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WARINGSTOWN. Aim. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH. To foster good community links that will help to reassure people about the fear of crime, and to offer crime prevention advice to residents in the village of Waringstown in conjunction with the local PSNI. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH.

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  2. Aim WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH To foster good community links that will help to reassure people about the fear of crime, and to offer crime prevention advice to residents in the village of Waringstown in conjunction with the local PSNI.

  3. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Objective 1 To foster good community links that will help to reassure people about the fear of crime, and to offer crime prevention advice to residents in the village of Waringstown in conjunction with the local PSNI.

  4. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Objective 2 To impact and contribute to the legislative requirement for the District Policing Partnership to draw up a strategy for gaining the co-operation of the public with the police in preventing crime in Waringstown as part of Craigavon District

  5. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Objective 3 To support the Community Police Liaison Committee thereby enabling the people of Waringstown with local agencies in the public, private, business and voluntary sectors to identify and address local concerns about crime, the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour.

  6. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To liaise with the NIO re introduction of the Public Liability Insurance cover of NW Schemes in Northern Ireland Successfully achieved

  7. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To undertake an evaluation of the performance of the local Scheme Successfully undertaken

  8. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Scheme Evaluation – Community Partner Questionnaire Poor return – approx. 16 %

  9. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Scheme Evaluation – Community Partner Questionnaire 62% agreed that the Scheme has contributed to reducing the overall level of crime in Waringstown.

  10. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Scheme Evaluation – Community Partner Questionnaire 61% agreed that the scheme has been influential in reducing the incidence of anti-social behaviour in the village

  11. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Scheme Evaluation – Community Partner Questionnaire 38% agreed he scheme has been influential in increasing PSNI presence in Waringstown.

  12. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Scheme Evaluation – Community Partner Questionnaire 16% agreed that the Scheme has been helpful in encouraging Craigavon Borough Council to improve the general environment e.g. reduction of litter and dog fouling

  13. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To introduce the Home Office training package for Helpers and Coordinators

  14. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To enhance our existing communication systems including the development of a website

  15. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To pursue the development of a NW Regional Structure thereby allowing membership of the National Strategy Scheme

  16. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To lobby for improvements on environmental conditions in our village

  17. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 07-08 To continue to increase membership of our NW Scheme

  18. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 08-09 To continue to increase membership of our NW Scheme within the existing sectors, also new developments subject to new helpers being successfully recruited

  19. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 08-09 To complete the development and launch of our NW Website

  20. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 08-09 To investigate and successfully secure premises for a NW Drop-in Administrative and Information Centre at a convenient location in the village

  21. WARINGSTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operational Plan 08-09 To continue to pursue environment matters within the village and lobby successfully for appropriate and timely improvements

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