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Challenges and Limitations

Tobacco Control @ SPC Presentation to Pacific Tobacco Control Smokefree Oceania Conference 5 th September 2007. Challenges and Limitations. Variable levels of political will and commitment to long term planning and funding

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Challenges and Limitations

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  1. Tobacco Control@ SPCPresentation to Pacific Tobacco ControlSmokefree Oceania Conference5th September 2007

  2. Challenges and Limitations • Variable levels of political will and commitment to long term planning and funding • Tobacco Control often funded at a low level, without specified in country budget • Limited workforce capacity in PICTs - few people, ‘multi-tasking’ • Many countries, distributed across a large geographical region • Some countries population (especially young) numbers falling through migration, out of country education • Transport/ travel/ communications, can be prohibitive and creating barriers to networking

  3. Further Challenges and Limitations • Concerns over inadequacy of evidence base for effective interventions in the Pacific • Data for measuring standard tobacco control indicators e.g. smoking prevalence, other performance indicators for monitoring and evaluation - variable. • Role clarification of different regional/ bilateral and other agencies required – need for alignment and harmonization

  4. % of people who smoke daily (Selected - 7 Pacific countries) Source (Available WHO STEPS Surveys as at 2007)

  5. SPC’s Response

  6. SPC has developed a Integrated and comprehensive (NCD) Plan for the Pacific

  7. SPC’s Strategy • Has been developed with country consultation • Is focused on, and supported by, our member countries in the Pacific • Is to be undertaken in collaboration with regional stakeholders (WHO), PICTS, key donor agencies and other regional partners • Adopts a multi-sectoral approach, based on internationally agreed frameworks and strategies • Is evidence based and cost effective

  8. Key objectives for SPC strategy • Strengthen the development, implementation and evaluation of national tobacco action/ public health /NCD plans • Assist PICTs with the adoption and implementation of international and regional agreements and x country issues • Develop capacity and skills in tobacco control through targeted workforce training • Expand the use of fiscal measures and develop sustainable funding mechanisms • Strengthen tobacco control surveillance systems, research and application of data in conjunction with PICTs and regional partners • Strengthen tobacco control networks in the Pacific Region

  9. Objective 1: Strengthen the development, implementation and evaluation of national tobacco action/ public health /NCD plans Examples • Work with PICTs to develop and implement long term, comprehensive, evidence based, tobacco control strategies (usually as part of a comprehensive NCD Plan) • Assist PICTs to develop shorter term action plans, where required • Assist with implementation of specific key tobacco control initiatives/projects

  10. Objective 2: Assist PICTs with the adoption and implementation of international and regional agreements and x country issues Examples • Work with PICTs to assist them meet FCTC obligations • Develop policy/ position papers on issues affecting the region – tax, trade • Identify technical assistance requirements e.g. planning, program implementation, resource development, external technical expertise – legislation, health economics • SPC has worked extensively for continued exclusion of tobacco (and alcohol) from PICTA. Further 2 years exclusion of tobacco until 2009 recently announced

  11. Objective 3: Develop capacity and skills in tobacco control through targeted workforce training Examples • Planned ‘in country’ provision of NCD coordinator position (role would include tobacco control) • Skill based training – Social Marketing/ Behavioural change training, workshops • Short term placements/attachments assistance to provide external expertise e.g. cessation • Regional and sub regional to regional centres, academic institutions or to SPC • Assistance with regional media advocacy

  12. Objective 4: Expand the use of fiscal measures and develop sustainable funding mechanisms Examples • Develop comprehensive position paper on sustainable funding mechanisms for NCD prevention and tobacco control • Promote the development of fiscal policies/legislation to fund tobacco control and NCD prevention to ensure sustainable funding mechanisms and Health Promotion Foundations • Provide a means through which Pacific countries can obtain funding from International, Regional & Bi-lateral agencies and global donor initiatives

  13. Objective 5: Strengthen tobacco control surveillance systems, research and application of data in conjunction with PICTs and regional partners Examples • Encourage the uptake of regular surveillance through STEPS, GYTS, Adult Smoking Survey (WHO) • Encourage collection of other data providing key indicators for tobacco control e.g. compliance with FCTC provisions; enforcement of, smokefree legislation, advertising, sales to minors • Undertake specific research projects – economic burden of tobacco related disease, specific project evaluations • Encourage utilisation of survey and research findings for media advocacy tool, to raise public and key stakeholder awareness

  14. Objective 6: Strengthen tobacco control networks in the Pacific Region Example • In consultation with PICTS develop a funding proposal for a Pacific Tobacco Control Network, and as part of the Network, auspice an biennial/annual face to face meeting for tobacco control

  15. Summary of the role of SPC At Regional level SPC can strengthen; • Regional cooperation and funding streams e.g. develop partnerships and increase harmonization between technical agencies, donor/development partners & PICTs • Regional approaches, x country issues e.g. cross border issues, smuggling, advertising and promotion, Trade issues – PICTA, • Capacity to meet international/ regional requirements e.g FCTC, Tobacco network (or NCD network and annual Pacific meeting)

  16. Summary of the role of SPC Within countries SPC can strengthen; • Development of comprehensive, relevant, appropriate national tobacco /NCD Strategies and Action Plans – thereby building commitment ‘in country’ for sustainable funding mechanisms • Existing work in the Pacific, through provision of evidence based approaches/ best practice and appropriate policy/ positions for the Pacific • Surveillance, M&E, Research • Workforce capacity and development – provision of capacity within country for NCD prevention – including tobacco control • Provide a coordination role to establish a Pacific regional tobacco control (NCD) network

  17. JeanieM@spc.int Thank you!

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