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What is Technology?

What is Technology?. Technology. Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants. Technology Study of our human-made world Deals with “ what can be ”. Science Study of our natural world Deals with “what is”. Technology vs. Science.

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What is Technology?

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  1. What is Technology?

  2. Technology Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants.

  3. Technology Study of our human-made world Deals with “what can be” Science Study of our natural world Deals with “what is” Technology vs. Science

  4. Technology vs. Science continued • Science • Made up of sub-categories: • Earth Science • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Astronomy • Other specialty areas • Quantum Physics • Computer Science • Technology • Made up of sub-categories: • Information • Communication • Bio-related and Agriculture • Medical • Environmental • Production • Manufacturing • Construction • Transportation • Energy and Power

  5. Needs vs. Wants • Technology addresses human needs and wants • What are human needs? • PHYSICALNEEDS: • Basic shelter • Basic clothing • Can you think of more? • BIOLOGICAL NEEDS: • Water • Food • Can you think of more? • PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS: • Family • Friends • Can you think of more?

  6. Needs vs. Wants continued • Technology addresses human needs and wants • What are human wants? • PHYSICALWANTS: • Nice house • Nice car • Nice clothes • Can you think of more? • BIOLOGICAL WANTS: • Fresh water • Fancy food • Healthy living • Can you think of more? • PSYCHOLOGICAL WANTS: • Talk with family • See friends • Entertainment • Can you think of more?

  7. How does Technology address human needs and wants? Through the use of these technologies, often the meeting of human needs and wants is accomplished. Technology Bio-Related and Agricultural Information Communication Production Transportation - Manufacturing Medical Environmental Energy and Power - Construction

  8. Information Technology Information Technology is the process of gathering and storing data to be used in various forms: It has: • Streamlined access to vast sources of information • Allows us to produce more accurate forms of communication • Expanded resource choices • Enabled us to retrieve data in seconds

  9. Data collected on paper Data stored in computers Data stored in books Data stored in equipment or machines Examples of Information Technology

  10. Impacts of Information Technology

  11. Communication Technology Communication Technology is a process of giving or exchanging information. It has: • Streamlined publishing techniques and allows us to produce more accurate drawings • Expanded entertainment choices • Enabled us to contact people thousands of miles away

  12. Cell Phones Computer Aided Drafting Video Cassette Recordings Internet Radio Television Graphic Arts Examples of Communication Technology

  13. Impacts of Communication Technology

  14. Bio-related and Agricultural Technology • Biotechnology is the application of the principles of biology to create commercial products or processes. • Agricultural Technology is the application of processes that make it possible for food to be available year-round and to conserve resources. • Both deal with living things • Plants • Animals • People

  15. Bio-related Technology Pharmaceuticals Artificial limbs Genetic engineering Hydroponics Imaging devices Cardiovascular devices Ethics Agriculture Food, Fiber, and Fuel Plant growth Machines Production of ag products Transportation of ag products Storage of ag products Examples of Bio-Related and Agricultural Technology

  16. Impacts of Bio-Related and Agricultural Technology

  17. Medical Technology Medical Technology is the study of medicine through the use of and advances of technology, such as medical instruments and apparatus, imaging systems in medicine, and mammography. Related terms: Bio-medical Engineering Medical Innovations.

  18. Examples of Medical Technology • Medical instruments and apparatus • Vaccine • Pharmaceuticals • Artificial limbs • Imagining equipment • Ergonomics – the study of designing equipment to fit the human body, its movement & thinking patterns

  19. Impacts of Medical Technology

  20. Environmental Technology Environmental Technology is study of the processes to control waste, soil erosion, reducing sediment in waterways, conserving water, and improving water quality, artificial ecosystems, and the effects of technology on the development of flora and fauna.

  21. Examples of Environmental Technology • Conservation • Synthetic energy • Waste management

  22. Impacts of Environmental Technology

  23. Production Technology Production Technology is the manufacturing of physical goods on an assembly line and the construction of structures on a job site.

  24. Manufacturing • Manufacturing is the process of changing materials into usable products • Natural (found in nature) or • Synthetic (human-made) • Most takes place in factories on assembly lines • Results in items that are either consumer products (used up) or industrial products (used to make other products)

  25. Examples of Manufacturing Technology • Clothing • Entertainment devices • Automobiles • Chemical products • Lumber • Steel • Food

  26. Construction Technology Construction Technology is the study of the processes to • Build a structure – made by joining parts to meet a certain need. • Involves building a foundation, erecting the super structure, and finishing work. • Support the load – external force on an object. • Control the quality of construction using control systems.

  27. Human-made structure: Houses High-rise buildings Bridges Roads Dams Schools Examples of Construction Technology

  28. Impacts of Production Technology

  29. Transportation Technology Transportation Technology is the process by which people, animals, products, and materials are moved from one place to the next. • Flight • Land Transportation • Water Transportation • Goods Transportation

  30. Air Airplane Rocket Space Shuttle Helicopter Water Commercial ships Cruise Ships Utility vessels Land Train Subway Automobile Bicycle Goods Conveyor Belts Robots Trucks Examples of Transportation Technology

  31. Impacts of Transportation Technology

  32. Energy and Power Technology • Energy is the ability to do work. • Power is the rate at which energy is transformed from one form to another or as the rate at which work can be done. • Technological products and systems need energy to function. • The availability of energy often determines the development of technology.

  33. Chemical Energy Gasoline Mechanical Energy Motion Thermal Energy Steam Power Measurement Examples: Horsepower Kilowatt Electrical Energy Electricity Radiant Energy Light Power System Examples: Turbines Portable generators Examples of Energy and Power Technology

  34. Impacts of Energy and Power Technology

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