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Secure Naming Infrastructure Pilot (SNIP)

A .gov Community Pilot for DNSSEC Deployment JointTechs Workshop July 18, 2007 Scott Rose NIST scottr@nist.gov. Secure Naming Infrastructure Pilot (SNIP). SNIP Goals. DNSSEC is now a FISMA Requirement.

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Secure Naming Infrastructure Pilot (SNIP)

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  1. A .gov Community Pilot for DNSSEC Deployment JointTechs Workshop July 18, 2007 Scott Rose NIST scottr@nist.gov Secure Naming Infrastructure Pilot (SNIP)

  2. SNIP Goals • DNSSEC is now a FISMA Requirement. • NIST SP-800-53-r1 (Dec 2006) “Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems” mandates the incremental deployment of DNSSEC technologies in Moderate and High Impact IT systems. • Moderate Impact – must sign zones. • High Impact – must be prepared to validate signatures. • Need to facilitate technology insertion and adoption. • Standards, implementations and policies don’t guarantee success. • Need for technical community resources and activities to foster early deployments, refine policies and plans, share information and expertise.

  3. SNIP Basics • SNIP will build a USG DNS Ops community and shared pilot • Provide “distributed training ground” for .gov operators deploying DNSSEC • Ability to pilot agency specific scenarios either locally or in SNIP-provided resources. • Create a community resource for DNS admins in the USG to share knowledge and to refine specifications, policies and plans. • SNIP basis is a signed shadow zone under .gov (dnsops.gov) • Will offer delegations and secure chaining to subzones • example – NIST would participate as nist.dnsops.gov • May offer limited hosting service as well • Goal isn't to be a hosting service, but help bootstrap others to host their own zones.

  4. SNIP as a Testbed • Use SNIP tree to exercise DNSSEC operations • Test deployment DNSSEC scenarios. • Multi-vendor platforms for authoritative / caching servers, resolvers. • Zone structure / contents / distribution. • Test DNSSEC operations described in SP800-81 • Zone signing, key rollovers, zone transfers. • Test DNSSEC administration tools (From NIST, Sparta and Shinkuro) • Test performance – in agency specific scenarios. • Community hands-on participation • Agency DNS operators can participate in NIST/SPARTA led exercise. • Results will be published for community

  5. What SNIP is Not • Mandatory • Permanent • Expected lifetime: 2-3 years • The community tools and email lists will remain after the testbed activities conclude.. • 100% Uptime • This is a experimental testbed in which we will conduct disruptive experiments, load/stress test servers, etc.

  6. Levels of Participation • Delegation only • Participants use own testbed systems and perform all administration associated with setup / experimentation. • Remote administration • Participants use SNIP testbed equipment, but perform all administration. • Hosted experiments • NIST/SPARTA set up mirror of agency specific infrastructure, but using SNIP equipment and administration, for specific experiment. • For limited use in investigating specific deployment / technology issues.

  7. The Big Picture – DNSSEC in .gov Internet2 DNSSEC Pilot SNIP Core Infrastructure dnsops.gov. esnet.doe.dnsops.gov. fda.dnsops.gov. zoneedit dhs.dnsops.gov. nist.dnsops.gov. ag1.dnsops.gov. ag2.dnsops.gov. dns-outsource.com DREN DNSSEC Pilot antd.nist.dnsops.gov.

  8. Testbed Technical Details • Multiple authoritative server implementations • Internet2 connection (IPv6 testing) • May have alternate hosting capabilities (multiple servers) • secondaries in other locations? • Ability to host other zones (or servers) for delegations lacking equipment to participate fully. • Zone data can be real (servers), or anonymized • Will maintain and publish trust anchor for dnsops.gov. tree

  9. SNIP Infrastructure Resources • Primary Site – NIST / Gaithersburg MD. • Authoritative dnsops.gov. DNS servers • Secondary Site – Sparta / Columbia MD • Geographic and network dispersion (sort of) • Zone transfers using TSIG for message authentication • Reconfigurable Emulated wide area topology. • 20+ node Emulab being deployed at NIST.

  10. Additional NIST Resources • Other SNIP infrastructure • Web server and mail host for mailing lists • Test and measurement systems • Signing Infrastructure – dnsops.gov. apex. • Done behind firewall • Private keys not stored on servers • Scheduled resigning done every month • Also after updates as necessary

  11. SNIP Primary Auth Server SNIP Topology NIST Network Emulab Network Internet /UUNet Internet2 /MAX Test and Measurement Systems SNIP Secondary Auth Server Signing system

  12. SNIP Operational Overview • Will use procedures outlined in SP800-81 • 1024 bit RSA ZSK • Rolled over every month • 2048 bit RSA KSK • Rolled over during experimentation • published as pilot trust anchor • ZSK rollover every 30 days • KSK on a less formal basis (experiment in trust anchor rollover) • Using NSEC initially, may experiment signing with NSEC3

  13. DNS Administrator Resources • Will remain active after SNIP zone shuts down • Project Website • Links to guides, tools, and performance stats • Mailing list • Useful for announcements and security bulletins • Revision of NIST SP800-81 • using knowledge gained during SNIP operational lifetime • More examples of different server implementations • Information on how to interact with parent zones (GSA)

  14. SNIP Impact • Stepping stone for operational use • USG DNS operators get experience running delegation under dnsops.gov before deploying in own agency • Tool testing • Tech transfer / training on existing tool suites (NIST, SPARTA, Shinkuro, ISC, et al). • Platform Testing • Multi-vendor environment • Servers - ISC/BIND, NSD, Microsoft, Nominum(?) and more surprises • Resolvers – Linux, BSD, Microsoft, OS X • Applications – TBD. • Procedure Testing • Refinement of procedure/policy guidance and reporting requirements

  15. Participation • Will try to accommodate all • Non USG entities: dnsops.biz • May try to get a presence in other TLD’s a well • Don’t want a delegation? • How about a DNAME? • Tool developers • Can run locally or have delegation/secondary/etc as necessary.

  16. Resources • NIST Special Publications page http://www.csrc.nist.gov/ • DNSSEC Project Page http://www.dnsops.gov http://www-x.antd.nist.gov/dnssec • DNSSEC-Deployment Web page • Informal working group http://www.dnssec-deployment.org/ http://www.dnssec-deployment.org/news/dnssecthismonth/

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