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THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC DEVELOPMENT OF HOSPİTAL ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA. Turhan Ece, MD Professor of Pulmonary Medicine İstanbul University, İstanbul Medical School, Department of Pulmonary Medicine. HEALTCARE ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA. H ospital A cquired P neumonia ( HAP )

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  1. THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC DEVELOPMENT OF HOSPİTAL ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA Turhan Ece, MD Professor of Pulmonary Medicine İstanbul University, İstanbul Medical School, Department of Pulmonary Medicine

  2. HEALTCARE ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA • Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) • HealtCare Associated Pneumonia (HCAP)

  3. HEALTCARE ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA • HAP; occurs ≥ 48 hours after admission • VAP; occurs ≥ 48 hours after intubation • HCAP; occurs ≥ 48 hours hospitalized within 90 days, resided in a nursing home, received recent IV antibiotic, chemotherapy, or wound care within the past 30 days, attended a hemodialysis clinic

  4. HEALTCARE ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA • HAP, VAP, HCAP • Multidsiplinary • Epidemiology and Pathogenesis • Modifiable risk factors • The variability of bacteriology • Early onset pneumonia without MDR* pathogen risk Late onset pneumonia with MDR* pathogen risk *P.aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp, MRSA

  5. HAP- Epidemiology • The socond most common nosocomial infection • HAP increases hospital stay 7-9 days and cost 40.000 USD • HAP occurs 5-10 cases per 1000 hospital admission ( 6-20 fold in MV patients) • HAP accounts 25 % of all ICU infections Am Respir Crit Care Med 2005;171: 388-416

  6. The Epidemiology of HCAP • An increase in mortolity for HAP and VAP is associated with MDR pathogens • Bacteria cause most cases of HAP and VAP is polymicrobial espacially high in patients with ARDS • HAP, VAP, and HCAP are commonly caused by AGNB ( P.aeruginosa,K.pneumoniae, Acinetobacter sp. Enterobacter sp.)55- 85% by GPC ( S.aureus, MRSA) 20- 30% • Rates of L.pneumophila is high when water supply colonisation and ongoing construction • Nosocomial virus and fungal infections are uncommon Am Respir Crit Care Med 2005;171: 388-416

  7. VAP- Epidemiology • VAP occurs in 9-27 % of all ıntubated patients • During the first 5 days 3% During 5 to 10 days 2% After 10 days 1% • Half of VAP occur within 4 days of MV

  8. The Pathogenesis of HAP • Sources of pathogenesis for HAP include healthcare devices, the environment and the transfer of microorganism • Host and treatment related colonization factors; severity of underlying disease, prior surgery, exposure to antibiotics and invasive respiratory devices

  9. The Pathogenesis of HAP • Aspiration of oropharyngeal pathogens, or leakage of secretions • Inhalation or direct inoculation of pathogens, hematogenous spread from infected IV catheters bacterial translocation from GI tract • Infected biofilm in the tracheal tube • The stomach and sinuses may be potential reservoirs

  10. Clasification of HAP and VAP • Early- onset HAP and VAP Occurring within the first 4 days Caused by antibiotic sensitive bacteria Prior antibiotics or hospitalization within 90 days are at greater risk for MDR • Late- onset HAP and VAP Occurring after 4 days Caused by MDR pathogens

  11. HCAP- Risk factors for MDR pathogens • Antimicrobial therapy in preceiding 90 d • Current hospitalization of 5 d or more • High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the community or hospital unit • Presence of risk factors for HCAP: Hospitalization for ≥ 2 d within 90 d Residence nursing home or extended care facility Home infusion therapy, wound care Chronic dialysis within 30 d Family member with MDR pathogen • Immunosupressive disease and/ or therapy AJRCCM 2005; 171: 388- 416

