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AARP Livable Communities Program - Creating Age-Friendly Communities

AARP's Livable Communities Program aims to create age-friendly communities by addressing issues such as isolation, housing, mobility, public spaces, and more. Enroll now and join the network of age-friendly states and communities.

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AARP Livable Communities Program - Creating Age-Friendly Communities

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  1. AARP’s Livable CommunitiesProgram Kent Sovern, State Director (Ret.),AARPNebraska

  2. Demographic tippingpoint March 13,2018

  3. Theopportunity… PERCENT OF POPULATION AGE 65+ Source: USCensus

  4. By2050: More than 1/3 of Nebraskans willbe over50 Source: MAPA 2050 LRTPMemo

  5. Behind the numbers, a deeperstory PUBLICSPACES Seniors comprise 20% of general population butonly 4% of parkusers ISOLATION Isolation and loneliness areworse for health than obesity. The health risks of prolongedisolation = smoking15 cigarettes/day HOUSING More than 50% of renters 65+ were rent-burdened (paying more than 30% of income for housing) in 2015,up from 43% in2001 MOBILITY The average American man outlives his abilityto drive by six years; the average American woman, by 10 years

  6. Behind the numbers, a deeperstory AGING INPLACE 75% of people 50+ want to age in their same home and/or same community; increases to 90%for 65+ OLDERADULTS WALKING Walking trips upby seniors from 9 to 14% from 2009to 2017 SHARE OF PEDESTRIAN FATALITIES People 65 or older were over- represented in pedestrianfatalities in 35states. OLDERADULTS BIKING …but no growth in older adultsbiking from 2009 to2017

  7. Are weready? Are there adequatehousing options that are affordable, accessible and varied in type? Are thereopportunities for civic and social engagement through volunteerism, work, other? Are there ways toremain mobile once driving isno longer anoption? Is there adequate,safe and accessible public space?


  9. Ourapproach Support Communities +Community Leaders Equip AARP StateOffices EnlistPartners

  10. We are IN yourcommunity …and 43 other states andterritories

  11. Enlistpartners

  12. AARP Network of Age-Friendly States andCommunities 365+communities 5states

  13. Developing an age-friendly community: thefoundation The 8 Domains ofLivability

  14. Developing an age-friendly community: theprocess Year 5: Progress / statusupdate Years 3-5: Implementation Year 2: Create an actionplan Year 1: Conduct asurvey and listeningsessions Enrollment

  15. Information and tools you can use:aarp.org/livable

  16. Information and tools you can use: free in print ordownload www.aarp.org/livable

  17. Information and tools:www.livabilityindex.aarp.org

  18. Resources to invest in quick-actionchange Alleyactivation(WI) Trails andsignage(MT) Medicinal planter boxes(AK) Parklets(MS) 18

  19. Is itworking? • 2019 NAFSC Survey; nearly one-third enrolledresponded • 42% of respondents achieved a change in publicpolicy • Most common success: integrating an age-friendly lens into communityplan • Most frequent wins by category: housing, transportation, outdoorspaces and buildings, health and communityservices • 20% of respondents achieved a private sector investment oraction • Most frequent wins by category: housing, health and communityservices, communication andinformation • 75% of respondents described ‘other successes’ categorizedas: • Raising awareness of livableissues • Increase collaboration withincommunity • Enact programs in accordance with ActionPlan • Integrate age-friendly lens into strategicplanning

  20. For moreinformation: www.aarp.org/livable Danielle Arigoni, Director of Livable Communities,AARP darigoni@aarp.org @aarplivable @daniellearigoni THANKYOU!

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