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SYSTEMS THEORY. Whitchurch, G. G., & Constantine, L. L. (1993). Systems theory. In P. G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, & S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 325-352). New York: Plenum Press.

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  1. SYSTEMS THEORY Whitchurch, G. G., & Constantine, L. L. (1993). Systems theory. In P. G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, & S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 325-352). New York: Plenum Press.

  2. Three Distinct But Closely Interrelated Theoretical Legacies • Information theory: focuses on the reduction of uncertainty which is achieved by the acquisition of information. • Cybernetics: a science of communication concerned with the transmission and control of information; it examines the communication and manipulation of information in various systems. • General Systems Theory (GST): interested in systems in general; family systems theory is an extension of this branch. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  3. Definitions and Terms • Three Uses/Definitions: • General Systems Theory (GST) is used to explain the behavior of a variety of complex, organized systems. • GST is also a process of theory construction which focuses on building universal concepts, postulates, and principles. • GST, as a worldview, emphasizes interrelationships between objects. • Terms • Isomorphism: Refers to equivalence of form: there is a one-to-one correspondence between elements and relationships. • Cybernetic system: systems with feedback. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  4. Core Assumptions of General Systems Theory • GST Has Potential for Unifying Science: suggests that there are unifying principles in every discipline; GST is a way to consider isomorphism between them. • A System Must Be Understood as a Whole • Von Bertalanffy: promoted the notion that a family, or any system, is greater than the some of it's parts. • Lewin: the whole is different from the sum of it's parts. • Human Systems are Self-Reflexive • Human systems are characterized by their ability to make themselves and their own behavior the focus of examination; this is self-reflexivity. • Self-reflectivity • permits humans to examine their systems and set goals. • permits humans to examine social influences on systems and behaviors, rather than naively accepting them as “natural.” Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  5. Research and Theory Foci • Ongoing Family Processes: • Transactional patterns (e.g., predictable behavior sequences). • Shift focus from individual to the family. • Topics: • family functioning, • family communication, • family conflict, • separateness and connecetedness, • cohesion, • adaptation to change. • Example of research questions (from Montgomery & Fewer, 1988): • What elements of a social system are influenced by other parts of the system; how does one element of a system recursively influence the whole system? • How does the behavior of different components fit together? • How does the fit between systems affect functioning? • What is the Relationship of Family Systems to Other Systems Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  6. Major Contemporary Concepts of General Systems Theory • Interdependence/Mutual Influence • Equifinality: • Definition: the ability of a system to achieve the same goals through different routes (e.g., we may take different roads to campus but we all arrive at the same place). • Communication patterns are organized into feedback loops which affect goal-setting behavior in systems. • Hierarchy: • The “layering” of systems of increasing complexity, including • Subsystems: smaller parts of the same system. • Systems • Suprasystems: larger systems (e.g., economic and political system). • Controversy: disagreement about definition of sub- and supra-systems as well as identification of components. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  7. Major Contemporary Concepts of General Systems Theory (cont.) • Boundaries and Open/Closed Systems • Boundaries define membership in a system. • Boundaries also represent the point of contact between the system and other systems. • Boundaries vary in degree of permeability, the degree to which they control the flow between systems. • Customary approaches to operationalizing boundaries: • Assessment of permeability and cohesion. • Emotional connectedness between family members. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  8. Contemporary Concepts (cont.) • Feedback and Control • Feedback loop • Path of communication in a system. • Feedback is considered either positive or negative based on the effect it has on the system, not on it’s content. • Types of feedback loops: • Negative: • feedback is used to maintain homeostasis. This type of feedback has also been called constancy loops and deviation-attenuating loops. • Morphostatic feedback: refers to feedback which promotes maintenance of existing structure. • Positive: feedback used to promote change. • These types of feedback are also referred to as deviation-amplifying loops or variety loops. • Morphogenic feedback: refers to feedback which produces change in the system. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  9. Examples of Research Emerging from General Systems Theory • Marital and Family Interaction • Hess and Handel (1959): integrated GST and symbolic interactionism to examine the family as a system that socially constructs it’s reality. They suggested that there are five essential processes of family interaction. • Comparison of family interaction patterns between “normal” and “schizophrenic” families (Mishler & Waxler, 1968). • Family Dysfunction: individual patterns of dysfunction are attributed to family interaction patterns. • Alcoholism: Steinglass and Wolin have integrated a family development and systems approach, suggesting that alcoholism influences families in stages which accounts for patterns of alcoholism in families. • Family violence: systemic explanations are controversial. This research suggests that the failure to leave an abusive situation is a form of positive feedback. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  10. Examples of Research (cont.) • Marital and Family Taxonomies • Olson’s Circumplex model • Three dimensions create sixteen relationship types; the three dimensions are • Cohesion • Adaptability • Communication • Three general types of relationships: • Balanced • Mid-range • Extreme • In general, research has revealed that balanced families will function more adequately than the other types of families. • It has been criticized for not including a dimension for competence. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  11. Examples of Research (cont.) • Marital and Family Taxonomies (cont.) • The Beavers systems model examines family competence (e.g., healthy, mid-range, and severely dysfunctional). • Typologies melding systems with symbolic interactionism: develop, for example, a typology based on the effect of family members shared perceptions about their social environment (symbolic interactionism) on the social environment (a systems construct) (Reiss, 1981; see also Constantine, 1986; Constantine & Israel, 1985; Fitzpatrick, 1976, 1988). Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  12. Limitations of General Systems Theory • General Criticisms: focus on application of systems theory. • GST is too vague and general, making it difficult to operationalize and evaluate empirically. • Criticized for poor explanatory power because, although it provides conceptualization, it is difficult to clearly identify and measure constructs. • Criticism of subtle assumption that all parts of a system have equal power. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

  13. Limitations of General Systems Theory (cont.) • Feminist Critique: • Limited recognition of power in family systems which obscures the privilege of dominant groups. • Systemic constructs often reflect sex bias. Enmeshment is pathologized, for example, while differentiation is promoted. This devalues a way of relating that is common to women. • Clinically, emphasizes therapist neutrality. • Ironically, it is viewed as not systemic enough. • Interdisciplinary scholarship has demonstrated that all cultures utilize gender and generation as fundamental categories of organization, but systems theory ignores gender concerns. Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson

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