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Russia: Reform and Reaction

Russia: Reform and Reaction.

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Russia: Reform and Reaction

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  1. Russia: Reform and Reaction • Peter the Great and Catherine the Great had attempted to Westernize Russia, but with western ideas came a threat to the absolute rule of the Russian Czar’s. Later Czar’s saw the need to modernize but resisted reforms that would undermine their authority, thus Russia fell behind Western Europe in Economic and Social reforms. Chapter 10 Section 5

  2. Extra Alexander I • Became Czar in 1801 and seemed to be more liberal, and talked of reforms, but after the invasion by Napoleon in 1812 he drew back from reforms and became a “typical” Czar. Died in 1825

  3. #1a Decembrist Revolt • After the death of Alexander I army officers tried to revolt against Nicholas I but failed. These revolutionaries wanted to have a more liberal country with a constitution. They and their followers were brutally cracked down upon and executed

  4. Extra Nicholas I • Czar of Russia in 1825 crushed the Decembrist Revolt, used special police to spy on citizens, banned books from Western Europe, only his approved textbooks allowed in schools and universities, put liberals in insane asylums or exiled them to Siberia [150,000] • Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationalism • Orthodoxy= tie between church and state • Autocracy= absolute power • Nationalism= respect for Russian tradition • Did make some reforms with economics and limiting power of nobles over serfs Died in 1855

  5. #1b Alexander II • Became Czar in 1855 who freed serfs and set up reforms but still people wanted more, eventually Alexander moved away from reforms and ruled Russia with possibly the most absolute authority ever. Even though he was known as the “Czar Emancipator” or “Czar Liberator” he was assassinated by a bomb while riding in his royal carriage in 1881.

  6. Extra Alexander III • Responded to his fathers assassination by increasing power of the secret police, restoring strict censorship, and exiling critics to Siberia. Constantine Pobedonostsev was chief advisor helped begin Russification and Pogroms. Was brutal in his suppression of non Russians, led to a large number of Jewish refugees “there is no Czar in America”. Died 1894

  7. #1c Russification • Suppression of all cultures that were non-Russian! One language and One Church!

  8. Extra Nicholas II Became Czar 1894 ruled until abdication 1917 then executed along with his entire family. Set about the task of industrializing Russia, and with that came ideas of westernization and socialism, which the Czar would ignore or quash. Lost war with Japan in 1904, then Bloody Sunday, 1906 Revolution, and finally entrance into WWI and the defeats there doomed Czar Nicholas Romanov II.

  9. #1d Bloody Sunday • Peaceful march organized by Father George Gapon that made the Czar flee and soldiers open fire on the marchers killing hundreds was a turning point that “killed” peoples faith in the Czar!

  10. #1e October Manifesto • In response to the Bloody Sunday massacre and pressure from citizens Nicholas II promised freedom of the person, conscience, speech, assembly, and union, and set up the Duma

  11. #1f Peter Stolypin • Prime Minister appointed in 1906 tried to restore order by arrests, pogroms, and executions but soon realized the problems of Russia could not be solved by repression, then set out to strengthen zemstvos and improve education, too little to late!

  12. #2a Colossus • Russia seen as a huge and menacing country by the rest of Europe

  13. #2b Emancipation • Freeing of People, Freeing of the Serfs in Russia in 1861 the last in Europe

  14. #2c Zemstvo • Local assemblies that were elected that dealt with issues like road repair, schools, and agriculture.

  15. #2d Pogrom • Violent mob attacks on non-Russian groups, usually the Jews

  16. #2e Duma • Elected national legislature set up by Nicholas II “no law would go into effect without the approval of the Duma” but Nicholas II soon dissolved this body for criticizing his rule.

  17. #3 What conditions in Russia posed challenges during the early 1800’s? • Absolute rule by the Czar’s, economic underdevelopment, rigid social structure, continuation of serfdom.

  18. #4 How did Russian Czars often react to change? • By increasing the repression of their subjects, usually even more violently then before!

  19. #5a What were the causes of the revolution of 1905? • Worker discontent, desire for liberal constitution, Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday #5b How did Nicholas II respond • Issued the October Manifesto, summoned the Duma, Soon after though he dismissed the Duma and continued to limit rights and freedoms.

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