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Woo Kim, Breana Macken , Sam Scorza , Tom Staskowski Team 4 English 202D

Improving AMTRAN . Woo Kim, Breana Macken , Sam Scorza , Tom Staskowski Team 4 English 202D. Snow picture.                               Tr ansit Station customers Customer boarding the bus at AMTRAN's bus platform at the downtown Altoona Transit Center, circa 1995

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Woo Kim, Breana Macken , Sam Scorza , Tom Staskowski Team 4 English 202D

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  1. Improving AMTRAN Woo Kim, BreanaMacken, Sam Scorza, Tom Staskowski Team 4 English 202D
  2. Snow picture
  3.                               Transit Station customers Customer boarding the bus at AMTRAN's bus platform at the downtown Altoona Transit Center, circa 1995                               Transit Center bus line-up                               2005 Gillig bus                               Gillig low floor                               Transit Station customers Customer boarding the bus at AMTRAN's bus platform at the downtown Altoona Transit Center, circa 1995                               Transit Center bus line-up                               2005 Gillig bus                               Gillig low floor Team 4 Qualifications Sam Scorza and BreanaMacken Business majors Off-Campus residents Last year, Sam did not own a vehicle. Getting to and from class was a hassle. http://www.amtran.org/index.asp?pageId=71&galleryId=5
  4. Team 4 Qualifications Woo Kim Majoring in Mathematics Off-Campus resident Utilizes the bus daily Experience problems associated with AMTRAN Tom Staskowski Majoring in Health Policy and Administration On-Campus resident Frequent rider of AMTRAN to go downtown.
  5. Problem: During winter, students endure waiting in snow, rain, frost, etc. Limited hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights increase probability of student injury. Difficult to access such destinations such as the mall, Martins, and Wal-Mart due to distance. Resolving these problems will result in extraneous costs.
  6. Main Points: 1 2 3 4
  7. Survey Results
  8. Increase in Frequency
  9. Students Who Wait for the Bus 12% Yes 100% 88% Students Who Take the Bus More Often In the Winter
  10. Increase in Frequency (continued) http://www.freefoto.com/preview/15 http://fully-caffeinated.blogspot.com/
  11. Increase in Frequency (continued) How can students find out times? Downloadable program on AMTRAN website English202\English202\Debug\AMTRAN.exe Early nights ending at 10 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only.
  12. Increase in Frequency (continued) How can students find out times? Downloadable program on AMTRAN website. English202\English202\Debug\AMTRAN.exe
  13. Student Safety Problem: Reckless drivers Lack of side walks Drunk drivers Lack of street lights Windy roads
  14. Wehnwood Area Accidents Sixty-five reportable accidents in last four years
  15. Nittany Night Rider Solution: Nittany Night Rider Students will be assured safety at night. Runs from 8 p.m. – 3 a.m. (Thursday, Friday, Saturday). Drunk driving would decline.
  16. Nittany Night Rider Pass
  17. Specially Directed Trips http://www.rejournals.com/content/img/f212261/walmart.jpg Semester passes = $45 Trips will go to: Mall Wal-Mart Martin’s Train Station Logan Towne Center Scheduled times http://www.logantowncentre.net/ http://www.mywebgrocer.com/cnt/images/martins_000.jpg
  18. Specially Directed Trips Cont’d
  19. Cost Cost incurred: Fuel Wages Semester’s pass Parking permit Residents - $150 (two semesters) Commuters – $120 (two semesters) Gas
  20. Advertisements Advertise businesses on or near bus routes Large Corporations Local Companies Great China Mama Randazzo’s http://www.dreamsgoon.com/SheetzLogo.jpg http://www.ontopmag.com/mcdonalds_logo. http://www.trusthealth.com/walmart%20logo.gif
  21. Summary Increase frequency Waiting during winter season Provide Nittany Night Rider Limited hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Offer special trips Far destinations such as the mall, Martins, and Wal-Mart. Recruit advertisements to offset costs. Extra services cost AMTRAN extra money.
  22. How AMTRAN and PSU Altoona Will Benefit: Provides a more accommodating yet economical plan to improve business and service of AMTRAN. Develops the college community of Penn State Altoona. Supports student safety and satisfaction. Sells advertisements and semester passes to counteract AMTRAN expenses. Promotes customer benefits and local business.
  23. Works Cited Diehl, Carol. Personal interview. 23 April 2009. "Drunk Driving Accident Statistics." Pennsylvania Attorneys | Edgar Snyder | Pittsburgh Lawyers | Injury Law Firm Accident Lawsuit. 14 Apr. 2009 <http://www.edgarsnyder.com/auto-accident/drunk-driving/statistics.html>. Gilbert, Maureen. Personal interview. 07 April 2009. Kim, Wooyeon, and BreanaMacken, Sam Scorza, Tom Staskowski. “Team 4 Survey.” Unpublished survey. 2009. "2007 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics Book." Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. 14 Apr. 2009 <http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Internet/Bureaus/pdBHSTE.nsf/InfoFb07?OpenForm>. "United States Automobile Accident Statistics." Personal Injury Lawyers - Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona - Begam, Lewis & Marks. 16 Apr. 2009 <http://www.begamlaw.com/articles/auto-accident-statistics/>. Young Driver Awareness. Ed. Melanie McPharlin. 16 Apr. 2009 <http://www.youngdriverawareness.com/risks.htm>.
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