  12. The Pathogen of HAP and VAP in Turkey (%) Toraks Dergisi 2002;3 Ek 4: 1-13

  13. Mojor Points and Recommendations for Diagnosis • Medical history and physical examination • CXR ( multilobar? Effusion? Cavitation?) • Purulent tracheobronchitis vs tracheal colonization • Arterial blood gas, CBC and biochemistry • All patients with suspected VAP should have blood cultures collected. • Diagnostic thorocentesis • Samples of LRT secretions should be obtained • A sterile culture of LRT secretions rules out bacterial pneumonia • For patients with ARDS should be done more diagnostic testing

  14. The Diagnosis of VAP PITA* PSB,BAL,PTC** • Sensitivity (%) 77 75 • Specificity (%) 84 88 • PPV 4.80 6.25 • NPV 0.27 0.28 Conclusion: PITA may be a reliable alternative to PSB,BAL,PTC * Postintubation tracheal aspiration (PITA) ** Plugged telescoping catheter (PTC) Chest 2006;130: 956- 961

  15. Clinical strategy • New or progressive radiologic infiltrate + fever > 38 C, leukocytosis or leukopenia and prulent secretions • The results of emiquantitative LRTS cultures and serial clinical evaluations, by Day 3 • High probability of pneumonia or sepsis , prompt therapy is required • Delays in the initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy can increase the mortality of VAP • The clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS)< 6 : low risk for early discontinuation of empiric treatment

  16. Empiric Antibiotic Therapy for HAP HAP, VAP or HCAP Suspected Late Onset (≥ 5 days) or Risk Factors for MDR Pathogens No Yes Limited Spectrum Antibiotic Therapy Broad Spectrum Antibiotic Therapy For MDR Pathogens

  17. HKP- Hasta grupları ve etkenler Toraks Dergisi 2002;3 Ek 4: 1-13

  18. Empiric Antibiotic Therapy for Early Onset HAP Potential Pathogen RecommendedAntibiotic • S. Pneumoniae Ceftriaxone • H. Influenzae or • S. aureus ( MSSA) R. Fleuroquinolons • Antibiotic sensitive EGNB or E.coli Ampicillin/ sulbactam K. Pneumoniae or Enterobacter spp. Ertapenem Proteus spp. S. marcescens Toraks Dergisi 2002;3 Ek 4: 1-13

  19. Erken 4. gün Temel etkenler S. pneumoniae H. influenzae M.catarrhalis S. aureus ( MSSA) Monoterapi Betalaktam+betalakmaz inhibitörü * veya 2.-3. kuşak nonpseudomonal sefalosporin veya Yeni kinolon** Empiric Antibiotic Therapy for HAP Toraks Dergisi 2002;3 Ek 4: 1-13

  20. Empiric Antib iotic Therapy for Late Onset HAP Potential Pathogen RecommendedAntibiotic • Pathogens of Antipseudomonal SS Early Onset HAP (Cefepime, Ceftazidime) • MDR pathogens; or P.aeruginosa Antipseudomonal carbapen K.pneumoniae (ESBL) (imipenem or meropenem) Acinetobacter spp. or β- lactam/ β- lactamase inhibitor (piperacillin- tazobactam) plus Antipseudomonal FQ or AG plus • MRSA Vancomycin or Linezolid • Legionella pneumophila

  21. Geç 5 gün Enterobacter spp. K. pneumoniae S. marcescens E. coli Diğer Gram negatif çomaklar S. aureus Temel etkenler Monoterapi** Betalaktam+betalakmaz inhibitörü* veya 3.kuşak nonpsödomonal sefalosporin veya Kinolon (Ofloksasin /Siprofloks) HKP- Grup 2

  22. Yüksek riskli, çoklu dirençli bakteri inf. Son 15 günde AB kullanımı MV> 6 gün YBÜ> 48 saat Acil entübasyon Mortalite artıran faktör Bilateral, multilober, kaviter tutulum, apse, ampiyem, hızlı radyolojik progresyon, PaO2/FiO2< 250 Ağır sepsis/ septik şok Kombine tedavi Antipseud. Penisilin veya Antipseud. sefalosporin veya Karbapenem + Aminoglikozid veyaKinolon (Ofloks/Siprofl) HKP- Grup 3

