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HenryVIII and His Six Wives

HenryVIII and His Six Wives. Historical Context. Henry VIII acceded to the throne of England in 1509

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HenryVIII and His Six Wives

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  1. HenryVIII and HisSixWives

  2. HistoricalContext • Henry VIII acceded to the throne of England in 1509 • Henry VIII's period marks England's transition from a medieval to a modern nation. This is evident in the political changes resulting from Henry's policies during and after his break with the Roman Catholic Church. • It was the political and legal domination of the Papacy he expelled from England by naming himself Supreme Head of the Church. • Henry VIII’s view of religion remained very close to the Catholic Church.

  3. Characters: Henry VIII • Henry VIII wasveryfamousformanythingsbutmainlybecause he marriedsix times. • He wasnot a kindhusband • Born in 1491, King of England from April 1509 to January 1547. • Responsible for England's formal break with the Roman Catholic Church in 1534.

  4. TheSixWives of Henry VIII

  5. Book introduction • Catherine Parr, Henry’ssixthwifegoes back tothepalace of Whitehall and finds a box witholdletterswrittento Henry. • Theletters are onefromeach of thefivefirstwives. • Catherine Parrreads and narratesthestory of eachone of theletterstohermaid Margaret. Eachlettertalksabout a differentwife and theirlives as Henry’squeens.

  6. Book’sglossary • Beheaded: when a person’s head iscut off • Bury: toput a deadperson in theground • Maid: a womandorgirlwhoispaidtowork in anotherperson’shouse • Mistress: a girlfriend of a marriedman. Sheisnothiswife • Miscarriage: when a woman loses herbabybeforeitisborn • Necklace: a piece of jewellerythatyouwearaourndyourneck • Widow: a woman whose husband has died

  7. Whileyouread • Payattentionto: • Maincharacters (Henry and hiswives). • Mainevents . • Whathappens at thebeginning, middle, and end of thestory. • Commonwordsthatyoudon’tknow. • Important places (Tower of london, palace, etc.)

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