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Fisheries: Basic Information

Fisheries: Basic Information. Fish that humans like to eat sometimes. From the top of the ocean to the bottom we have: Pelagic Fish Demersal Fish Crustaceans Mollusks. Images from: http://cars.er.usgs.gov/Fishes_of_Isla_del_Coco/Release_Aug_2__2000/tuna.jpg ;

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Fisheries: Basic Information

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fisheries: Basic Information

  2. Fish that humans like to eat sometimes • From the top of the ocean to the bottom we have: • Pelagic Fish • Demersal Fish • Crustaceans • Mollusks Images from: http://cars.er.usgs.gov/Fishes_of_Isla_del_Coco/Release_Aug_2__2000/tuna.jpg; http://www.hoodsportndive.com/images/Ling%20cod%20w%20eggs-retouched.JPG; http://www.vifishandwildlife.com/Education/FactSheet/Images/Lobster.jpg; and http://www.newsday.com/media/photo/2003-03/6967347.jpg

  3. By-catch By-catch is the term for “non-target” fish and other marine animals accidentally caught by fishing gear

  4. Types of fishing gear used in U.S. fisheries

  5. Fishing Methods • To give you a sense of fishing methods I will show you a slide show of images. • To “take notes” I recommend the following: • List the method • Briefly describe the method • Hypothesize benefits and costs of the method, especially focusing on environmental benefits and costs

  6. Hook and Lining • Images from: http://aging.als.uiuc.edu/2002%2007%2001%206.GerardDurand%20fishing%20@%20Cedar%20Springs,%20VA.jpg and http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp

  7. Traps and Pots Images from: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp and http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/faq/images/loboat1.jpg

  8. Longlining Images from: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp; http://collections.ic.gc.ca/stgeorges/longLining.gif; http://www.seaswap.info/background/longlining.html; and http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/fish/images/big/fish0832.jpg

  9. Trawling/Dragging Images from: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp; http://www.mcbi.org/DSC_statement/trawler%20in%20Olympic_large.jpg and http://www.savethehighseas.org/gallery/gpbottomtrawlertasman355.jpg

  10. Purse Seining Images from: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp; http://www.igb-berlin.de/abt4/mitarbeiter/Mehner/pictures/bild2.jpg; and http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/fish/images/big/fish0768.jpg

  11. Gillnetting Images from: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp; http://www.hbu.cas.cz/fishecu/gillnetting.JPG and http://www.state.tn.us/twra/fish/Reservoir/fishcomsurv/gillnetting2.jpg

  12. In North Carolina… “the most important fish in the ocean” • http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/as-an-essential-atlantic-fish-declines-experts-debate-course/2011/07/29/gIQAC3vNmI_story.html • http://www.northcarolinasportsman.com/printer_friendly.php?id=1391

  13. For more information: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.asp http://www.oceanconservancy.org/news-room/aquaculture/oc-testifies-offshore-aqua.html

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