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Good Morning!

Good Morning!. Some housekeeping… Label and insert tabs in your notebook Please replace the handouts: Overview of RtII packet in your notebook (General Info) Systems Change (Making the Transititon ) Make a name tent:. First Name Position Strength.

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Good Morning!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Morning! Some housekeeping… • Label and insert tabs in your notebook • Please replace the handouts: • Overview of RtII packet in your notebook (General Info) • Systems Change (Making the Transititon) • Make a name tent: First Name Position Strength

  2. Response to Instruction and Intervention in a Standards-Aligned System Fall 2010 Kathleen Eich, Joan Gillis, Tanya Morret Educational Consultants Capital Area Intermediate Unit #15

  3. Today’s Agenda

  4. Overview of a Three-Tier Model Pennsylvania’s Response to Instruction and Intervention Model (RtII)

  5. Where are you now? Thumbs Up? Thumbs Down? • Has the number of students needing extra support (academic or behavior) increased or decreased in recent years? • Of the students who fall behind, what percent would you say catch up as a result of programs in your school? • How strong is the belief in your school that ALL students can achieve?

  6. RtII Defined

  7. Addressing the Priorities:A Standards-Aligned System

  8. How Did We Get Here? Summative and Formative Assessment Tools PSSA 4Sight, DIBELS, AimsWeb, other local assessments Getting Results! - School Improvement Process Scientifically research-based Reading and Math programs Effective Instruction Learning-Focused Schools Flexible Grouping Differentiated Instruction Scaffolding Immediate Feedback Progress Monitoring Data-based decision making RtII

  9. What is RtII? A school-wide, multi-tiered, standards-aligned approach to comprehensively allocate resources to meet the needs of all students An integrative way to provide high quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs A preventative system of service delivery: use of assessment data (learning rate, level of performance) to make instructional decisions An alternate to the aptitude-achievement discrepancy model for the identification of students with learning disabilities

  10. Benefits of RtII • Early intervening • Collaboration between staff • Increased achievement for all students • A model of continuous improvement • assessing, planning, implementing • Positive parent involvement • Reduction in number of students identified for special services Partner Talk

  11. Core Components of RtII • Standards aligned instruction in a research-based core program • Universal screening • academics and behavior • Shared responsibility for all students • Data-based team decision making • Progress Monitoring • Benchmark Assessment • Outcome Assessment • Tiered intervention & service delivery system • Research-based interventions • Flexible grouping • Fidelity of Implementation • Parental engagement

  12. Core Components of Response to Instruction & Intervention PA’s Standards Aligned Systems

  13. *The most crucial work of RtII implementation is ensuring quality teaching in the standards aligned general education core curriculum.

  14. Defining Core Instruction High Quality Core Literacy Instruction

  15. Pennsylvania’s RtII Approach A Standards-Aligned Framework to Improve Student Achievement

  16. A walk through the tiers… • Definition • Functions • Teams • Outcomes

  17. Create a Foldable  Progress Monitoring Tier 3  LIPS trained staff  Extra 30 minutes/day Tier 2  Progress Monitoring  SBRR Core Program  Benchmark Assessment Tier 1

  18. Tier 1: Standards Aligned Instruction for All Students Definition: Standards aligned instruction and school- wide foundational interventions provided to all students in the general education core curriculum.

  19. Tier 1 Functions High Quality Instruction Universal Screening Benchmark Assessment Data analysis teaming School-wide behavior supports

  20. Tier 1 Teaming • Review school-wide and grade level data • Adjust instruction for all students • Set short term and long term goals • Monitor students’ response to adjustments • Prescribe interventions for groups of students

  21. Tier 1: Potential Outcomes • Responders - Continue effective practices • Non-responders – • Adjust instruction, differentiate, scaffold, monitor • Add Tier 2 OR Tier 3 intervention(s)

  22. List on your foldable: What components of Tier One already exist in your school?

  23. Tiered Interventions Tier 3 Definition: Strategies, methodologies and practices designed for a few students significantly below established grade-level benchmarks Tier 2 Definition: Strategies, methodologies and practices designed for some students not making expected progress in the standards-aligned system.

  24. Functions of Tiers 2 and 3 • Tier 3 • In addition to core instruction • Use of standard protocol interventions • Can be outside the general ed. classroom • Small intensive, flexible groups (1-5) • Weekly Monitoring(graph results) Review progress every 6 to 8 weeks looking at rate of improvement Flexible use of staff Tier 2 • In addition to core instruction • Scientifically research-based strategies and interventions • Small group instruction (6-8) • Progress monitoring every 2 weeks (graph results)

  25. Teaming for Intervention Tiers • Tier 3 • Problem solve collaboratively using data • Set short term and long term goals • Prescribe or adjust intervention • Adjust instructional groups • Deepen assessment to define underlying causes for lack of growth (determine need to refer for evaluation) Tier 2 • Problem solve collaboratively using data • Set short term and long term goals • Prescribe or adjust intervention • Share resources • Adjust instructional groups • Deepen assessment to define student needs

  26. Potential Outcomes • Tier 3 • Responders • Move to Tier 2 • Continue Tier 3 intervention • Non-responders • Adjust instruction and continue Tier 3 intervention • Refer for special education evaluation Tier 2 • Responders • Move to Tier 1 • Continue Tier 2 intervention • Non-responders • Adjust instruction and continue Tier 2 intervention • Move to Tier 3 intervention

  27. List on your foldable: What components of Tiers Two and Three already exist in your school?

  28. RtII Defined RtII is… implemented within the general educationsystem coordinated with all other services including special education, Title I, ELL, Migrant Education, etc. a proactivesystem to provide instructional intervention immediately upon student need a process that monitors a student’s response to instruction and intervention as a part of the evaluation procedures an alternative approach to the diagnosis of Specific Learning Disabilities. RtII is not a (n)… pre-referral system individual teacher single classroom special education program added period of reading instruction a separate, stand alone initiative

  29. What We’ve Learned • Focus must be instruction The “what” and the “how”

  30. Supports for Pennsylvania Educators

  31. Instruction • Consider some characteristics of effective instruction: • Instructional goals are clear and communicated • Students are very actively engaged • Teachers are assessing learning throughout • Instruction is scaffolded • Teacher knowledge of content is deep • Assessment is a key part of planning

  32. What We’ve Learned • Supports for RtII must be in place • Schedule adjustments • Time for staff learning • Time for tiered interventions • Opportunity for teacher-talk • Data discussions for instructional decision making (data analysis teaming) • Professional Development • Must be onsite, job-embedded and onsite • Must focus on capacity building

  33. The Goal! • Improved Student Achievement for all • Restructuring the School • Improved Student Motivation and Self Esteem

  34. RtII Framework • Tiered Instruction • Focus on strengthening the general education program • Change in teacher behavior • Data analysis and USE of data in instructional decision making • Realigning resources to meet student needs

  35. Core Components of RtII Standards aligned instruction Universal screening Shared responsibility for all students Data-based team decision making Tiered intervention & service delivery system Parental engagement Leadership Behavior

  36. Core Components of Response to Instruction & Intervention PA’s Standards Aligned Systems

  37. Core Components of Response to Instruction & Intervention PA’s Standards Aligned Systems

  38. “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now” Alan Lakein

  39. What happens when we forget to plan?

  40. Resources Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network:www.pattan.net What Works Clearinghouse: www.whatworks.ed.gov Florida Center for Reading Research: www.fcrr.org Oregon Reading First Center: www.reading.uoregon.edu Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts: www.texasreading.org Best Evidence Encyclopedia: www.bestevidence.org

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