  23. The prognosis of HCAP • The crude mortality rate for HAP 30- 70 % • The mortality related to the HAP 33- 50 % • Increased mortality rates; bacteremia ( P.aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp) medical illness ineffective antibitic therapy

  24. Mojor Points and Recommendations for Initial Antibiotic Therapy • Select an empiric therapy based on risk factors and local mycrobiliogic data • Initial antibiotic therapy should be given promptly • Inapropriate therapy is a major risk factor for excess mortality • Select a different antibiotic class for patients who have recently received an antibiotic

  25. Mojor Points and Recommendations for Optimal Antibiotic Therapy • Initial therapy should be administered to all patient intravenously • Aerosolized antibiotics may be considered as adjunctive therapy • Combination therapy should be used • The aminoglycoside can be stopped after 5-7 days • Monotherapy can be used after the results of LRTS culture • If patients receive an appropriate therapy, efforts should be made to shorten ( 7-8 days)

  26. VIP’ li erişkinlerde 8- 15 günlük antibiyotik tedavisinin karşılaştırılması • Amaç - VİP’li hastalarda 8 günlük tedavinin 15 günlük tedavi kadar etkili olabileceğini belirlemek • Kurgu - Prospektif, randomize, çift kör, 401 VİP’li hasta • Bulgular - Tedavi: 15 gün- 8 gün mortolite artışı yok: %18.8- %17.7 rekürren infeksiyon:%28.9- %26.0 Antibiyotiksiz gün: 13.1- 8.7 p< 0.01 • Sonuç - 8 günlük tedavi 15 günlük tedavi ile karşılaştırılabilir etkinliktedir. Kısa süreli tedavi antimicrobial direnç oluşumunu azaltabilir. JAMA 2003;290:2588-2598

  27. Mojor Points and Recommendations for selected MDR pathogens • If P.aeruginosa pneumonia is documented, combination therapy is recommended • If Acinetobacter speices are documented, the most active agents are the carbapenems, sulbactam, colistin and polymyxin • If ESBL Enterobacteriaceae are isolated, then monotherapy should be avoided ( 3.JSS) • Adjunctive therapy with an inhaled AG or polymyxin for MDR GN pneumonia should be considered • Linezolid is an alternative to vancomycin for the treatment of MRSA VAP • Antibiotic restriction and cycling may reduce the frequancy of antibitic resistance

  28. VİP- Levofloxacin vs Imipenem/cilistatin Levo + Imip+ p Klinik başarı(%) 58.6 63.1 NS Mortalite (%) 11 13.1 NS VİP empirik tedavisinde; Levofloxacin,Imipenem/cilistatin kadar etkili Levo.( 750 mg/ gün) + Vancomycin  APAB Imip.(3-4 x 500-1000mg/ gün) + Vancomycin  APAB Chest 2003; 124(4): 79s- 80s

  29. Gram pozitif : 1019 S. Aureus: 339 MRSA : 160 Linezolid 600 mg 2x1 ve Aztreonam 1-2 gr 3x1 vs Vancomycin 1 gr 2x1 ve Aztreonam 1-2 gr 3x1 Lin. Van. Sağ kalım %:80 63.5 p= 0.03 Klinik kür %: 59 35.5 p< 0.01 Chest 2003; 124: 1789- 1797 MRSA-HKP: Linezolid vs Vancomycin

  30. VİP- P. aeruginosa/Piperacilin • Dirençli suşlar: % 25 • Betalactam/AG/ Ciprofloxacin direncide  • Önceden FQ kullanımı direnç olasılığını  • Dirençli suşlarda mortalite: % 59 Clin Infect Dis 2002; 34: 1047

