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English Language Development Essential Standards WIDA Standards 10-31-11 D. Sisk

English Language Development Essential Standards WIDA Standards 10-31-11 D. Sisk. Intro: How did we get here?. 1998 - All ELLs exempted from testing for 2 years. 2000 – No NC standardized ELL English assessment 2000 – NC developed ELD guide to SCOS 2001 - No Child Left Behind enacted

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English Language Development Essential Standards WIDA Standards 10-31-11 D. Sisk

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  1. English Language Development Essential StandardsWIDA Standards10-31-11D. Sisk

  2. Intro: How did we get here? • 1998 - All ELLs exempted from testing for 2 years. • 2000 – No NC standardized ELL English assessment • 2000 – NC developed ELD guide to SCOS • 2001 - No Child Left Behind enacted • 2001 - IPT • 2002 - NCAAAI (for EC/LEP) – no exemptions • 2005 – NCAAAI discontinued • 2005 – IPT II • 2006 – NCLASS (mostly LEP/some EC) – WS/FCS 1st Title III Audit. • 2008 – WAPT/ACCESS & WIDA standards • 2008 – First year LEP exemption for ELA tests • 2008/9 – NCLASS discontinued • 2010 – Common Core/Essential standards approved by SBOE • 2012 – New version of WIDA standards resource guide • 2012 – New assessments for Common Core/Essential Standards? • 2012 – New ACCESS assessment? • 2012 – Reauthorization of ESEA (NCLB)?

  3. WIDA 2007 Content Language MPI formula Can Do Descriptors Transformations MPI examples Rubrics WIDA 2012 additions Common Core connections Additional info. on connection with levels of thinking (Blooms). Revised rubrics Amplified Standards More of a focus on identifying the “language of.” Part 1: WIDA changes?

  4. Brief Intro to 2012 WIDA standards • http://www.wida.us/standards/DraftRelease/player.html

  5. Activity: Make it work. • Directions: Get into groups of three. • 1st – Each person chooses a word to describe the new WIDA standards format. You should have three words. • 2nd – Explain to your partners why you chose that word. • 3rd - Work together to write a coherent paragraph about the video that incorporates all three of your words.

  6. Example: Make it Work • Words Chosen: Connected, Common Core, Rigor. • Paragraph: • We were a little concerned with whether the new standards were connected to what we are now doing. However, I can see that the rigor of the Common Core is part of the new WIDA standards.

  7. So . . . A panda walks into the library. He eats a sandwich, then draws his bow and shoots two arrows. “Why did you do that?” asks the librarian. The panda shows her a dictionary entry. I’m a panda. That’s what it says we do. The librarian looks at the page.

  8. Pán-da:Large black-and-white mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves. Credit - Lynn Truss

  9. Some other punctuation issues • Pupil’s entrance (very selective school) • Adult Learner’s week (lucky him).

  10. Part 2: What is language?

  11. Activity: Affinity Diagram Directions: In groups of 5-6. 1st – Using the sticky notes on your table, write one idea on each sticky note describing or identifying any component of language. ANYTHING!!! 2nd – Categorize the sticky notes on your chart paper. 3rd – Tape your chart paper up on the wall.

  12. Part 3: Review: Connecting with the 2007 WIDA Performance Definitions • In the 2007 WIDA Resource Guide, we have Performance Definitions. • There are six levels (1-6). • Each level contains three criteria: Discourse Complexity, Language Conventions and Vocabulary.

  13. Activity: Performance Defs. Directions: • Get into groups of 4-6 people. • Each group receives an envelope. • Follow the directions in the envelope to reorganize the 2007 Performance Defs. • Discuss with your colleagues. • Check your work.

  14. Part 4: Analyzing WIDA 2012 the “language of.”

  15. Blooms Revised Taxonomy

  16. Activity: Jigsaw Plus Directions: 1st – get into groups of three 2nd – each person chooses oneAcademic Performance Criteria from the Language Chart. 3rd – Read through your criteria. 4th – Explain to your partners. 5th – Next . . . The Plus.

  17. PLUS: Analyze and describel some of the language features you see in these sentences. 1. The airplane needed to land because the pilot noticed that the engine was malfunctioning. 2. Writing is an amazing way to spend a winter evening indoors. 3. He would bring the wood inside every day.

  18. Part 5: WIDA 2012: Amplified Standards.


  20. Activity: Identifying the “language of” Directions: Working in groups of 2-3. 1. Choose an MPI from your 2007 WIDA guide or the 2012 WIDA guide. • Use the poster paper provided and markers provided. • Develop a chart with the following rows: • 2007 or 2012 MPIs that you choose. • Discourse Complexity • Language Forms and Conventions • Vocabulary Usage

  21. Debrief Ticket out the door.

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