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World Geography

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World Geography

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    1. World Geography Flash Cards Central and South America Standards of Learning WG.4 S. Reddecliff

    3. What is the main religion of Latin America?

    4. Roman Catholic

    5. What is the main language of Latin America?

    6. Spanish

    7. What is the official language of Brazil?

    8. Portuguese

    9. What 3 Latin America countries have oil?

    10. Venezuela, Mexico & Ecuador

    11. What are the 4 centers of culture & trade in Latin America?

    12. Mexico City, Mexico Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Buenos Aires, Argentina Santiago, Chile

    13. What are the Pampas?

    14. Grasslands of Argentina

    15. What is a Mestizo?

    16. A person with European and Indian blood

    17. That type of climate is found in most of South America?

    18. Tropical

    19. In what country is the Amazon Rain Forest?

    20. Brazil

    21. What are the llanos, and in what South American country are they found?

    22. Grasslands of Venezuela

    23. What is tierra caleiente?

    24. It is Spanish for “Hot Climate”

    25. What is tierra templada?

    26. Temperate Climate – 4 seasons

    27. What is tierra fria?

    28. It is Spanish for “Cold Land”

    29. What are gauchos?

    30. South American cowboys

    31. What is the driest desert in the world, located in South America?

    32. The Atacama Desert in Chile

    33. What brought African music and dance to the Caribbean islands?

    34. Slavery

    35. Who were the original people of Latin America and still make up a large part of the population?

    36. Indians

    37. What 2 influences did the Europeans bring with them to Latin & South America?

    38. Language & Religion

    39. Is there “in” migration or “out” migration in Latin America?

    40. Out migration

    41. What is a hacienda?

    42. A large ranch

    43. What mountain range runs through Mexico?

    44. The Sierra Madres

    45. What is plantation agriculture?

    46. Large corporations that grow one type of crop

    47. What 2 land features are common in Latin America?

    48. Volcanoes & Earthquakes

    49. If it is winter in North America, what season is it in South America?

    50. Summer

    51. Where are the only 2 ancient civilians to build pyramids?

    52. Egypt & Latin America

    53. What is the longest mountain in South America (and the world)?

    54. The Andes Mountain Range

    55. What type of social structure is present in Latin America?

    56. Rigid European descendents – rich Mestizos – middle class Indians - poor

    57. What type of forest is being endangered in this region?

    58. Rain Forests

    59. What is the world’s largest rain forest?

    60. Amazon Rain Forest - Brazil

    61. What technique is used to take down forests?

    62. Slash & Burn

    63. What is deforestation?

    64. Cutting down forests

    65. What are megacities?

    66. Very large cities of Latin America

    67. What is vertical farming?

    68. Growing different types of crops at different elevations on the sides of mountains

    69. What is an ejidos?

    70. Communal Land

    71. Do the countries of Latin America have diverse economies?

    72. yes

    73. What type of settlements have developed outside Latin American city borders?

    74. Shanty Towns/Squatter Settlements

    75. Where does most of the population live?

    76. Along the Coast

    77. What is the largest river in the world?

    78. The Amazon River In Brazil

    79. What is the most polluted city on the planet?

    80. Mexico City, Mexico

    81. What country moved its capital from its coastline to its interior region?

    82. Brazil – moved its capital from Rio de Janeiro inland to Brasilia

    83. What is the only Communist island in the Caribbean?

    84. Cuba

    85. What is subsistence farming?

    86. Growing just enough food to feed your family

    87. What is this?

    88. Tikal Guatemala Ancient Mayan Pyramid

    89. What is this?

    90. Machu Picchu Peruvian, Andes South America

    91. Name country “E”

    92. Brazil

    93. Name country “C”

    94. Venezuela

    95. Mapping Game Links: Play “Countries” Level One Beginner (know all Central & South American Countries) Play “Georegions” game Play “Seas G” game http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/South_America_Geography.htm

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