  31. VİP- Lokal AB • Travmalı hastalarda: Enterik Gram neg. bak.VİP’de TOBi yararlı YBÜ(gün) MV(gün) Sürvi(%) İki IV AB 16 15.4 80 IV AB+ TOBI 11 9.9 91 • Yüksek dirençli Gram netatif bak. VİP’ de Colistin yararlı Colistin 50 mg + SF 50 ml trakeal tüp yoluyla 8/ 11 olgu iyileşmiş Chest 2003; 124(4): 79s- 80s

  32. VİP- AB değişikliği Grup 0 1 2 3 Olgu (n=56) 19 8 19 10 Yetersiz AB (%) 12.7 8.1 6.9 5.9 Kültür- değ. (%) 37.5 15.8 14 Kanıtsız- değ. (%) 1.25 23.7 37.2 Mortalite (%)21.1 25 57.9 80 YBÜ ve MV süresi uzaması ile değişiklik  Kanıtsız AB değişimi mortalite artışı ile korele Yetersiz AB bir kez değiş. mortalite artmıyor Chest 2003; 124(4): 79s

  33. Assessment of Nonresponders Wrong Diagnosis Atelectasis,PE, ARDS Pulmoner hemorrhage Underlying disease Neoplasm Wrong Organism Drug resistance Pathogen: (bacteria,mycobacteria, virus,fungus) Inadequate AB Therapy Complication Empyema or Lung abscess C.difficile Colitis Occult Infection Drug fever

  34. HAP, VAP or HCAP Suspected Obtain LRTS for Microscopy &Culture Begin Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy Based on Algorithms and Local Microbiologic Data Days 2 & 3: Check Cultures & Assess Clinical Response Clinical Improvement No Yes Cultures – Search for other pathogens, Complications Cultures + Adjust Antibiotic Therapy Cultures – Consider Stopping Antibiotics Cultures + De-escelate Antibiotics

  35. HAP- Take Home Messages • Avoid untreated or inadequate treated HCAP • Recognize the variability of bacteriology from one hospital to another • Avoid the overuse of antibiotics by focusing on accurate diagnosis • Apply prevention strategies aimed at modifiable risk factors

  36. Trakeal aspirasyon kateterleri • Açık tek kullanımlık • Kapalı çok kullanımlık* daha ekonomik çapraz kontaminasyon için daha güvenli • Biofilm koruma teknolojisi** *CDC. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1998;19: 304 ** Jansen B. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 1995;15: 391- 6

  37. I- Genel: surveyans, eğitim, el yıkama- bariyer, dezenf- steril,izolas, AB kontrolü, aşılama II-Hastalara yönelik: kısa yatış,oral hijyen, AB profl- tedavi, ortak araç kullanmama,hasta eğitimi, post op analjezi, gereksiz s.ülser profilaks. kaçınma III-YB hastalarına yönelik: NPPV önceliği, beslenme desteği, enteral beslenme, aspir.önlenme, oral entüb, kuf basıncı, erken ekstüb, subglottik asp, kapalı asp. kateteri, ventilator devreleri bakımı IV- Özel: SGID, Ig, IFG NP korunma önlemleri

  38. Subglottik aspirasyon- Tüp Kafı • Tüp kafı üstünde kolonize sekresyon; kaf basıncı azalması tüp değiştirme- çıkarma • Tüp kafı basıncı yeterli olmalı • Tüp kafı üst kısmının drenajı VİP insidensi azalmakta Valles J. Ann Intern Med 1995; 122: 179- 86 Rello J. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996; 154: 111- 5

  39. Ventilatör devrelerinin değişimi-VAP Değişim 2 gün 7 gün p VAP n= 38 8 VAP /gün 16.7/ 1000 8.2/ 1000 < 0.001 7 günde değişim daha güvenli Han JN. Respir Care 2001; 46(9): 891- 6

  40. Surveyans • En yüksek infeksiyon oranı ve antibiyotik direnci olan bölümler • İnfeksiyon endemi oranını belirlemek • Sonuçlar ilgili bölümlere ulaştırılmalı Hastane inf. %32 azalmakta Haley RW.Am J Epidemiol 1985;121: 183-205

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