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Œdipus Tyrranus 2

Œdipus Tyrranus 2. OT Plot Summary (cont.). V. Dialogue with Creon (513-633) A. Creon enters and proclaims his innocence (513-530) B. Œdipus enters and accuses Creon of the murder and of plotting against him (531-543)

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Œdipus Tyrranus 2

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  1. Œdipus Tyrranus 2

  2. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • V. Dialogue with Creon (513-633) • A. Creon enters and proclaims his innocence (513-530) • B. Œdipus enters and accuses Creon of the murder and of plotting against him (531-543) • C. They argue; mostly stichomythia surrounding a speech by Creon (544-633) • 1. Œdipus’ argument: Teiresias was in Thebes when Laius was murdered, but never mentioned me until he spoke to you.

  3. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • 2. Creon’s argument: I have royal power already. What would I gain by seizing your throne and living in fear? Send to Delphi and see what the god says. • VI. Dialogue with Iocasta (634-862) • A. Iocasta and the chorus plead for Creon; Œdipus doesn’t forgive him but grudgingly allows him to leave (634-678) • B. Œdipus recounts the argument to Iocasta (679-706)

  4. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • C. Iocasta claims human prophecy is empty; tells the “false” prophecy given Laius before his death (707-725) • D. Œdipus recognizes details of the murder, becomes frightened; summons the lone survivor of the murder. n.b. 738 and 745 (726-768) • E. Œdipus tells of his embassy to Apollo (771-833) • 1. Drunk at a party accused him of being a bastard (780-781) • 2. He went to Apollo to ask about his parentage (787-788)

  5. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • 3. Apollo didn’t answer that question, but made a horrible prophecy (789-793) • 4. Œdipus fled Corinth and, in his wanderings, killed a man in a situation very much like Laius’ murder (794-813) • 5. He fears he is guilty and mourns his fate (814-833) • 6. His one point of hope: Laius was supposedly murdered by a group of men (834-861) • VII. Stasimon 2 on Justice (863-910) • VIII. Messenger Speech (911-1086) • A. Iocasta supplicates Apollo, asking for release from the plague (911-923)

  6. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • B. Messenger arrives from Corinth bringing news of Polybus’ death (925-948) • C. Œdipus is overjoyed that the oracle has turned out false (964-972) • D. He still fears his mother (984-986) • E. The messenger asks why, is told of the prophecy, and tries to please Œdipus by revealing his adoption (989-1020) • F. The messenger (then shepherd) received the infant Œdipus from Laius’ shepherd; his ankles had been pierced (1021-1040)

  7. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • G. Œdipus summons Laius’ shepherd; Iocasta, terrified by what she has heard tries to prevent him, fails, and runs away (1041-1073) • H. Œdipus misunderstands, is determined to find out the truth (1076-1085) • IX. Stasimon 3, blissfully pondering Œdipus’ origin (1087-1109) • X. Herdsman Episode (1110-1185) • A. Œdipus interrogates herdsman, who claims not to remember (1110-1131)

  8. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • B. Messenger and Œdipus force the herdsman to reveal the child’s origin (n.b. 1146, 1165, 1169): he received it from Iocasta, but could not bring himself to expose it (1132-1182) • C. Œdipus admits the truth and runs off (1183-1185) • XI. Stasimon 4 on Œdipus downfall (1186-1212) • XII. Messenger Speech 2 (1213-1297) • A. Iocasta went to her room raving (1213-1252)

  9. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • B. Œdipus burst in to kill her, found her hanging dead (1253-1265) • C. He cut her down and stabbed his eyes out with her brooches (1266-1286) • D. He plans to exile himself (1287-1297) • XIII. Closing Episode (1298-1530) • A. Œdipus enters, blind, and mourns his fate; n.b. 1329-1330 (1298-1415) • B. Creon, who now rules, enters. He orders Œdipus inside (1416-1432)

  10. OT Plot Summary (cont.) • C. Œdipus asks to be exiled; Creon agrees, but wishes to consult Delphi first (1433-1459) • D. Œdipus’ daughters enter; he mourns their future and asks Creon to look after them (1470-1523) • E. Choral epilogue (1524-1530)

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