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How do you form the past?

How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait. What are some of the differences?. How do you form the Passé Composé ? . You take a helping verb, avoir or être and add the past participle….

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How do you form the past?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How do you form the past?

  2. Passé Composé and the Imparfait • What are some of the differences?

  3. How do you form the Passé Composé? • You take a helping verb, avoir or être and add the past participle…. • Today we will look at avoir + past participle (which is how most verbs are formed)

  4. How do you conjugate AVOIR?

  5. Forming the past participles…. • With an –er verb drop the –er , add –é • With an –ir verb  drop the –ir, add –i • With an –re verb  drop the –re, add -u

  6. Some examples…. • J’aichanté • Tu as fini • Il a vendu • Nous avonsfermé la porte • Vousavezmaigridepuisjuillet • Ilsontrendu le livre.

  7. Of course, there are some irregular past participles!!! • Avoir eu • Faire  fait • Etre  été • Devoir  dû • Vouloir  voulu • Pouvoir  pu • Voirvu

  8. Recevoir  reçu Boire  bu Ecrire  écrit Mettre  mis Voir  vu Connaître  connu Et encore plus… • Dire  dit • Prendre pris • Lire  lu • Offrir offert • Disparaître disparu • Avoir eu • Vouloir voulu • Ouvrir ouvert

  9. How would you say…. • I bought a french book yesterday? • He did his homework? • We wanted to go shopping? • They had to give back the book? • You washed your car?

  10. With the Passé Composé and AVOIR • You will NOT make agreement! • Ex: Elle a grossi • Ex: Il a envoyé la lettre • Ex: Nous avonslavé la voiture

  11. Passé Composé with avoir….

  12. Passé Composé with avoir….

  13. What’s the other helping verb we can use to form the Passé Composé? • ETRE • When do we use ETRE? with one of the 17 “House verbs” OR with a reflexive verb

  14. How do you conjugate être?

  15. What are the “17 House Verbs?

  16. Forming the past participles… (same as avoir….) • With an –er verb drop the –er , add –é • With an –ir verb  drop the –ir, add –i • With an –re verb  drop the –re, add -u

  17. Of course, there are some irregular past participles!!! • Naître né • Mourir  mort • Venir  venu

  18. With the Passé Composé and ETRE • You will ALWAYS make agreement with the SUBJECT! • Ex: Elle estpartie • Ex: Nous sommesvenu(e)s chez toi • Ex: Ils se sontlavés

  19. Passé Composé with être….

  20. Passé Composé with être….

  21. Passé Composé with avoir or être?

  22. Object Pronouns…they always go before the first conjugated verb…. • Direct Obect pronouns: le, la, les (person, place, thing) • Indirect Object pronouns: lui, leur ( à + person) • Y: replaces à + place/thing or preposition + place/thing • EN : replaces de + place/thing or expression of quantity + place/thing

  23. Object Pronouns…they always go before the first conjugated verb…. • EXCEPT: • If there is an INFINITIVE, then it will go right before the infinitive Ex: Tu vas chanter la chanson  Tu vas la chanter • If there is a positive command, it will come after the verb Ex: Ferme la porte!  Ferme-la!

  24. Luileur Le la les Me te se nous vous Double Object Pronoun Order Y en

  25. Essayez les examples suivants:

  26. With the Passé Composé and AVOIR and ETRE

  27. Essayez les examples suivants:

  28. How do you create the Imparfait? • Take the nous form of the verb in the present tense, drop the –ons and add the following endings:

  29. Des examples….

  30. Il y a seulementune exception! ETRE!!!

  31. Special uses of the Imparfait… C’était can be used in a variety of situations to describe how something was or used to be….. • C’était (It was…) magnifique! To express enthusiasm • C’étaitassezbien! To express indifference • C’étaitmortel! To express dissatisfaction To tell how people seemed Ilsavaientl’air contents. Use “si on” with the imparfait to make a suggestion Si on jouait au volley?

  32. Passé Composé and the ImparfaitWhat are some differences? Two things to remember… Usually, in a sentence if you have two different subjects, one will be in the I, the other in the PC…. And secondly… if the subject is the same, chances are it will be the same tense… Examples: Je lisais le journal quand le téléphone a sonné. Elle chantait pendant qu’elledansait.

  33. PC vsImparfait

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