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LCFF /LCAP Study Session

LCFF /LCAP Study Session. February 4, 2014. Outcomes for Today. Better understanding of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Review the process for developing the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) in IUSD with input from stakeholders. Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

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LCFF /LCAP Study Session

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  1. LCFF/LCAP Study Session February 4, 2014

  2. Outcomes for Today • Better understanding of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) • Review the process for developing the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) in IUSD with input from stakeholders

  3. Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) The LCFF is a new funding mechanism intended to: • Be simple and transparent • Provide maximum flexibility Based on specific considerations: • Create additional resources for students with greater needs • Provide for local decision making and stakeholder involvement • Increase accountability • Align budget with accountability plans

  4. CA School Finance Before and with LCFF

  5. How LCFF Funding Looks: Former Funding Model New Funding Model Remaining Categorical Funding (13 Programs) Categorical Funding (60 Programs) LCFF Revenue Limit Funding

  6. How does the LCFF work? Under the Local Control Funding Formula, funding is appropriated for education in four ways. In future years, all grants will be adjusted by a COLA

  7. LCFF Base Grant - Target 2013-14 Base Grant – Per ADA • Base grant funding is awarded based on ADA by grade span • These amounts are only partially funded each year until full implementation

  8. Supplemental Grant - Target IUSD Unduplicated percentage is 25.65% (unofficial) 2013-14 Supplemental Grant • Supplemental grant awarded on district unduplicated count of: • English Learner • Low Income • Foster Youth • Grant represents 20% of the base grant

  9. Concentration Grant - Target 2013-14 Concentration Grant Not applicable to IUSD Concentration grant amounts are equal to 50 percent of the base grant and allocated only if unduplicated count exceeds 55% of enrollment.

  10. IUSD LCFF Funding • In the governor’s plan, school district will be fully funded by 2020-21. This is the amount referred to as the LCFF Target • IUSD’s 12/13 actual funding is referred to as the LCFF Floor • The difference between the Target & Floor is referred to as the LCFF Gap • Each year, a portion of the LCFF Gap will be funded. The % will be set by the governor. For 13/14, the rate is projected to be 11.78% • For IUSD, this means an additional $9,068,157 in funds

  11. IUSD LCFF Funding Includes supplemental funding

  12. What does LCFF Mean for the Irvine Community? • Focused funding for students with the greatest needs • English Learners, foster youth and low-income students • A broader definition of school success – school district won’t be evaluated by test scores alone • LCFF requires schools to develop plans to improve student engagement, increase parent involvement, and create more positive learning environments on campus • More local control – School leaders and parents will have greater influence over spending and will have flexibility at the local level to create academic programs, services and budgets to meet the unique needs of students • District budgets are required to be aligned with academic plans (Local Control Accountability Plans- LCAP) starting in July 2014

  13. The Plan - Local Control Accountability Plan –will Align Planning and Budgeting

  14. Aligning Budgets and Academic Programs Ongoing stakeholder engagement and data analyzing • Budget Developed • Identify resources • Fund high priority strategies • Submit LCAP budgets to COE • Gain consensus with stakeholders on school budget • Plan staffing adjustments • Develop Goals and Priorities • Review data, assess community needs • Revisit district, school goals, revise and adopt • Identify and prioritize strategies and activities • Finalize School Plans • Implement staffing adjustments • Review budget and school site plan with stakeholders • Submit school plan for final School Board approval • Implement • Begin implementationof school and district plans • Training and PD calendar for staff • Continue to engage community on implementation

  15. 8 State Goals

  16. No. 1 Credentials and Instructional Materials • Appropriate teaching assignments and corresponding credentials • Sufficient standards-aligned instructional materials • School facilities maintained and in good repair

  17. No. 2 Academic Standards • Implementation of academic content performance standards

  18. No. 3 Parental Involvement • Actively seek parental input • Promote parental participation

  19. No. 4 Pupil Achievement • Percentage of English Learners proficient in English • Percentage of students “3” or higher on AP exams • Percentage of students college and career ready • Percentage of students prepared for college (EAP) • Score on API (Until replaced) • Performance on Standardized Tests

  20. No. 5 Pupil Engagement No. 6 School Climate No. 5 • School Attendance rates • Absenteeism rates • Middle/High school dropout rates • High School graduation rates No. 6 • Student expulsion-rates • Discipline data • Other local measures • PBIS participation • IUSD Parent-Teacher-Student surveys

  21. No. 7 Access and EnrollmentNo. 8 Pupil Outcomes No. 7 • Student access and enrollment in abroad course of study, including students with exceptional needs No. 8 • Other indicators of student performance which might include: • Benchmark assessments • Grades • CAHSEE pass rates • Physical fitness test • California Healthy Kids Survey Results

  22. Adopting and Updating the LCAP

  23. How is IUSD Preparing for LCAP? In preparation for developing IUSD’s LCAP, district stakeholders are currently identifying: • IUSD Strategic Initiativesthat correlate to 8 state goals • Core services provided to students • Needs by sub-groups • Supplemental services provided to sub-groups • Actions to meet the identified goals • Expenditures related to state goals • Indicators of success

  24. LCAP Draft Development Timeline November 2013 Established LCAP Core Committee March 2014 SBE releases LCAP template May 2014 LCAP final report presented to Board and stakeholders April 2014 Board Reviews IUSD LCAP draft report June 3, 2014 LCAP Public Hearing June 24, 2014 Adopt LCAP concurrent with 2014-15 Budget Dec.– March 2014 Core LCAP Committee compiles data and gathers stakeholder input

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