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Strategy in to action

Strategy in to action. Introduction. Strengths. Diversification Reputation High Skills recourses Positive perception towards Cricket Standard Cricket grounds. Weaknesses. Weak financial position and due that lack of operational and strategic plans

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Strategy in to action

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strategy in to action

  2. Introduction

  3. Strengths • Diversification • Reputation • High Skills recourses • Positive perception towards Cricket • Standard Cricket grounds

  4. Weaknesses • Weak financial position and due that lack of operational and strategic plans • Instability and Inefficient administration • No clear vision and strategy that is universally understood 4. Limited capacity/capabilities/competencies (process and people) and staff not powered to run the operations

  5. Weaknesses……. 5. The high performance training facilities are not up to the expected international standards with no indoor facilities and insufficient focus on the science and medical aspects necessary in contemporary international sport

  6. Oppertunities • Good trend for women cricket • Good domestic young players(rural) • Can have similar tournament (T20,IPL) • Large no of Cricket Fans

  7. Threats • Political influences • Burden of debtors

  8. Recommendations • Vision To be the best cricket team in the world • Mission To produce quality players and meet the current and future challenges of international cricket,

  9. Recommendations…… Financial • Put Fans First -Maximize Sri Lankan passion for cricket, specially emphasize on test cricket • Go for long-term ‘soft’ loans with low interest rates

  10. Recommendations…… Team Performance • Invest on proper trainers • Encourage for test matches • Increasing the number of domestic tournaments

  11. Recommendations…… Administration • Develop a clear and well understood vision and strategy for cricket in Sri Lanka. • Provide world-class leadership and management and unify Australian Cricket • Appoint correct person to positions

  12. Slide Master • Your Text here • Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit, seddiam no n u mmynibheuismodtinciduntutlaoreet do lore magna aliquamer at v olut pat. Utwisienim ad mi ni m venia m, quisnostrudexercitatio n ullamcorpersuscip it lobor tis nislutaliquip ex eacommodo cons equat. • Duisautemveleumiriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputatevelitessemo les tie consequat, velillumdoloreeufeugiatnullafacilisis at veroeros et ac cumsan et iustoodiodignissim qui blanditpraesentluptatumzzril dele nit augueduisdoloretefeugaitnullafacilisi

  13. Print Master • Your Text here • Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit, seddiam no n u mmynibheuismodtinciduntutlaoreet do lore magna aliquamer at v olut pat. Utwisienim ad mi ni m venia m, quisnostrudexercitatio n ullamcorpersuscip it lobor tis nislutaliquip ex eacommodo cons equat. • Duisautemveleumiriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputatevelitessemo les tie consequat, velillumdoloreeufeugiatnullafacilisis at veroeros et ac cumsan et iustoodiodignissim qui blanditpraesentluptatumzzril dele nit augueduisdoloretefeugaitnullafacilisi

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