Information Science (MLS) • Medicine (LHSI, MD) • Museum Studies (MA) • Nursing (All) • Philanthropy (BA) • Physical Therapy (DPT) • Psychology (advising, capstone) • Public Health (MPH) • Social Work (BSW) • Spanish (capstone)

  5. ePDP • Initiated by faculty teaching FYS to increase student commitment to graduating • Connect to Learning grant to pilot continued development in several programs • Now additional pilots, discussion of adoption in new General Education program

  6. ePDP across the curriculum • To deepen student learning • To maintain engagement, commitment, and sense of agency about their education • To integrate and document learning experiences

  7. Conceptual model • To articulate more clearly why we’re asking students to create ePDP • To gain student, faculty, advisor buy-in • To guide development beyond the FYS • To guide assessment • To prioritize technology needs/development

  8. Committee Representatives from: • Campus ePortfolio • Student Life • Academic Schools: Nursing, Engineering, Liberal Arts • Psychology • First Year Seminars • Student Success Programs • Program Assessment and Evaluation Many members wore more than one hat Not all had direct experience with the ePDP

  9. Process for Developing the Model • Completed literature review on variety of topics and from diverse fields of study • Focused on key concepts and identified five seminal readings • Semi-structured discussion around the readings during which key concepts emerged; met every three weeks for four months • Developed a summary of key points about five months into the process • Established basics of the model after about nine months of discussion • Currently assigned committee members to delve deeper into key concepts to make sure they are represented and applied in the most relevant manner

  10. Literature Reviewed • Self-Authorship • Reflection • Hope Theory • Making-Making • ePortfolios • Student Development (cognitive and affective) • Identity Development • Life-long and Life-wide Learning • Integrative Learning

  11. Self-Authorship Self-authorship is “the capacity to define one’s beliefs, identity, and social relations” (Baxter Magolda, 2001) Three elements of self-authorship (Baxter Magolda, 2008) • Trusting the internal voice • Building an internal foundation • Securing internal commitments

  12. Learning Partnerships (Baxter Magolda & King, 2004)Conditions that promote self-authorship Support Challenge Portray knowledge as complex and socially constructed Self is central to the construction of knowledge Share authority and expertise • Validate learners’ capacity to know • Situate learning in the learner’s experience • Define learning as mutually constructing meaning

  13. Hope Theory “Hope is a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful (a) agency (goal-directed energy), and (b) pathways (planning to meet goals).” Snyder, Irving, & Anderson, 1991, p. 287

  14. Some Initial Thoughts • Portfolios can start as one thing as evolve into something else (start as development and end with evidence/assessment) • Initial evidence provided in first-year is foundation for future evidence • ePDP is an intervention that can facilitate “development” • ePDP facilitates meaning making about experience, life and self

  15. Overall • ePDP has two primary functions • Recording of disruptions, “ah ha” moments, challenges accomplishments, key learning experiences • Development of meaning and a sense of place in self, life and the college experience

  16. Discussion • Have we missed any key bodies of knowledge or concepts? • Are there components that should have more or less emphasis in the model? • Have you developed (or are you developing) a conceptual model for ePortfolios on your campus?

  17. Contact us: Cathy Buyarski: cbuyarsk@iupui.edu Susan Kahn: skahn@iupui.edu IUPUI ePortfolio web site: academicaffairs.iupui.edu/plans/ePort/ ePDP web site: pdp.uc.iupui.edu/Home

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