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Ongoing projects regarding trade in meat and livestock in West and Central Africa

Methodological Workshop and launch Promoting regional trade in meat and livestock-related products in ECOWAS. Ongoing projects regarding trade in meat and livestock in West and Central Africa. Berhanu Bedane & Felix Njeumi February 12 to 14, 2014 Hotel Belle Côte - Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

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Ongoing projects regarding trade in meat and livestock in West and Central Africa

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  1. Methodological Workshop and launch Promoting regional trade in meat and livestock-related products in ECOWAS Ongoing projects regarding trade in meat and livestock in West and Central Africa Berhanu Bedane & Felix Njeumi February 12 to 14, 2014 Hotel Belle Côte - Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

  2. CONTENT • Context • On-going initiative regarding livestock & meat market in West & Central Africa • Main challenges • Recommendations

  3. CONTEXT - FAO UN specializedagency in food & agriculture, with a comprehensive mandate fromits MS (194) to workglobally on all aspects of food & agriculture Vision - a world free fromhunger & malnutrition Global goals • reduction of hunger & ensuringavailability of sufficient, safe & nutritiousfood for all • elimination of poverty • sustainable management and utilization of naturalresources

  4. CONTEXT - FAO • Expertise available from Livestock & trade divisions, HQ • RAF is one of the 6 regional offices, covering 47 countries in Africa • 4 sub-regional offices (Central, East, South and till recently West Africa) • The 15 West African are now covered with a desk in the RAF • Representation in all of the 15 WA countries

  5. ON-GOING INITIATIVES • Livestock sector review in 15 WA countries • A study on meat, milk & poultry value chains in selected countries • Challenges of cross-border transhumance in ECOWAS region • Identification & prioritization of major TADs in West Africa • Various projects at country level

  6. ON-GOING INITIATIVES Livestock-meat & dairy value chain project • ECOWAS identified policy gap & requested FAO for technical support • Support to policy initiatives for the development of livestock/meat & dairy value chains in West Africa, TCP/SFW/3402 • The project started in 2013 • Covers all the 15 countries

  7. ON-GOING INITIATIVES Objectives • To support the development of policy instruments • To produce priority investment plans Results • Regional & National project team in place • Inventory of value chain status, policies, investment • Validation workshop involving all stakeholders • Working on policy instruments & investment priorities (on-going)

  8. MTF/CMR/034/STFCAMEROUN Intitulé du projet: Appui à l’amélioration du contrôle des maladies transfrontalières du bétail objet du Commerce. Objectif: Amélioration quantitative et qualitative des animaux de commerce et de leurs produits, par la réduction des pertes dues aux maladies transfrontalières. Period: Juin 2012-Mai 2014 Financé par: OMC (STDF)

  9. Résultats attendus Au terme de ce projet les résultats suivants sont attendus: • Des plans stratégiques nationaux de lutte et de contrôle des maladies animales transfrontalières et une carte de distribution et impact des maladies ciblées sur le territoire et dans les élevages. • Des acteurs formés et capables d’appliquer les prescriptions officielles et commerciales dans le domaine SPS. • Des exploitants dotés des compétences renforcées et organisés en association pour lutter contre les maladies animales. • Des SV renforcés en matière de surveillance et de gestion des maladies transfrontalières. • Des stratégies d’intervention harmonisées, maîtrisées et partagées par tous les acteurs.

  10. Synergies & complementarities • With other FAO on-going activities at country & regional level – NAIPS & CPF in particular • With initiatives of/with other partners (e.g. Vet Governance on policy) • MoU signed with ECOWAS and CILSS, soon with UEMOA • Extensive network of offices & expertise

  11. Major challenges - GENERAL • Lack or unclear livestock policy • Livestock not prioritised by many governments in their NAIP • Inadequate investment & lack of credit services • Dilapidated infrastructure for livestock production, marketing, processing, etc. • Actors lack the necessary skills, organizations & linkage with market

  12. Major challenges - SPECIFIC • Low production & productivity – Land tenure, tradition production, genetics, feed, diseases • Institutional/socio-economic – Inadequate policies, difficult to enforce rules & regulations, limited investment, lack of credit, illegal barriers, actors not organised, competition with imported products • Infrastructure, technology & marketing – for production, processing, transporting, storage, packaging, etc. market & market information

  13. Recommendations - GENERAL • Sensitization of decision makers with tangible evidence on livestock • Better involvement of livestock authorities in national planning & policy development • Lobby to secure 3% of national budget • Incentives for local livestock industry • Synergy of actors in the livestock sector (Alone, you go faster. Together we go further!)

  14. Recommendations - SPECIFIC • Enabling conditions for increased production & productivity • Promotion of meat & milk processing, transport, storage, packaging, etc. • Facilitate markets & marketing including availability of market information • Organization, sensitization & training of actors

  15. Thank you!

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