1 / 23

} kjk %& johUnz dqekj oekZ dsanzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxksaMk

f[ kykSusokyk. } kjk %& johUnz dqekj oekZ dsanzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxksaMk. og ns[ kks ek ¡ vkt f[ kykSusokyk fQj ls vk;k gSA. dbZ rjg ds lqUnj&lqUnj u, f[ kykSus yk;k gSA. gjk&gjk rksrk fiatM+s esa. xsan ,d iSls okyh. NksVh &lh eksVj xkM+h gS lj&lj&lj pyus okyhA.

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} kjk %& johUnz dqekj oekZ dsanzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxksaMk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. f[kykSusokyk }kjk%& johUnzdqekjoekZ dsanzh; fo|ky;] uyxksaMk

  2. og ns[kksek¡ vktf[kykSusokykfQjlsvk;kgSA dbZrjg ds lqUnj&lqUnj u, f[kykSusyk;kgSA

  3. gjk&gjkrksrkfiatM+sesa

  4. xsan ,d iSlsokyh

  5. NksVh&lheksVjxkM+hgS lj&lj&ljpyusokyhA

  6. lhVhHkhgSdbZrjg dh dbZrjg ds lqUnj [ksy

  7. pkHkhHkjnsuslsHkd&Hkd djrhpyusokyhjsyA

  8. xqfM+;k HkhgScgqrHkyh&lh ifgusdkuksaesackyh

  9. NksVk&lkVhlsVgS

  10. NksVs&NksVsgSayksVk&FkkyhA

  11. NksVs&NksVs /kuq’k&ck.kgSa NksVh&NksVhryokj u, f[kykSusysyksHkS;k t+ksj&t+ksjogjgkiqdkj

  12. eqUuw us xqfM+;k ysyhgS

  13. eksgu us eksVjxkM+h

  14. epy&epyljykdgrhgS ek¡ lsysusdkslkM+h

  15. dHkh f[kykSusokykHkhek¡ D;klkM+hysvkrkgSA lkM+hrksogdiM+sokyk dHkh&dHkh ns tkrkgS vEekrqeusrksykdj ds eq>s ns fn, iSlspkj dkSu f[kykSukysrkgw¡ eSa rqeHkheuesadjksfopkjA

  16. rqelkspksxheSaysyw¡xk rksrk] fcYyh] eksVj] jsy ijek¡] ;g eSadHkh u yw¡xk ;s rksgSacPpksa ds [ksyA

  17. eSaryokj [kjhnw¡xkek¡ ;k eSayw¡xkrhj&deku

  18. taxy esatk] fdlhrkM+dk dksek:¡xkjkelekuA

  19. rilh ;K djsaxs] vlqjksa dkseSaekjHkxkšxk ;ksaghdqNfnudjrs&djrs jkepanz cu tkšxkA

  20. ;ghajgw¡xkdkS”kY;keSa rqedks ;ghacukÅ¡xkA

  21. rqe dg nksxhoutkusdks g¡lrs&g¡lrstkÅ¡xkA ijek¡] fcukrqEgkjsouesa eSadSlsjgikÅ¡xkA

  22. fnuHkj ?kwew¡xk taxy esa ykSVdgk¡ ijvkÅ¡xkA

  23. fdllsyw¡xkiSls] :Bw¡xk RkksdkSueukysxk dkSuI;kjlsfcBkxksnesa eupkghphts+sansxkA }kjk%& johUnzdqekjoekZ dsanzh; fo|ky;] uyxksaMk

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