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Greek and Latin Roots

Greek and Latin Roots. California Content Standard: Word Analysis, Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development 1.2. Inter <L. “between”. Interloper- (n.) one who intrudes by meddling or trespassing on the rights of others.

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Greek and Latin Roots

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  1. Greek and Latin Roots California Content Standard: Word Analysis, Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development 1.2

  2. Inter <L. “between” • Interloper- (n.) one who intrudes by meddling or trespassing on the rights of others. • Internecine- (adj.) very destructive to both sides in a conflict; involving slaughter and carnage. • Interpolate-(v.) to insert or add something between other parts, especially in a text or written work.

  3. Familiar words with Latin root “inter” • Intercept • Interest • Interfere • Interject • Interlude • Intermission • International • Intervene

  4. Pono, Ponere, Posui, Positum <L. “to put,” “to place” • Interpose- (v.) 1. to insert between parts of something. 2. to apply pressure or influence; to interfere. • Juxtapose- (v.) to place side by side.

  5. Familiar words • Component • Composer • Expose • Expound • Postpone • Opponent • Purpose • Transpose

  6. Quies, Quietis <L. “quiet,” “rest”Quiesco, Quiescere, Quievi, Quietum <L. “to rest,” “to remain quiet” • Acquiesce- (v.) to agree or consent without any objection. • Requiem- (n.) a mass or service, music or poetry for the dead. • Unrequited- (adj.) not reciprocal; not given in payment.

  7. Familiar words • Acquit • Coy • Quiet • Quit • Tranquil

  8. Trudo, Trudere, Trusi, Trusum <L. “to push” • abstruse- (adj.) Difficult to understand; complex. • extrude- (v.) To push or thrust out a liquid or malleable substance that retains or solidifies into a predetermined shape. • obtrude- (v.) To force one’s ideas or oneself insistently upon others.

  9. Familiar words • Intrude • protrude

  10. Alter <L. “other” • Altercation- (n.) a noisy quarrel. • Altruism- (n.) concern for the welfare of others; unselfishness.

  11. Familiar words • Alter • Alteration • Alternative • Alter ego

  12. Epi <G. “on,” “toward” • Ephemeral- (adj.) Lasting for a very short time; not everlasting. • Epitaph- (n.) An inscription on a tombstone in memory of a person; a brief summary of a dead person’s life. • Epitome- (n.) An ideal representation of something; a person who embodies a quality.

  13. Familiar Words • Epicenter • Epigram • Epilogue • Episode • Epidemic

  14. Para <G. “beside” • Paradigm- (n.) An example serving to illustrate a process, pattern, or concept. • Paradox- (n.) A statement that seems contradictory but contains a truth or valid deduction. • Paragon- (n.) A model of excellence or perfection.

  15. Familiar Words • Parallel • Paralysis • Paranoid • Parasite • Paraphrase • Paragraph

  16. Peri <G. “around” • Peripatetic- (adj.) walking or traveling about. • Peripheral- (adj.) Pertaining to the boundary of an area.

  17. Familiar Words • Paradise • Perimeter • Period • Periscope • Periodical

  18. Tithenai < G. “to put” • Anathema- (n.) a person or thing detested or shunned; a curse or formal church ban. • Antithesis- (n.) an exact opposite; a complete contrast. • Epithet- (n.) a word or phrase used positively or negatively that characterizes or describes a person or thing, added to or replacing a name.

  19. Familiar words • Hypothesis • Synthesize • Theme • Thesaurus • Treasure

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