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Proposed topics for Master theses in management control and innovation (spring term 2014) Supervisor: Andrea Fried

Proposed topics for Master theses in management control and innovation (spring term 2014) Supervisor: Andrea Fried. Proposed topics for Master theses - spring term 2014 . 1. Specialist career programs for R&D personnel in knowledge -intensive organizations.

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Proposed topics for Master theses in management control and innovation (spring term 2014) Supervisor: Andrea Fried

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  1. Proposedtopicsfor Master thesesin managementcontrolandinnovation(spring term2014) Supervisor: Andrea Fried

  2. Proposedtopicsfor Master theses - spring term2014 1. Specialistcareerprogramsfor R&D personnel in knowledge-intensive organizations • R&D specialistcareerprogramsasincentivesystemsandenablersoftechnicalinnovation • Diffusionofspecialistcareerprograms in Sweden/ in theworld • Comparisonofspecialistcareersprograms: documentanalysis (aims/ motivationforsettingupandimplementation) and qualitative interviews(realization) • Aim: Development ofevaluationcriteriaforspecialistcareers: contributiontothe innovative capacity/ forenablingtechnicalinnovationoforganizationsandothercriteria andrea.fried@liu.se

  3. Proposedtopicsfor Master theses - spring term2014 2. Power in organizations and its consequences for the implementation of performance measurement systems (PMS) • Analysis of how power/ resistance/ supportwill be generated by management and employees during the enrollment of a specific PMS • Taking into account a constantly changing environment: alterations in participating actors, their interests, PMS alternatives etc. • Theoreticalbasis: e.g. Actor Network Theory • Potential empiricalexamples: BalancedScorecard, CapabilityMaturity Model Integrated (CMMI), Six Sigma orsimilar • Eithersecondaryanalysisofexisting qualitative dataorsurveyofownprimarydataasbasisfor a casestudy Castells, M., 2011. A Network Theory of Power. International Journal of Communication5(2011), 773-787. Karstens, L. 2006. Management concepts: theirtransferandimplementation. Critical perspectives on international business2(3), 195 – 207. Latour, B., 2005. Reassembling the social: an introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. andrea.fried@liu.se

  4. Proposedtopicsfor Master theses - spring term2014 3. Open innovationandmanagementcontrolsystems • How influential are management control systems in open innovation processes? • What is the intention to use control systems in open innovation processes? • What are hindrances and chances ? andrea.fried@liu.se

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