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Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness

Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness. RCN Clinical Leadership Programme. Facilitator: Ian Govier. Welcome Croeso. Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness.

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Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness RCN Clinical Leadership Programme Facilitator: Ian Govier Welcome Croeso

  2. Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness RCN Clinical Leadership Programme Facilitator: Ian Govier

  3. opportunitynowhere Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness

  4. ABMU NHS Trust – Political Awareness Workshop • Explore what we mean by the term political awareness? • Examine how we can increase our political awareness • Articulate our political awareness to improve services and patient care

  5. What do I want to ACHIEVEorCHANGE as a result of this workshop?

  6. ILL Permanent White Water(Vaill, 1996) (Covey, 2006)

  7. The Constants • Change • Choice • Principles (Covey, 2006)

  8. “The one indisputable fact that characterises organisational life, is that… …is inevitable.” (Beverley Alimo-Metcalfe, 2005)

  9. “If you want to see change… …be the change you want to see”

  10. Choice

  11. Increasing & Articulating Political Awareness

  12. ‘Before I served as a consultant to President Kennedy, I had believed that the process of decision-making was largely intellectual and all one had to do was walk into the President’s office and convince him of the correctness of one’s view. This perspective I soon realized is as dangerously immature as it is widely held’. Henry A. Kissinger

  13. Politics may be defined as: “the assumptions or principles relating to a theory or activity in a society or organisation especially concerned with power and status.” New Oxford Dictionary of English (2001)

  14. Politics shape the health service and the policies that impact on the health and well being of people. (Antrobus, 2004)

  15. So what is political awareness?

  16. Political awareness is an understanding of: • the bigger national, political picture • about health care; • the key agendas for one’s own organisation; • power and authority; • how to influence so as to lead and shape • policy and services at a local level.

  17. Political awareness is an understanding of: the bigger national, political picture about health care

  18. Seeing the bigger picture! Zoom

  19. The Department for Health and Social Services is responsible for: • advising the Welsh Assembly Government in setting policies and • strategies for health and social care in Wales • contributing to making legislation in the field of health and social • care   • providing funding for the NHS and other health and social care • bodies • managing and supporting the delivery of health and social care • services • monitoring and promoting improvements in service delivery

  20. Political awareness is an understanding of: the key agendas for one’s own organisation

  21. Local Health Board

  22. How political is your organisation?

  23. Examples of poor political awareness Examples of good political awareness

  24. Lunch Time

  25. Political awareness is an understanding of: • power and authority

  26. Let’s explore politics, power & healthcare!

  27. Perspectives on Politics Questionnaire

  28. What type of player are you?

  29. Owl, Fox, Donkey or Sheep?

  30. Politically Aware Clever Wise Action with integrity Psychological Game Playing Inept Innocent Politically Unaware

  31. Maps and Territories!

  32. Power– the currency of leaders?

  33. Political awareness is an understanding of: how to influence so as to lead and shape policy and services at a local level

  34. Positive Influencing

  35. Put your main effort into trying to understand the other person.Ninety per cent of the time influencing goes wrong is because we put all our effort into expounding our own views; Listen, and show you are listening, by using the skills of summarizing and clarifying; Know yourself: understand how you appear to others; recognize your own unhelpful ‘hot-buttons’ and work on eliminating them; Ask open questions and listen carefully to the answers; Create authentic rapport with the other person through using appropriate body language; Let people find their own solutions. Develop alternatives to giving others advice.

  36. Develop a range of styles appropriate to the occasion – don’t just rely on one of two ways of influencing; Stay open to being influenced yourself. Ask for feedback and learn from it; Act on the belief that you have the right to be heard and to say what you want; Create common ground through your enthusiasm and your focus on the positive.

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