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IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST BENIFICIENT AND MERCIFUL. Presentation on HRM. Presented TO: SIR AHMAD TISMAN PASHA SUBMITTED BY: KIRAN SHAKOOR ROLL NO 05 BS(IT)3RD. Types of change:. Strategic change Cultural change Structural change Tasks change Technological change

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  3. Types of change: • Strategic change • Cultural change • Structural change • Tasks change • Technological change • Changes in people attitude and skills

  4. Strategic change: • A change in firms strategy, mission and vision. Strategic change may then require other changes, for instance, in the firm’s production technology, structure and culture

  5. Cultural change: • A change in a company's shared values and aims is called cultural change HR plays an important role in changing culture For example, one expert advocates 5 “primary embedding mechanism” to change company culture each of which

  6. Require HR support and advice • Make it clear to your employees what you pay attention to, measure, and control For example, direct the intention of your employees towards controlling costs or serving customers if these are the values you want to emphasize • React appropriately to critical incidents and organizational crises

  7. For example, if you want to emphasize the value that “we are all in this together," don't react to declining profits by laying off operating employees and middle manager, leaving your top managers intact

  8. Delibrately role model,teach,and coach the values you want to emphasize.For example if honesty,neighborliness,and thrift are the values you want employees to follow you should first follow them yourself and then ask them to follow these values • Communicate your priority by the way to you allocate reward and status.Leaders communicate their priorities and the values by the way they award pay raises and promotions

  9. Make your HR procedures and criteria consistent with the values you espouse • Structural change: the reorganizing, redesigning of an organization’s coordination, span of control, reporting relationship, or centralization of decision making

  10. Task designing: • The task and authority assigned to individuals and teams within the organization are often changes as well • Technological change: modification to the work methods an organization uses to accomplish its tasks. it includes new production technology,new selection and screening procedures and new performance appraisal techniques

  11. Changes in people, attitude and skills: • Sometimes employees themselves must change. For example training and development techniques such as lectures, conferences and on -the- job training are often used to provide new or present employees with the skills they need to perform their job adequately

  12. A 10 step process for leading organizational change: • Establish sense of urgency • Mobilize commitment to change through joint diagnosis of business problem • Create a guiding coalition • Develop shared vision • Communicate the vision

  13. Enable employees to facilitate the change • Generate short-term wins • Consolidate gains and produce more change • Anchor the new ways of doing things in the company’s culture • Monitor progress and adjust the vision as required

  14. Establish sense of urgancy: It means establish sense of immidiate need for action Most leader start by creating sense of urgency when they become aware of the need to change

  15. Mobilize commitment to change through joint diagnosis of business problem: • Having established sense of urgency, many leaders then create one or more task forces to diagnose the business problems. such teams can produce a shared understanding of what can and must be improved

  16. Creating a guiding coalition: • No leader can really impliment any change alone.many therefore create a guiding coalition of influent people,who act as missionaries and implimenters.such a coalition should include people who individually have the influence to lead such change

  17. Develop a shared vision: • To transform an organization, a new vision is usually required. a general statement of the organization’s intended direction that evokes the emotional feelings in organization members

  18. Communicate the vision: • Change expert john kotter says that the real power of a vision is that most of people involved in an organization have a common understanding of its goals and direction. so,vision should be effectively communicated

  19. Enable employees to facilitate the change: • By now employees understand the vision and want to make it a reality, but may feel inadequate. perhaps lack of skills stands in the way or policies, procedures and organization chart make it difficult to act or some bosses may actual discourage those actions aimed at implementing the company’s new vision. it is company’s job to see to it that such barriers are removed

  20. Generate short-term wins: • Transforming a company can take time,but employees need reinforcement periodically.that’s why building in”in short-term wins ” is important

  21. Consolidate gains and produce more change: • The company then can use the credibility from such short-term wins to change all systems,structures,and policies that don’t fit well in company’s vision.and managers can continue to produce more change by hiring and promoting new people

  22. Anchor the new ways of doing things in company’s culture: • Most organizational changes require a corresponding change in employees shared values. for example, a “team- based, quality-oriented organization" is not possible if the values employees share still emphasize selfishness, mediocrity and bureaucratic behavior

  23. monitor progress and adjust the vision required: • Progress then must be monitored. thus one firm appointed an oversight team to monitor its new team-based organization and self-managing teams

  24. Organizational development: • OD has special approach to organizational change in which employees themselve formulate the change that is required and implement it,often with the assistance consultant.in large organizations OD process is almost handled through HR

  25. Using organizational development to change organization: • OD has several distinguish characteristics • It is usually based on action research, which means collecting data about a group ,department or organization and then feeding the data back to the employees so they can analyze it and develop hypotheses about what problem in the unit might be

  26. It applies behavioral science knowledge for the purpose of improving the organization’s effectiveness • It changes the values,attitude and beliefs of employees so that employees themselves can identify and impliment the technical,procedural,structural or other changes needed to improve the company’s functioning

  27. It changes the organization in a particular direction-toward improved problem-solving,responsiveness,quality of work and effectiveness

  28. Types of OD: • There are 4 types of OD • Human process • Techno structural intervention • Human resource management • Strategic application

  29. Humaon process application: • Human process OD technique generally aim first at improving employees’human relations skills.the goal is to give employees skills required to analyze their own and others behaviour more effectively,so they can then solve interpersonal and intergroup problems

  30. Technostructural interventions: • OD practitionar also increasingly involved in changing the structures,methods,and job designs of firms.compared with human process intervension,these tecnostructural intervensions generally focus on more directly on productivity improvement and efficiency

  31. Human resource management applcations: • OD practitioner increasingly use research to enable employees to analyze and change their firm’s personnel practises.targets of change here might include the firm’s performance appraisal system and reward system

  32. Strategic application: • This intervention consists of 4 steps • Analyze current strategy and organizational design: managers and other employees analyze the firm’s current strategy, as well as its organizational design

  33. choose a desired strategy and organizational design: based on OD consultant assisted analysis, senior management formulates a strategic vision, objectives and plans and an organizational structure for implementing them

  34. Design a strategic change plan: the group designs a strategic change plan which is" an action plan for moving the organization from its current strategy and organizational design to the desired future strategy and design”

  35. Implementing strategy change plan: The final step is actually implementing the strategic change plan and measuring and reviewing the results of the change activities to ensure that they are proceeding as planned

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